Section II Reading Comprehension
Part C
Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese.Your translation should be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET(10points)
46.It was also,and this is unknown even to many people well read about the period,a battle between those who made codes and those who broke them.
【重難點】and this is unknown…the period為插入語,起強調(diào)的作用,翻譯時可提前置于句首,其中well readabouttheperiod為形容詞短語作后置定語,修飾people wellread意為“博學的”:主干為It was also a battle;between those who.broke them為介詞短語作后置定語,翻譯時放所修飾的名詞battle前,譯為“……的較量”,且who made codes和who broke them為定語從句,修飾各自前面的those,因從句較短,翻譯時放在所修飾先行詞those前即可,譯為“創(chuàng)造密碼的人”和“破解密碼的人”。
47.It listed many documents in code that had been captured from the French army of Spain,and whose secrets had been revealed by the work of one George Scovell,an officer in British headquarters.
【重難點】in code為介詞短語作后置定語,意為“使用密碼的”,此處documents in code即為“密碼文件”;that had been….Spain和whose secrets…British headquarters為兩個定語從句,由并列連詞and連接,修飾名詞詞組documentsin code其中第一個定語從句翻譯時可放所修飾名詞詞組前,譯為“從西班牙的法國軍隊那里繳獲的密碼文件”,翻譯第二個定語從句時,可將從句引導詞whose譯為先行詞“這些文件的”,然后順譯即可;an officer in British headquarters為George Scovell的同位語,對其進行解釋說明,其中,in British headquarters為介詞短語作定語,修飾officer,翻譯時放所修飾名詞前,譯為“英軍指揮部的一位軍官”,且此處同位語說明了George Scovell的身份,根據(jù)漢語先介紹人物身份再說人名的習慣,可譯為“英軍指揮部的一位軍官喬治·斯科維爾”。
48..…he could not analyze carefully what this obscure officer may or may not have contributed to that great struggle between nations or indeed tell us anything much about the man himself
【重難點】could not analyze….between nations和indeed tellus….himself為兩個“謂語+賓語”的結構,由并列連詞or連接;what this obscure officer…between nations為賓語從句,作analyze的賓語,其中may or may not可以靈活譯為“是否”,賓語從句整體翻譯為“這位鮮為人知的軍官是否對那場國家間的大規(guī)模戰(zhàn)爭起到作用”
49.There may have been many spies and intelligence officers during the Napoleonic Wars,but it is usually extremely difficult to find the material they actually provided or worked on.
【重難點】There may have been….the Napoleonic Wars和it is usually extremely difficult….worked on由并列連詞but連接;其中during the Napoleonic Wars為介詞短語作狀語,修飾句子,翻譯時需要前置翻譯,intelligence officer意為“情報人員”,the Napoleonic Wars意為“拿破侖戰(zhàn)爭”;it is usually…worked on為形式主語句型,it為形式主語,to find…workedon是真正的主語,翻譯時遵循整體順譯原則,但其中they actually provided or worked on為省略引導詞的定語從句,修飾material 因其較短,翻譯時提至先行詞前譯出。
50.Just as the code breaking has its wider relevance in the struggle for Spain so his attempts to make his way up the promotion ladder speak volumes about British society.
【重難點】justas….so….為固定的句式結構,意為“正如……,……也一樣”;codebreaking意為“密碼破譯”;in the struggle for Spain為介詞短語作狀語,修飾謂語動詞has,翻譯時提至所修飾動詞前;to make his way upthepromotionladder為todo不定式短語作后置定語,修飾attempts,翻譯時提至所修飾名詞前,make one’s way意為“(在生活或事業(yè)等方面)取得進步”;speakvolumesabout意為“清楚表明;充分說明”。