高頓網(wǎng)校友情提示,*7吐魯番會計繼續(xù)教育網(wǎng)上總結(jié)信息Excel2007新知-Tables Part 2_附著,結(jié)構(gòu)化選中等內(nèi)容公布如下:  Tables Part 2: Stickiness, Structured Selection, And More
  One of the key benefits of tables is how other features in Excel 12 behave more predictably and more like you would expect when a table is present. This is made possible by the fact that Excel knows exactly where the table starts and ends, where the header row is, which cells make up the data and which columns they belong to, where the total row is, etc. So how exactly does this benefit the user? Here are some of the different ways in Excel’s awareness of the structure of your data changes the user experience.
  Excel 12列表的一個核心優(yōu)點在于-當(dāng)使用列表時,其他相關(guān)功能能夠更有預(yù)測性的迎合用戶的需求,為了使這一切成為可能,Excel必須準(zhǔn)確定知道列表的相關(guān)信息,如:開始和結(jié)束位置以及標(biāo)題行位置,哪些單元格包含數(shù)據(jù),它們分別屬于哪些列等等。那么這些功能到底對終端用戶有什么好處呢?Excel所具有的識別用戶數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu)的不同方式可以帶給用戶不同以往的感受。
  When a user does something to a column of data in a table, it "sticks". What exactly does that mean? If, for example, a user applies a conditional format to an entire column of a table, Excel assumes that the conditional format is always meant to cover the entire table column. So as new rows are added to the table, either in the middle or at the end, and as rows are deleted, Excel will automatically extend or contract the conditional formatting rule appropriately. The rule “sticks” to the column. We already saw this with the example in my previous post, but it doesn’t just stop with conditional formatting. This concept works with just about anything you can apply to a column, such as formatting (anything in the Format Cells dialog), cell protection, data validation, etc. In addition, this * also applies to anything that holds on to a reference, such as formulas, charts and PivotTables.
  How do you make something “sticky”? There’s no explicit gesture for this. Excel just assumes that anytime something is done to an entire column, the setting is meant to always follow the column. So, if a user selects a table column and applies a data validation rule, that rule will grow and shrink with the table. Create a PivotTable that uses a table as its data source, and that Pivot Table will automatically pick up new rows from the table. Ditto for charts. To be precise, when I say “entire column” in this context, I really mean all the data rows. It is not necessary to also include the header cell - this way you don’t have to include the header in order to, for example, make the “currency” number format stick to a column for example.
  This stickiness also applies to new columns. For example, if a table is used as the data source for a chart, then any new columns I add to the table will get picked up by the chart. In addition, properties set on the entire table, headers, and the total row (more on what a total row is in a later post) are also "sticky".
  Now that Excel recognizes things like rows and columns in my tables, it is only natural that it provide simple ways to select those elements of a table. A single mouse click can select one or more rows, one or more columns, or the entire table. To select a column in a table, simply hover the mouse over the top of the header until the mouse cursor turns into a down-arrow and click.
  To select a row, hover the mouse over to the left edge of a row until the mouse cursor turns into a right-arrow and click. And to select the entire table, hover the mouse over the top-left corner of the table until you see an arrow that points down and right and click.
  Note that column and table selection have two *s. The first click always selects just the data portion of the column/table. This makes it easy to select a column of numbers and apply formatting or other properties to the data in the column. The second click expands the selection to cover everything in the column/table, header and all. This is useful for copy/paste operations or rearranging columns in a table.
  If you are a keyboard junkie (like many of the people reading this seem to be), note that there is keyboard support for these selection *s. The existing shortcut keys for row and column selection, SHIFT+SPACE and CTRL+SPACE respectively, have been modified to work with tables. For example, pressing CTRL+SPACE once selects all the data rows in a table column. The second press expands the selection to encompass the entire table column, and the third press expands it again to encompass the entire worksheet column.