  Lease type overview
  A lease is a contractual agreement between a lessor,who conveys the right to use real or personal property (an asset),and a lessee,who agrees to pay periodic rents over a specified time.
  Operating Lease(經(jīng)營(yíng)租賃)
  Capital Lease(GAAP)/Finance Lease(融資租賃)
  Capital Lease
  A lease that transfers substantially all of the benefits and risks inherent in ownership of property to the lessee.
  Operating Lease
  A lease that does NOT qualify as a capital lease.There is no transfer of ownership or of any risk or benefit of ownership.
  Lessee Accounting for Operating Lease
  Lease rent expense.
  Dr. Rent Exp. Cr. Cash/Payable
  Lease bonus:is an amount paid in addition to normal rent or as a prepayment in an operating lease.
  LB(prepayment)is an asset and need amortize.
  LB(addition)is an expense.
  Leasehold improvements(辦公室裝修)
  Permanently affixed to the property and reverts back to the lessor at the termination of the lease.
  The value should be capitalized.
  Depreciated over shorter of useful life or lease term.
  Rent kicker-expense
  Refundable security deposit – an asset.
  Free or reduced rent consideration(免租期)
  體現(xiàn)Matching principle
  Lessor Accounting for Operating Lease
  Leasehold(Fixed assets etc.)
  Recognized on lessor‘s F/S
  Depreciation over the leasehold useful life
  Rental income
  Earned & Realizable
  Rental多為預(yù)收,重在Earned.參 F2-4
  Security Deposits
  Refundable–Firstly recorded as liability,when refund to lessee,derecognize the liability
  Nonrefundable–Firstly recorded as liability,then recognize as revenue when earned,and derecognize the liability.
  Temporary Difference
  GAAP accrual basis
  Tax rule cash basis
  Lease Bonus
  1st deferred(unearned income),
  2nd amortized(into income)over the life of the lease.
  Free or reduced rent consideration
  體現(xiàn)Matching principle
  Capital/Finance Lease
  transfers substantially ownership to the lessee.
  In substance ,an installment purchase.
  Lessee recognized F.A & liability
  Lessor treated as sales-type lease or direct financing lease.
  Lessee Capital Lease Criteria
  Ownership transfers at end of lease(強(qiáng)條件)
  Written option for bargain purchase (強(qiáng)條件)
  Ninety(90%)percent of leased property FV<=PV of Lease payment(弱條件)
  Seventy-five(75%)percent or more of asset economic life is being committed in lease term(弱條件)
  考試技巧:判斷是否為Capital Lease時(shí),順序如下:
  1st 從強(qiáng)條件O與W入手,符合任意一條,是CL,結(jié)束。不符合O與W,進(jìn)行第二步判斷。
  2nd 判斷是否在租賃物交付時(shí),剩余壽命不足全壽命的25%.若是,經(jīng)營(yíng)租賃(OL),結(jié)束。若不是,進(jìn)行第三步判斷。
  3rd 判斷兩個(gè)弱條件是否滿足。滿足任何一條,CL.否則OL
  Lessee Finance Lease Criteria(IFRS)
  Ownership transfer
  Written bargain purchase option
  Economic life major part
  Substantially all FV
  Fluctuation of FV accrue to Lessee
  Ability to continue the lease
  Cancel need born the losses
  Specialized nature
  Lessor–Sales-type/Direct Financing type criteria(US GAAP)- LUC
  Lessee “owns” the leased property(any one of O/W/N/S)
  Uncertainties do NOT exist regarding any unreimbursable costs to be incurred by the lessor
  Collectability is reasonably predictable.
  Lessor–Sales-type Vs. Direct Financing
  A sales-type lease is a lease that meets one of the four capital lease criteria(O/W/NS)and two other criteria(UC)and in which there is a manufacturers‘ or dealers’ profit. 2層利潤(rùn)=銷售利潤(rùn)+利息收入
  A direct financing lease is a lease that meets one of the four capital lease criteria(O/W/N/S)and two other criteria(UC)and in which there is NO manufacturers‘ or dealers’ profit.1層利潤(rùn)=利息收入
  Lessor–Finance Lease Criteria(IFRS)
  In IFRS,the Lessee and the lessor use the same criteria for lease classification. “OWES + FACS”
  In GAAP,the lessor has additional 2 criteria. “1/4 O/W/N/S+U+C”
  Passkey:In GAAP,a lease may be capital lease for lessee and operating lease for lessor. In IFRS,the lessee and the lessor will,in most cases,classify a lease consistently as a finance lease or an operating lease.
  Lessee Capital/Finance lease accounting
  Guaranteed residual value is the amount guaranteed by the lessee to the lessor for the estimated residual value of the asset at the end of the lease term.
  Minimum Lease Payments(MLP)are all payments that a lessee is obligated to make under a capital lease,include the required rental payments, the present value of the payment required for any bargain purchase option(BPO),and the present value of any guaranteed residual value(GRV)payment by the lessee.
  Lessee Capital/Finance lease accounting
  Treats the less objective as if it was purchased.
  XXX-YY-25 Recognition
  Dr.Fixed asset–leased property
  Cr.Liability–obligation under capital lease
  XXX-YY-30 Initial Measurement
  Measurement amount is the lower of Cost and Fair Value.
  Cost is PV of Minimum Lease Payments(MLP)
  Fair value refer to the fair value of asset at the inception of the lease.
  Dr.Fixed asset–leased property min(Cost,F(xiàn)V)
  Cr.Liability–obligation capital lease min(Cost,F(xiàn)V)
  Executory costs
  Insurance,maintenance,taxes can be paid by the lessor or lesee
  Optional buyout(not a bargin)
  IFRS:initial direct costs of the lease paid by the lessee are added to the amount recognized as a finance lease asset.最初租賃資產(chǎn)的入賬價(jià)值可能與租賃負(fù)債的入賬價(jià)值不相等。
  Interest rate for MLP-lower of
  Rate implicit in the lease(if known)
  Lessee‘s incremental borrowing rate
  考點(diǎn)1:租賃類考題中,涉及到確定利率時(shí),敏感詞是“known by lessee”。見(jiàn)到此詞時(shí),要想到lower of
  考點(diǎn)2:實(shí)務(wù)中,租賃多為期初預(yù)付(Annuity Due)??荚囍?,也有租金后付的。請(qǐng)注意區(qū)分。
  Pass Key:承租方在融資租賃中的確定資本化金額時(shí),要用到的兩個(gè)較低:
  Lower of implicit interest rate or incremental borrowing rate. 此處使用較低者的目的是,使用較大的PV of MLP(Cost)的金額,防止低估租賃負(fù)債。
  Lower of cost or market. 此處使用較低的金額,防止高估租入資產(chǎn)的價(jià)值。
  XXX-YY-35 Subsequent Measurement-asset
  Depreciation Method. Same as other PP&E.
  Period of Benefit.依據(jù)O/W/N/S確定
  Estimated economic life of the asset(強(qiáng)條件O/W. Lessee keeps assets at the end of lease.)
  Lease life(弱條件N/S. Lessor gets asset back at the end of lease)
  XXX-YY-35 Subsequent Measurement-Liability
  Effective interest method(實(shí)際利率法)F5-18
  本期歸還本金=總還款- 本期利息
  Dr.Interest expense
  Dr.Liability–obligation of capital lease
  XXX-YY-50 Disclosure
  Disclose everything
  Minimum future rental payments in total,and for each of the next five years.
  Leasing expenses in the present years
  Leasing brief description
  Summary of Lessee Capitalization Rules
  Treat the lease asset as purchased PP&E on the B/S.
  Capitalized as PP&E on the min(Cost,F(xiàn)V)
  FV will be given in the Question
  Cost=PV of MLP
  MLP=Rental+ Bargain Purchase Option+Guaranteed residual value by lessee
  Discount rate is min(Rate implicate,Incremental borrowing rate)
  Lessor Accounting–Sales-Type Lease
  XXX-YY-25 Recognition
  Dr.Lease payments receivable (B/S asset)
  Cr.Unearned interest income (B/S asset)
  Cr.Sales revenue(I/S)
  Dr.Cost of goods sold(I/S)
  Cr.Inventory(B/S asset)
  此處 Unearned interest income 是Lease payments receivable的備抵科目。兩者在科目余額表上是分別列示的,但在報(bào)表上,是以凈值出現(xiàn)的。
  Lessor Accounting–Sales-Type Lease
  XXX-YY-30 Initial measurement
  Unguaranteed residual value(未擔(dān)保殘值)
  Lease payment receivable amount=MLP+Unguaranteed residual value
  Lessor Accounting–Sales-Type Lease
  XXX-YY-30 Initial measurement
  PV of Lease payment receivable
  考點(diǎn):Sales revenue=PV of Lease payment receivable=Selling price=Fair Value(看題目中給出的是哪一個(gè))
  Lessor Accounting–Sales-Type Lease
  XXX-YY-30 Initial measurement
  當(dāng)期確認(rèn)為Unearned interest income(B/S contra account of Lease payments receivable)
  Lessor Accounting–Sales-Type Lease
  XXX-YY-30 Initial measurement
  Lessor Accounting–Sales-Type Lease
  XXX-YY-35 Subsequent measurement
  Dr.Unearned interest income(B/S)
  Cr.Interest Revenue(I/S)
  Effective Interest method
  本期歸還本金=總還款- 本期利息
  Lessor Accounting–Direct Financing Lease
  XXX-YY-25 Recognition
  Dr.Lease payments receivable(B/S asset)
  Cr.Unearned interest income(B/S asset)
  Cr.Inventory(B/S asset)
  XXX-YY-30 Initial measurement 與STL相同
  XXX-YY-35 Subsequent measurement 與STL相同
  The owner of a property(seller-lessee)sells the property and simultaneously leases it back from the purchaser-lessor.
  The seller-lessee is simply refinancing the asset but is no longer the owner.
  Sale-Leaseback 相關(guān)的兩組四個(gè)數(shù)據(jù)
  *9組:Selling Price(SP)與Net Book Value(NBV)。
  第二組:Fair Value(FV)與Present Value of the minimum lease payments(PV)
  Sale-Lease Back G/L確認(rèn)與遞延口訣