高頓網(wǎng)校友情提示,*7滁州會(huì)計(jì)繼續(xù)教育網(wǎng)上總結(jié)信息Excel2007新知-IX 對(duì)SQL服務(wù)器分析服務(wù)的更強(qiáng)大支持等內(nèi)容公布如下:
  All that said, let’s return to Excel 12, and take a look at what the PivotTable Field List looks like when connected to an Analysis Services 2005 model.
  我們說(shuō)了那么多,讓我們回到Excel 12,看看當(dāng)連接到Analysis Services 2005模型時(shí)數(shù)據(jù)透視表的字段清單長(zhǎng)什么樣。
  Measure groups
  When connected to Analysis Services, a PivotTable exposes three types of fields – “measures”, or the numbers (like “sales” and “profit”) that appear on your PivotTables, as well as “KPIs” and “dimensions” (both discussed below). Measures can be grouped together in Analysis Services (by the person that designs the model) into something called “measure groups”. In the Excel 12 field list, each measure group has a “sigma” icon to communicate to the user that the fields in the group are numerical and that they belong in the Values area of the PivotTable. Measure groups essentially represent different sets of business metrics available for analysis; typically a measure group contains related measures from the same business application. In the image below, the Exchange Rates measure group folder is open and there are two measures listed which can be added to the PivotTable – Average Rate and End of Day Rate.
  當(dāng)連接到Analysis Services時(shí),數(shù)據(jù)透視表會(huì)顯示三類字段——“衡量”,或者數(shù)字(如“銷(xiāo)售”和“利潤(rùn)”),還有“KPIs”和“維度”(下面都會(huì)討論)。衡量可以在Analysis Services里組合(由設(shè)計(jì)該模型的人)為名叫“衡量組合”的東西。在Excel 12字段清單里,每個(gè)衡量都有一個(gè)“西格馬”圖標(biāo),告訴用戶該組合里的字段是數(shù)字型的,并且它們都屬于數(shù)據(jù)透視表中的數(shù)值區(qū)域。衡量組合本質(zhì)上代表不同的分析可用的業(yè)務(wù)方法(譯者:作者經(jīng)常提到Business Metrics,不明所以,暫且譯為業(yè)務(wù)方法);衡量組合通常包含來(lái)自相同業(yè)務(wù)軟件的相關(guān)衡量。在下面的圖像上,Exchange Rates衡量組合是開(kāi)啟的,有兩個(gè)衡量,它們可以添加到數(shù)據(jù)透視表——Average Rate和End of Day Rate。
  Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  Below the measure group folders are is a KPI folder (assuming KPIs have been defined in an Analysis Services model). This folder contains Key Performance Indicators defined on the Analysis Services server. (Key Performance Indicators are a big subject unto themselves – for the sake of this article, suffice to say that they track key business metrics and that they are defined in Analysis Services). The different components of a KPI (Value, Goal, Status and Trend) can be added to the Values area of the PivotTable so you can track the latest values of your key business metrics. Here is a screenshot of the KPIs folder ... in the image, the Product Gross Margins KPI is open and all you have to do to add the Value, Goal, Status or Trend of the KPI to the PivotTable is to check the checkbox next to it.
  在衡量組合文件夾下面是一個(gè)KPI文件夾(假設(shè)KPIs已經(jīng)在Analysis Services模型里定義了)。該文件夾包含在Analysis Services服務(wù)器上定義的關(guān)鍵性能指標(biāo)。(關(guān)鍵性能指標(biāo)對(duì)它們自己來(lái)說(shuō)是個(gè)大主題——為了這篇文章,足可以說(shuō)它們追蹤關(guān)鍵業(yè)務(wù)方法,它們?cè)贏nalysis Services上已定義好)。KPI的不同成員(數(shù)值,目標(biāo),現(xiàn)狀和趨勢(shì))可以添加到數(shù)據(jù)透視表的數(shù)值區(qū)域,這樣你就可以在你的關(guān)鍵業(yè)務(wù)方法中追蹤*7的數(shù)值。這是KPI文件夾的截屏……在該圖片里,Product Gross Margins KPI是開(kāi)啟的,所有你需要做的只是勾選KPI里的Value,Goal,Status或者Trend旁邊的勾選框,將它們添加到數(shù)據(jù)透視表里。
  KPIs in PivotTables are quite interesting - I’ll cover PivotTable KPI support in more detail in an upcoming post.
  Finally, the dimensions of the Analysis Services model are listed in the PivotTable field list. (Dimensions are the different attributes that you can use to slice and dice your data, like time, geography, customer, product, etc.) In the screenshot below, the Customer dimension folder is open and you can see the customer-related fields available in the Analysis Services model.
  最后,Analysis Services模型的維度列在數(shù)據(jù)透視表的字段清單里。(維度是一些不同的屬性,你可以用來(lái)將你的數(shù)據(jù)分成片斷,例如時(shí)間,地區(qū),消費(fèi)者,產(chǎn)品,等等。)在下面的截屏中,Customer維度文件夾是開(kāi)啟的,你可以看到Analysis Services模型中與消費(fèi)者相關(guān)的字段。
  Organizing the field list
  Within the measure group folders, the KPIs folder and the dimension folders, the person that authors the Analysis Services model can set up subfolders to organize the data in an intuitive way, making it much easier for business users to navigate the field list. In the screen shot above, an example would be the Contacts and Location folders. These folders are defined on the Analysis Services; Excel picks them up when initializing the PivotTable Field List.
  在衡量組合文件夾里,KPIs文件夾和維度文件夾,Analysis Services模型的作者可以創(chuàng)建子文件夾,以一種更直接的方式來(lái)組織數(shù)據(jù),讓業(yè)務(wù)用戶更容易瀏覽字段清單。在上面的截屏中,Contacts和Location文件夾是這方面的例子。這些文件夾是在Analysis Services上定義好的;Excel在初始化數(shù)據(jù)透視表字段清單的時(shí)候選上它們的。
  For those of you that are familiar with SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services, the field list will show both user hierarchies (like Customer Geography in the example) and attribute hierarchies (like Email Address in the example). If you do not specify any folder for an attribute hierarchy on the server, we will display it in a special “More Fields” folder under the dimension where it belongs. We do this since there are typically many attribute hierarchies (often one per column of each table in the source database), and listing them at the top level makes it hard to navigate the field list.
  對(duì)于那些熟悉SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services的人來(lái)說(shuō),字段清單既會(huì)顯示用戶層次(象示例中的Customer Geography),也會(huì)顯示屬性層次(象示例中的Email Address)。如果你在服務(wù)器上不指定任何屬性層次的話,那么我們就會(huì)在維度文件夾那里顯示一個(gè)特殊的“More Fields”(譯者:更多字段)文件夾。我們這樣做是因?yàn)橥ǔ5膶傩詫哟翁嗔耍ㄔ谠磾?shù)據(jù)庫(kù)里,經(jīng)常是每列一個(gè)),如果將它們列在上面,就會(huì)使字段清單的瀏覽太困難了。
  Focusing the information in the field list
  When a PivotTable is connected to SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services, at the top of the PivotTable Field List, there is a drop down where the user can select which measure group you want to work with. In many cases, you only need the measures from one measure group for a report, and this drop down allows you to filter out all the other measure groups as well as KPIs and dimensions that are not related to the measure group you select. This can have the effect of reducing the number of fields visible in the field list making it much easier to build your analysis.
  當(dāng)一個(gè)數(shù)據(jù)透視表被連接到SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services時(shí),在數(shù)據(jù)透視表上面的字段列表里,有一個(gè)下拉列表,用戶可以選擇想要使用哪個(gè)衡量組合。很多情況下,你的報(bào)告中只需要一個(gè)衡量組合里的衡量,該下拉列表允許你篩選掉所有其它的衡量組合,以及和你所選衡量組合不相關(guān)的KPIs和維度。效果是可以減少字段清單上的可見(jiàn)字段數(shù)目,使你更容易去創(chuàng)建你的分析。
  To illustrate this with an example, I’ll pick the Financial Reporting measure group.
  為了示范,我將選擇Financial Reporting衡量組合。