高頓網(wǎng)校友情提示,*7杭州會計繼續(xù)教育網(wǎng)上總結(jié)信息Excel2007新知-對編輯公式功能的改進Part 2_Formula AutoComplete等內(nèi)容公布如下:
  poFormula editing improvements Part 2: Formula AutoComplete
  對編輯公式功能的改進 Part 2:Formula AutoComplete
  Last post I covered improvements we made to a long-time fixture of the Excel UI - the formula bar.  Today I’d like to introduce a feature that is brand new for Excel 12. The feature is called Formula AutoComplete, and it is designed to make users more efficient.  Specifically, when we designed Formula AutoComplete, we had three goals:
  上次介紹,在Excel用戶界面中,長期以來保持一成不變的編輯欄有了新的變化。今天,我接著來談?wù)凟xcel 12特有的一個新功能——Formula AutoComplete。(譯者注:字面意思為“公式自動完成”)設(shè)計它是為了提高公式編輯的效率。 這里需要特別地說明,在設(shè)計AutoComplete時,我們設(shè)定了三個目標:
  Help users build formulas faster
  Help users build formulas without needing to rely on external help
  Accomplish goals 1 and 2 in a way that is not intrusive or annoying
  For guidance on the user experience we also looked to applications like Excel’s own VBE and Visual Studio, and we made sure to standardize where possible.    我們采用了與Excel自帶的VBE和Visual Studio相同的用戶交互方式,并盡可能地同它們的標準保持一致。
  How it works
  Formula AutoComplete consists of a drop down list of items matching the customer’s keyboard input.  Each item type in the list has its own icon to visually distinguish it.  (The icons you see in the pictures below are works in progress and not final).
  This * is probably best explained with an example.  Let’s walk through the process of building the following formula with Formula AutoComplete:
  =SUBTOTAL(109, data)
  To start, I will do what I always do when creating a formula – type an “=” sign.  For this example, I want to insert the SUBTOTAL function, so I begin with the letter “s”.  Upon typing the letter “s”, the Formula AutoComplete drop down immediately appears and displays a list of options that start with the letter “s”.   The first option in the list (in this case the SEARCH function) is selected and displays a description in a tooltip.  At this point, I could insert this function into the cell by hitting the TAB key or double clicking on the item.
  開始創(chuàng)建公式時,我總是先輸入一個“=”號。在此例中,我想要插入一個SUBTOTAL函數(shù),因此接著輸入“s”。即刻,在單元格下方,出現(xiàn)一個AutoComplete下拉列表,上面顯示一列以字母“s”為首的選項。列表的*9個選項已被選中,而且還帶有一個功能描述的提示。 這里,我只需按一下TAB鍵,或是雙擊該選項,即可完成函數(shù)的輸入。
  Instead, I keep typing.  By the time I have typed “sub”, the list is filtered down to contain only the items starting with “sub” – SUBSTITUTE and SUBTOTAL.  I can navigate down to the SUBTOTAL function by using the up and down ARROW keys.   The descriptive tooltip confirms that this is the function I’m looking for.
  但我沒有這么做,而是接著輸入。當我輸?shù)?ldquo;sub”時,列表中只剩下以“sub”為首的選項—— SUBSTITUTE 和SUBTOTAL ??捎蒙舷鹿鈽随I在選項中移動選擇。此例中要使用向下鍵將光標移到SUBTOTAL的位置。提示中的功能描述提醒我,已找了SUBTOTAL函數(shù)。
  To insert the SUBTOTAL function, I simply need to press the TAB.  AutoComplete inserts the opening parenthesis in addition to the function name, and puts my cursor in the first argument of the function.  In this case, the first argument (function_num) has a specific set of values to select from.   AutoComplete makes it easy to choose one by displaying a list of the valid arguments when my cursor enters the argument.  In this case, I want the SUM option (109), so I’ll select it and hit TAB to insert.   Without auto-complete, I would have to either commit this list to memory or else consult help to get the correct value.