高頓網(wǎng)校友情提示,*7麗江會計繼續(xù)教育網(wǎng)上總結(jié)信息Excel2007新知-非??岬臓顟B(tài)欄和精美圖表等內(nèi)容公布如下:  Quick detour – cool things on the status bar and great-looking charts
  Today I decided to take a quick break from Excel Services to
  talk about a few small but useful changes that have been made to the status bar and
  show off a few charts
  First, the status bar
  Zoom control - we have added a slider that allows the user to adjust the “zoom” of the document without needing to pop up any windows. When you slide the control, the document resizes as you slide, so you can adjust to just the “zoom” you want before you let go of the slider. You can also click on the + and – buttons to increment or decrement “zoom” by 10% per click. Finally, for those of you that like using the zoom dialog, you can just click on the 100% (which is a button) and it will launch the Zoom dialog.
  1. 小巧變化的狀態(tài)欄
  2. 炫耀幾個圖表
  縮放控制 - 增加了一個不需彈出窗口的控制滑塊來調(diào)整文件的縮放比例,當你調(diào)整控制滑塊時,文件同時改變顯示比例。你也可以在按“+”和“-”按鈕來放大或縮小顯示比例,每點一次調(diào)節(jié)10%。 最后,對于喜歡使用顯示比例對話框的人來說,也可以按100%(這是一個按鈕) 來調(diào)出顯示比例對話框.
  Multiple status bar calculations – In previous versions of Excel, when you selected numerical data, you could see a summary of that data in the status bar – sum, count, average, etc. You could choose from 6 different summaries, but you could only see one at a time. That seemed unnecessarily limiting, so in Excel 12 we let you put any or all of them on the status bar, so you can see sum, min, max, numerical count, count, and average all at once if you like, or any combination of the six.
  多樣化的計算狀態(tài)欄確 – 在之前的Excel版本中,當你選中了數(shù)值數(shù)據(jù)時,可以在狀態(tài)欄看到這些數(shù)據(jù)的小計 –求和,計數(shù),平均值等等,可以選擇6種不同的小計方式,但一次只能看到一種。這是不必要的限制,所以在Excel 12中你可以把幾個或者全部的小計方式顯示在狀態(tài)欄,求和、*5值、最小值、計數(shù), 計數(shù)值,平均值的全部顯示或者顯示其任意組合。
  You specify the items you would like to see by right-clicking on the status bar.
  View switcher – In the tradition of Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint, we have added a set of buttons to the status bar that allow you to switch between views. One is for normal view, one is for page break preview, and the third is for a great new view we have added to Excel 12 – page layout view. Much more on page layout view when I cover the formatting, printing, and layout improvements we have made in Excel 12 (probably early next year at current speed).
  視圖切換 - 在傳統(tǒng)的Microsoft Word和Microsoft PowerPoint中,我們已經(jīng)在狀態(tài)欄上增加了一組按鈕來切換視圖。一個是普通視圖, 一個是頁面視圖,第三個是一個全新的視圖,我們已經(jīng)加入Excel 12的頁面版式視圖。在Excel12的頁面版式視圖中,包含格式、打印和版式改進 (按照現(xiàn)在的進度可能在明年初)。
  Insert worksheet button – ok, this isn’t on the status bar, but it is close, so I am including it in this post. You may have noticed in previous posts that there was an additional small button after the tabs in the spreadsheets I have been showing off. When clicked, this button adds a worksheet. The point is simply to make it quicker to add worksheets to your workbooks.
  插入工作表按鈕 – 好,這個不在狀態(tài)欄,但卻很接近,所以我把它也放在這個貼子中. 你也許看到過以前的貼子里展示過的這個新增加的工作表標簽后的小按鈕。只要單擊這個按鈕就會在工作簿中  新增一個工作表,這一點比較快捷。
  And now for some screenshots of charts …
  We have done a lot of great work in charting this release (see the overview post for a bit of a description). I am going to cover this work in detail sometime around the new year, but to give everyone an idea of what is coming, I thought I would post a few screenshots of charts I made yesterday afternoon. This should give everyone an idea as to the vastly improved charting that is coming with Office 12. The most obvious thing you will notice is the range of new graphic effects, like transparency, lighting effects, shadows, reflections, etc. Besides being much better looking with a greater range of graphic effects, we have also done a lot to make it a snap to create a very wide variety of different, professional-looking charts. Each of the charts below were created with no more than 2-3 clicks total, so the whole thing took a matter of minutes. Enjoy.
  (Note, there is more than one chart on each screenshot, so I encourage you to click on the images below and take a look.)
  在Office 2007版本中,我們在圖表方面做了很多工作 (參看總述貼子里的一些說明). 在新的一年里我將詳細介紹圖表,為了讓大家對新的圖表有一個印象, 先貼一些我昨天下午做的圖表的屏幕截圖. 在Office 2007圖表中,給人的*9個印象就是作了許多改進,最明顯的是你可以察覺的一系列新平面效果,如透明度、燈光效果,陰影, 倒影等。除了更加好看,我們也做了很多工作,使之能創(chuàng)建精美的專業(yè)圖表。每個圖表的創(chuàng)建總共不超過2-3次點擊,所以非常方便。 滿意。
  Next week, back to Excel Web Services and more about running spreadsheets on the server.