  Document Themes Part II
  文檔主題(Document Themes)—第2部分
  Last time, we looked at what a Document Theme (“theme”) was, some of the places it shows up in the Excel UI, and a few examples of why themes are useful. Today I wanted to cover how to change, create, and modify themes, how to tweak themes, and themes and templates.
  在上篇文章中,我們著重介紹了Document Theme(簡(jiǎn)稱“theme”)(文檔主題)的概念,它在Excel用戶界面中顯示的一些地方,并且還舉例說(shuō)明了為什么文檔主題是有用的。今天,我將介紹如何改變、創(chuàng)建和修改文檔主題,如何調(diào)整文檔主題,以及主題和模板。
  Changing and Creating Themes
  Not everyone is going to like the default theme we ship out of the box, corporations and individuals are going to want to create their own themes, and some users will want special themes for special purposes (for example, grayscale for printing certain sorts of documents). Accordingly, users can easily switch between themes, create their own, load them from disk, etc. Here is a look at the UI for performing those tasks.
  (Click to enlarge)
  Changing the theme for your document is as simple as selecting a new theme from the gallery of options. As soon as you select a new theme, any themed content in your document is updated accordingly. For example, here is what the document from the previous post looks like after I select the “Academic” theme.
  (Click to enlarge)
  For reference, here is what the document looked like before the theme was changed
  (Click to enlarge)
  You can see all the theme elements – font, colours, effects – update to give the document a new, but still consistent and pleasant look. In addition, the colour pickers, font picker, and other galleries also update to reflect the new theme.
  Two of the most common complaints about the “auto formatting” that we shipped in current versions of Excel were (1) that it got old and stale very quickly and (2) that it wasn’t possible to tweak it so that it looked exactly how you wanted it to look. In order to address these problems, we made sure that themes were “tweakable” on many levels. Users can change the colours, fonts, or effects used by a theme by using the appropriate controls on the Page Layout tab …
  在現(xiàn)有Excel版本中,關(guān)于“自動(dòng)套用格式”功能的最常見(jiàn)抱怨中的兩個(gè)是:(1)(內(nèi)置的格式)陳舊且沒(méi)新意(2)不能按用戶的需要進(jìn)行調(diào)整。為了處理這些問(wèn)題,我們確定:主題的多個(gè)方面都是可以調(diào)整的。通過(guò)在頁(yè)面布置框(Page Layout tab…)中使用合適的按鈕,用戶能改變應(yīng)用于主題的顏色、字體或效果。