21. Cooper and her colleagues argue that a "town of culture" award could        
[A] consolidate the town-city ties in Britain.
[B] promote cooperation among Britain's towns.[C] increase the economic strength of Britain's towns.
[D] focus Britain's limited resources on cultural events.
① 定位:由題干“Cooper and her colleagues”與“a "town of culture" award”定位到第一段第5句“A town of culture award could, it is argued, become an annual event, attracting funding and creating jobs”。
②比對:C用“經(jīng)濟實力的提升”替換原文提及的“attracting funding and creating jobs”對資金和工作的積極作用.
22. According to Paragraph 2, the proposal might be regarded by some as        
[A] a sensible compromise.[B] a self-deceiving attempt.
[C] an eye-cotching bonus.
[D] an inaccessible target.
① 定位:由題干“the proposal”與“regarded… as”定位到第二段第一句。原文中用see…as對題干進行了同義替換。
② 理解定位句:提到一個它所代表的一個事實:英國不再有能力申請更有威望的頭銜了,表明能力不足,說明為明顯負態(tài)度。并且,在后文中提及“陷入自我慶祝”。
③ 比對:選項中BC為負態(tài)度,但B與文章中self-celebration更加貼切。
23. The author suggests that a title holder is successful only if it        
[A] endeavours to maintain its image.
[B] meets the aspirations of its people.
[C] brings its local arts to prominence.[D] commits to its long-term growth.
①定位:由題干“a title holder”與“successful”定位至原文第三段第三句The really successful holders of such titles are those that do a great deal more than fill hotel bedrooms and bring in high-profile arts events and good press for a year。
②比對:“do a great deal more than”做更多的事情,不僅僅是than后面的內(nèi)容。并且與原文“leaving no lasting benefits to the community.”對應。
24. Glasgow is mentioned in Paragraph 3 to present        [A] a contrasting case.
[B] a supporting example.
[C] a background story.
[D] a related topic.
① 定位:由題干“Glasgow”定位至第三段第二句But it can be done: Glasgow's year as European capital of culture can……但本題為例證題,應尋找論點進行答題,所以影響前定位。。
② 比對:But表明后面的例子與前面的論點為相反關(guān)系,因此是A a contrasting case
25. What is the author's attitude towards the proposal?
[A] Skeptical
[B] Objective[C] Favourable
[D] Critical
① 定位:由題目順序與題干“the proposal”可定位到尾段。
② 比對:原文中“about honouring”“ supporting”表明為正態(tài)度,與C選項對應。
26. Scientific publishing is seen as "a licence to print money" partly because        
[A] its funding has enjoyed a steady increase.
[B] its marketing strategy has been successful.
IC] its payment for peer review is reduced.[D] its content acquisition costs nothing.
① 定位:根據(jù)題干關(guān)鍵詞定位至第一段“Scientific publishing has long been a licence to print money.”。但由于題干為結(jié)果,本題考查原因,則需要向下尋找原因。
② 比對:第一段2、3句均為原因,對比選項,只有D是原文“they will supply the articles without monetary reward”的正確改寫。
27. According to Paragraphs 2 and 3, scientific publishers Elsevier have        [A] thrived mainly on university libraries.
[B] gone through an existential crisis.
[C] revived the publishing industry.
[D] financed researchers generously.
① 定位:本題定位范圍交廣,需要與原文比對個選項。兩段中反復提及“學校圖書館愿意花錢訂閱”,是作者所強調(diào)的重點信息。
② 比對:只有A提及了大學圖書館這一信息,并將二者關(guān)系用“thrive”這一正向詞匯連接。
28. How does the author feel about the success of Sci-Hub?
[A] Relieved.
[B] Puzzled.[C] Concerned.
[D] Encouraged.
① 定位:根據(jù)題干關(guān)鍵詞“the success of Sci-Hub”定位至第四段第二句。后半句中提到這個現(xiàn)象表明the legal ecosystem has lost legitimacy,是一個負面的評價,所以對其是負態(tài)度。
② 比對:選項中只有[C]Concerned,令人擔憂的,是負態(tài)度。[A]Relieved令人寬慰的;[B] Puzzled.令人迷惑的;[D] Encouraged.鼓勵的
29. It can be learned from Paragraphs 5 and 6 that open access terms        [A] allow publishers some room to make money.
[B] render publishing much easier for scientists.
IC] reduce the cost of publication substantially.
[D] free universities from financial burdens.
① 定位:根據(jù)題干關(guān)鍵詞“open access terms”定位至第5段首句“In Britain the move towards open access publishing has been driven by funding bodies. In some ways it has been very successful.”但由于5、6段全部圍繞這一話題展開,則需要將選項與原文一一對應判斷。
② A選項與原文“so that the publishers can make a profit before being placed on general release.”對應。
30. Which of the following characterises the scientific publishing model?
[A] Trial subscription is offered.
[B] Labour triumphs over status.
[C] Costs are well controlled.[D] The few feed on the many.
① 定位:根據(jù)題目順序與關(guān)鍵詞定位至最后一段。
② 比對:D選項與原文“while huge profits are made by a few big firms”對應。
31. The author believes that the bills sponsored by Lewis and Haddad will        [A] help little to reduce gender bias.
[B] pose a threat to the state government.
[C] raise women's position in politics.
[D] greatly broaden career options.
① 定位:根據(jù)題干“Lewis and Haddad”定位至第二段。但由于本題感內(nèi)容為例子,我們應在文中尋找本例子的論點進行答題,論點在第一段末尾。
② A選項與原文“does little to help average people.”對應。
32. Which of the following is true of the Califormia measure?
[A] It has irritated private business owners.
[B] It is welcomed by the Supreme Court.[C] It may go against the Constitution.
[D] It will settle the prior controversies.
① 定位:根據(jù)題干中“Califormia measure”可以直接定位到第三、四段。
② 比對:C選項與原文“is probably unconstitutional”對應。
33. The author mentions the study by Catalyst to illustrate        
[A] the harm from arbitrary board decision.
[B] the importance of constitutional guarantees.
[C] the pressure on women in global corporations.[D] the needlessness of government interventions.
① 定位:根據(jù)題干中“study by Catalyst”可以直接定位到第六段。本題同樣為例證題,需要需例子周圍尋找論點,因此真正的定位句應在上一段的論點句。
② 比對:D選項與原文“But are such government mandates even necessary?”對政府行為的必要性進行質(zhì)疑的內(nèi)容對應。
34. Norway's adoption of a nationwide corporate gender quota has led to        
[A] the underestimation of elite women's role
[B] the objection to female participation on boards.[C] the entry of unqualified candidates into the board.
[D] the growing tension between labor and management.
① 定位:根據(jù)題干關(guān)鍵詞“Norway's adoption of a nationwide corporate gender quota”可以定位至That is exactly what happened when Norway adopted a nationwide corporate gender quota.這一段。由于本題為例證題,則應該尋找這個例子所支持的論點句進行答題,因此真正的定位句有在前一句。
② 比對:C選項與原文less experienced private sector boards對應。
35. Which of the following can be inferred from the text?
[A] Women's need in employment should be considered.[B] Feasibility should be a prime concern in policymaking.
[C] Everyone should try hard to promote social justice.
[D] Major social issues should be the focus of legislation.
① 定位:題干沒有可定位信息,且提到從全文來看,因此本題看似是推理題,實則為主旨題。
② 比對:全文對一刀切的董事會女性定額比例的法案進行反對,B選項提到Feasibility政策制定的靈活性,與本文主題對應的為。
36. The French Senate has passed a bill to        
[A] regulate digital services platforms.
[B] protect French companies interests.[C] impose a levy on tech multinationals.
[D] curb the influence of advertising.
① 定位:根據(jù)題干“French Senate”與“a bill”定位至原文第一句“the French Senate passed a digital services tax”。
② 比對:C選項impose a levy on與原文passed a digital services tax對應。
37. It can be learned from Paragraph 2 that the digital services tax        [A] may trigger countermeasures against France.
[B] is apt to arouse criticism at home and abroad.
[C] aims to ease international trade tensions.
[D] will prompt the tech giants to quit France.
① 定位:根據(jù)題干關(guān)鍵詞“the digital services tax”定位至第二段。
② 比對:A選項與原文which in turn could lead to trade sanctions against France對應。
38. The countries adopting the unilateral measures share the opinion that        
[A] redistribution of tech giants' revenue must be ensured.[B] the current international tax system needs upgrading.
[C] tech multinationals' monopoly should be prevented.
[D] all countries ought to enjoy equal taxing rights.
① 定位:根據(jù)題干定位至they all share a view that the international tax system has failed to keep up with the current economy.
② 比對:原文提到現(xiàn)在的the international tax system未能做到一些事情,言外之意為,他本應該做到,卻沒做到。對比選項只有B選項的現(xiàn)征稅系統(tǒng)需要升級預知語義相應。
39. It can be learned from Para 5 that the OECO's current work        
[A] is being resisted by US companies.
[B] needs to be readjusted immediately.[C] is faced with uncertain prospects.
[D] needs to in involve more countries.
① 定位:根據(jù)題干可定位至整個第五段。但最后一句出現(xiàn)“BUT”強調(diào)重點信息。
② 比對:C選項uncertain prospects與原文questions about what the future holds for the international tax system對應。
40. Which of the following might be the best title for this text?
[A] France Is Confronted with Trade Sanctions[B] France leads the charge on Digital Tax
[C] France Says "NO" to Tech Multinationals
[D] France Demands a Role in the Digital Economy
① 定位:本題是主旨題,一般看首段尋找主題詞與態(tài)度,在通過行文結(jié)構(gòu)進行檢驗。
② 比對:原文首段提到征稅,并且整篇文章都圍繞這個詞展開。B選項提到“Digital Tax”與原文對應。