  18.    Gamma Industries, Inc. issues an inverse floater with a face value of USD 50,000,000 that pays a semiannual coupon of 11.50% minus LIBOR. Gamma Industries intends to execute an arbitrage strategy and earn a profit by selling the notes, using the proceeds to purchase a bond with a fixed semiannual coupon rate of 6.75% a year, and hedging the risk by entering into an appropriate swap. Gamma Industries receives a quote from a swap dealer with a fixed rate of 5.75% and a floating rate of LIBOR. What would be the most appropriate type of swap Gamma Industries, Inc. should enter into to hedge their risk?
  A.    Pay-fixed, receive-fixed
  B.    Pay-floating, receive-fixed swap
  C.    Pay-fix, receive-floating
  D.    The risk cannot be hedged with a swap
  The company has a floating outflow ofand a fixed inflow of 6.75%. On the outflowis the same as an inflow Pay-floating, Receive-fixed. Gamma Industries is exposed to interest rate fluctuations of LIBOR. Therefore, the appropriate swap would be a pay-floating, receive-fixed swap.
  答疑:‘The company has a floating outflow ofand a fixed inflow of 6.75%’,本質(zhì)上:浮動利率方面,公司支付一個負的LIBOR,相當于收取一個正的LIBOR;固定利率方面:公司支付11.50%,收取6.75%,相當于支付4.75%。那么公司需要支付浮動利率,收取固定利率加以對沖,所以選擇B。