36 . Which of the following steps is least likely to be an administrative step in the capital budgeting process?
  A)   Conducting a post-audit to identify errors in the forecasting process.
  B)    Arranging financing for capital projects.
  C)    Forecasting cash flows and analyzing project profitability.
  37 . A periodic payment to shareholders in the form of additional shares of stock instead of cash is a:
  A)   dividend reinvestment plan
  B)    stock repurchase
  C)    stock dividend
  38 . Which of the following sources of short-term liquidity is considered reliable enough that it can be listed in the footnotes to a firm’s financial statements as a source of liquidity?
  A)   Factoring agreement.
  B)    Revolving line of credit.
  C)    Uncommitted line of credit.
  39 .The two major types of risk affecting a firm are:
  A)   business risk and financial risk.
  B)    financial risk and cash flow risk.
  C)    business risk and collection risk.
  40 .  A firm is choosing among three short-term investment securities:
  Security 1: A 30-day U.S. Treasury bill with a discount yield of 3.6%.
  Security 2: A 30-day banker’s acceptance selling at 99.65% of face value.
  Security 3: A 30-day time deposit with a bond equivalent yield of 3.65%.
  Based only on these securities’ yields, the firm would:
  A)   prefer the banker’s acceptance.
  B)    prefer the U.S. Treasury bill.
  C)    prefer the time deposit.