Each year,we survey CFA Program candidates before and after the June exam to measure and improve the CFA candidate experience.The surveys ask for feedback across several areas,including exam preparation,charter value,exam .day feedback,and employment outlook.(文章、圖片均來源:CFA institute)
  The June 2016 CFA candidates represent a diverse,global community of current and aspiring investment management professionals,ranging in age from 21 to 76,from 184 international markets.72%report they have full-or part-time employment.
  Top job functions of employed candidates(參加CFA考試人群)
  16%Research,investment,or quantitative analyst
  9%Accountant or auditor
  5%Credit analyst
  5%Risk analyst/manager
  5%Portfolio manager
  5%Relationship/account manager
  Exam Preparation(CFA考試準備時間)
  Average amount of time preparing for the exam
  Candidates spent an average 322 hours preparing for the exam,with Level III candidates reporting the most time preparing.The most commonly used study materials were the CFA Institute curriculum(80%)and the CFA Institute mock exam(67%).
  Candidates use these resources to prepare(用哪些CFA資料來備考cfa)
  Exam Value(CFA考試價值和意義
  Overall,candidates are highly satisfied with the quality of the exam and exam administration experience,with 97%agreeing that the CFA Program curriculum improved their understanding of important topics and that the end of reading problems helped explain the concepts.
  Candidates report that exam questions
  93%Are based on the Learning Outcome Statements
  93%Fairly represent the 2016 CFA Institute-assigned curriculum
  91%Cover subject matter important to investment professionals
  78%Are clearly written
  66%Are as difficult as they had expected(24%more difficult than expected and 9%less difficult than expected)
  Top 3 most difficult topic areas
  Charter Value,Program Awareness,and Career Relevance
  Candidates rate the value of earning the charter very high:8.8 out of 10.In terms of CFA Program awareness,88%of employed candidates report their employer is aware of the CFA Program.Career advancement remains the primary motivation for registering for the exam and 86%said they are likely to recommend the CFA Program to someone else.