之前介紹了票據(jù)和債券的計算,今天就來講講貸款。和票據(jù)和債券不一樣,貸款一般情況下沒有coupon rate 和effective rate 的區(qū)分(除非出現(xiàn)compensating balance, discounted loan 等特殊情形,這些特殊的情況會在BEC 里涉及)。
所以,除非貸款協(xié)議中出現(xiàn)諸如compensating balance,discounted loan 或者lines of credit with commitment fees 等特殊條款(這些情況會導致effective rate 和contractual rate 不一致),一般情況下,因為在貸款協(xié)議簽訂時,銀行會根據(jù)客戶的抵押品、信用狀況和財務狀況評估風險并專門就該貸款設定一個協(xié)議利率,所以contractual rate 等于effective rate。實際的利息費用一般情況下就等同于企業(yè)的融資成本。但是,存在loan origination fee 的情況下就不是這樣了。
Loan origination fee 的定義其實是這樣的:Loan origination refers to the initiation and completion of the home loan process, which begins when a borrower submits their financial information to a bank or mortgage lender for loan processing.它包括了attorney’s fee(律師費), title insurance 和人工費。
銀行貸款的手續(xù)費(loan origination fee)與債券的發(fā)行成本issuance cost 的在計算貸款起始carrying value 時處理方法略有所不同。貸款手續(xù)費可以是direct 的,也可以是indirect 的;可能是borrower 承擔的,也可能是銀行承擔的。相應的會計處理如下表:
Origination fee type Carrying amount of loan
On borrower’s book On lender’s book
Direct origination fee charged to borrowerDeducted from principal Deducted from principal
Direct origination fee incurred by lenderN/A Added to principal
Indirect origination fee 當期expense 
Assume that Bannon Bank grants a ten-year loan to VerSteiner, Inc. in the amount of $100,000 with a stated interest rate of 8%. Payments are due monthly, and are computed to be $1,213. In addition, Bannon Bank incurs $3,000 of direct loan origination costs, and also charges VerSteiner a 5-point nonrefundable loan origination fee. Calculate the beginning balance of loan receivable and loan payable for Bannon Bank and VerSsteiner, Inc.
計算經(jīng)loan origination fee 調(diào)整后的貸款期初余額,需要先從borrower 的貸款期初余額開始算起。Borrower 的期初余額等于貸款本金-direct origination fee incurred by borrower,所以是$100,000-$100,000*5%=$95,000. 所以borrower 的貸款期初余額是$95,000. 對于lender 來說,貸款期初余額=本金-direct origination fee incurred by borrower + direct origination fee incurred by borrower. 所以,貸款本金額是$95,000+$3,000=$98,000.
高頓財經(jīng)USCPA研究院Karen老師指出,在這里需要注意borrower 和lender 的貸款期初余額計算的差異比較:
Borrower: principal - borrower incurred origination fee
Lender: principal - borrower incurred origination fee + lender incurred origination fee
計算出新的loan carrying amount 之后,需要再根據(jù)這個carrying amount 倒算出effective rate??梢园l(fā)現(xiàn),borrower 的effective rate 和lender 的effective rate 可能是不一樣的。同理,產(chǎn)生的discount 和premium 在后續(xù)期間也需要按照effective rate method 進行攤銷。