  To avoid potential errors and fraud a well-designed internal control in the accounts payable area should include a separation of which of the following functions?
  A. Invoice verification and merchandise ordering.
  B. Cash disbursements and invoice verification.
  C. Check signing and cancellation of payment documentation.
  D. Physical handling of merchandise received and preparation of receiving reports
  An important benefit of an enterprise risk management system is
  A. Alignment of management return with creditor return.
  B. Alignment of management risk taking with shareholder risk appetite.
  C. Alignment of shareholder returns with management returns.
  D. Alignment of management risk taking with employee risk appetite.
  Bronze pays Golden Company $40,000 under a written contract signed by Bronze and Golden. In the contract, Golden is to deliver a specified car to Bronze’s son as a present for having passed the CPA examination. Golden then breaches and will not deliver the car. Against which party(ies) does Bronze’s son have legal rights?
  A. Against Bronze only.
  B. Against Golden only.
  C. Against Bronze or Golden at the son’s option.
  D. Against Golden but only if the son also proceeds against Bronze.
  Lys City reports a compensated absences liability in its government-wide financial statements. The salary rate used to calculate the liability should normally be the rate in effect:
  a.When the unpaid compensated absences were earned.
  b.When the compensated absences were earned or are to be paid, or at the balance sheet date, whichever results in the lowest amount.
  c.At the balance sheet date.
  d.When the compensated absences are to be paid.
  B is correct because the requirements concern internal control in the accounts payable area and separation of cash disbursements and invoice verification is an effective control. The accounts payable function normally includes invoice verification. The important separation should be between authorization of payment and actual cash disbursements. Thus the accounts payable area (including invoice verification) should be separated from cash custodianship and disbursement.
  A is incorrect because the accounts payable area does not usually include the purchasing department.
  C is incorrect because the person signing the checks should cancel the supporting documentation as checks are signed.
  D is incorrect because those receiving merchandise usually prepare the receiving report (e.g., on the loading dock).
  A major aspect of an enterprise risk management system is the alignment of management risk taking with shareholder risk appetite.
  B is correct. Bronze’s son is a donee beneficiary under this contract. This is so because he was an intended beneficiary under the contract and the intent was to make a gift by Bronze to his son. In such a case, the donee beneficiary can bring an action against the promisor, Golden, and not against Bronze who was making a gift. Note that Bronze could have sued Golden since s/he was a party to the contract.
  Choice "C" is correct. Compensated absence liability should be calculated based upon the pay or salary rates in effect at the balance sheet date. The valuation of the noncurrent liability on the goverment-wide statement of net position will be equal to the number of hours employees are entitled to receive upon termination times the rate of pay earned at the balance sheet date, a point in time.
  Choice "a" is incorrect. Using the rates in effect at the time the compensated absences were earned would generally understate the liability (presuming salaries increase or individuals are promoted to higher pay grades) and not fully reflect the value of the liability to be paid out as of the balance sheet date.
  Choice "b" is incorrect. Compensated absence liability should be calculated based upon the pay or salary rates in effect at the balance sheet date. There is no comparison of values. The valuation of the noncurrent liability on the goverment-wide statement of net position will be equal to the number of hours employees are entitled to receive upon termination times the rate of pay earned at the balance sheet date, a point in time.
  Choice "d" is incorrect. Using the rates to be in effect with the absences are paid would likely overstate the amount of the liability and, regardless, could not be objectively determined.