2018年9月起,ACCA將進行課程改革,合并P1和P3,引入新的課程SBL(Strategic Business Leader戰(zhàn)略商業(yè)[**]),新科目SBL在考試中引入新的professional skills marks(職業(yè)技能)的評分體系——CCASE職場專業(yè)技能評分模型。這個新的評分體系是如何運作,考生該注意些什么,有哪些得分技巧呢?高頓財經ACCA研究中心主任龔玲玲博士,攜手P1、P3教研組的多位特級教師對該體系做了系列研究和分析,詳細解析該體系的來龍去脈,供考生們參考學習!
ACCA 新科目SBL(Strategic Business Leader戰(zhàn)略商業(yè)[**])
新professional skills marks考法與得分技巧詳解(下)
Q1中4個問題涉及的professional skills的考核點,分別如下:
Q1(a) CCASE marks are available for demonstrating analytical and *uation skills relating to DCS Company’s environment and performance.
Q1(b) CCASE marks are available for demonstrating scepticism and analytical skills in identifying key weaknesses from the information given.
Q1(c) CCASE marks are available for demonstrating communication skills in highlighting the key points to include in the SBLides and for clear supporting notes.
Q1(d) CCASE marks are available for demonstrating commercial acumen in identifying how DCS could benefit from the findings of the audit.
A total of 10 professional skills marks are available as indicated for Question 1.
首先要明確,考官對考題中professional skills分值的設定邏輯,是marker在批改你的卷子時給分的依據(jù),也是考生得分的“王牌”。所以,弄明白考官的professional skills分值設定邏輯很重要,只有這樣,考生在答題時才能“投其所好、各個擊破”穩(wěn)穩(wěn)當當?shù)哪玫?6的professional skills分數(shù)。
考官在Q1最后通過句子“A total of 10 professional skills marks are available as indicated for Question 1”明確了Q1整個題目professional skills的分值為10分。但是,考官不會詳細列出Q1中每個小問的professional skills分值。這對考生拿到Q1所有10分的professional skills分數(shù)是不利的。因為,marker在批卷時,是針對考生每小題的表現(xiàn)給出professional skills得分的,所以,只有知道每個小題的professional skills分值,考生才能在答題時“有的放矢”。
根據(jù)我們對新科目SBL的兩套樣卷的研究發(fā)現(xiàn),每道小題中professional skills marks -CCASE中提到的每個核心技能點,分值基本為2分,除了Analysis和*uation這兩個技能點的Q1(a)為4分,我們由此判斷analysis和*uation這兩個技能在professional skills評分中的重要性比較大,提醒考生加強練習。
【考題中professional skills分值的設定邏輯】
CCASE capabilitiesCCASE職場競爭力分值Specific professional skill職場專業(yè)技能
1.Communication2分1. Inform
2. Persuade
3. Clarify
2.Commercial acumen2分1. Demonstrate awareness
2. Use judgment
3. Show insight
3. Analysis
2-4分1. Investigate
2. Enquire
3. Reflect
4. Scepticism2分1. Probe
2. Question
3. Challenge
5. Evaluation2分1. Assess
2. Estimate
3. Appraise 
表1:professional skills 在考題中出現(xiàn)的分值
以Q1為例,對照表1查找professional skills分值,Q1中Professional skills marks的技能考核點的分值大致可估算為:Q1(a) Analytical和*uation(4分) ; Q1(b)Scepticism和analytical(2分); Q1(c) communication(2分); Q1(d)commercial acumen(2分).
Marker 會用Likert scaling(李克特量表)給考生的CCASE打分。還是以Q1為例,根據(jù)考生在答題中提現(xiàn)的專業(yè)技能,評分標準如表2:
How well has the candidate demonstrated professional skills as follows Not at allNot so wellQuite wellVery well
Q1(a) Professional skills marks are available for demonstrating analytical and *uation skills relating to DCS Company’s environment and performance. 01.52.54
Q1(b) Professional skills marks are available for demonstrating scepticism and analytical skills in identifying key weaknesses from the information given.00.512
Q1(c) Professional skills marks are available for demonstrating communication skills in highlighting the key points to include in the SBLides and for clear supporting notes.011.52
Q1(d) Professional skills marks are available for demonstrating commercial acumen in identifying how DCS could benefit from the findings of the audit.00.512
表2:Professional skills考生答案評分標準
如果一個考生Q1的各題Professional skills marks答題情況為Q1(a) quite well, Q1(b)very well, Q1(c)not so well, Q1(d) quite well, 則marker會根據(jù)表2給出該考生的CCASE分數(shù)為Q1(a) 2.5分, Q1(b)2分, Q1(c)1分, Q1(d) 1分,共計CCASE得分為6.5分。
Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.!
▎本文作者為高頓財經ACCA研究中心 P1教研組和P3教研組,來源高頓網(wǎng)校。原創(chuàng)文章,歡迎分享,若需引用或轉載請注明來源高頓網(wǎng)校。更多內容請關注微信號(gaodunacca),掌握最全面ACCA政策以及學習方法,更有在線小編為你解答各種困惑,會說話的公眾號,你見過嗎?