To all international students,
On behalf of Student Union, I am glad to inform all of you that there will be an upcoming singing contest held for celebrating the 70th anniversary of the foundation of PRC. The details are as follows.
First of all, all international students from freshmen to seniors are allowed to sign up this singing contest, and the songs you are going to perform can be chosen either Chinese or foreign ones. Meanwhile, if you are willing to take part in, registration is required in the office of Student Union. Lastly, there is no need to pay for the registration for this contest.
I am looking forward to your participation.
Best wishes.
Yours sincerely,
Student Union大作文范文一:
As is strikingly depicted in this picture, a girl is doing her homework saying that it is better to complete it on time. While another boy thinks it is no need to worry. Obviously, this cartoon/picture is delivering a far-reaching implication that good habit means a great deal to one’s life.
In recent years, the topic of good habit has been under hot discussion among youngsters. Part of people hold positive attitude towards this.  If good habit were developed in daily life, a series of benefits would be acquired. The first one is related to interpersonal relationship. People with good habit have been gaining great popularity among surrounding people. Meanwhile, good habit can enable people to acquire valuable opportunities in work and study. For example, if there were no good habit from Ma Yun, there would be no such giant internet firm as Alibaba.
As I can see, there is no denying that good habit should be advocated in current society. Even if there would be a series of problems, it will be in the place of predominance in youngsters’life.
What a striking contrast: one girl is bent on reading because she feels upset if she cannot finish the task as planned; on the contrary, the other kid, a firm believer and practitioner of not to start until the last minute, is idling away the time by plunging himself in a sofa. Apparently, the results of these two diametrically different habits will be poles apart. One leads to heaven while the other, hell.
Like the child in the cartoon, quite a proportion of people are troubled by bad habits: resolved to be a regular reader, but leaving the book on the desk to be read untouched; determined to be punctual, but turning out to be late for an appointment. Many individuals find themselves trapped in them. Thousands of times they might have told themselves to start a new life by forming good habits but, a thousand and one times, they see themselves still on the old track.
Some may assert that procrastination can stimulate people to work with higher efficiency. However, who can ensure they can meet the deadline? Who can guarantee the quality of the work done for the limited time? The habit of always postponing, like a monster in people’s heart that they can hardly break once falling into it, may damage their life. They linger. They lag. Eventually, they lose others’ trust and opportunities to success.
In conclusion, procrastination impedes progress. The reason for the bad habit varies. Whatever reasons we may claim to have, they are nothing but excuses we find for ourselves. Hopefully, we should not slow down steps to the goals we set.