考研是對(duì)未來(lái)的一種選擇,考研是先確定學(xué)校和專(zhuān)業(yè),再為了它不顧一切的埋頭苦學(xué),它能夠幫助你更好的進(jìn)行深造。以下是關(guān)于考研作文范文模板整理匯總,供大家學(xué)習(xí)!? 2023考研備考資料領(lǐng)取
The twentieth century has brought with it many advances.With those advances,human lives have changed dramatically.In some ways life is worse,but mostly it is better.Changes in food preparation methods,for example,have improved our lives greatly.
The convenience of preparing food today is amazing.Even stoves have gotten too slow for us.Microwave cooking is much easier.We can press a few buttons and a meal is completely cooked in just a short time.People used to spend hours preparing an oven-cooked meal,and now they can use that time for other,better things.Plus,there are all kinds of portable,prepackaged foods we can buy.Heat them in the office microwave,and lunch at work is quick and easy.
Food preparation today allows for more variety.With refrigerators and freezers,we can preserve a lot of different foods in our homes.Since technology makes cooking so much faster,people are willing to make several dishes for even a small meal.Parents are more likely to let children be picky,now that they can easily heat them up some prepackaged macaroni and cheese on the side.Needless to say,adults living in the same house may have very different eating habits as well.If they don’t want to cook a lot of different dishes,it’s common now to eat out at restaurants several times a week.
The table above shows the reading preferences of students in an American university in 2002.We can see statistics for the circulation of four categories of books in the library.The percentage of popular fiction circulation was 65.9%,more than three times that of general nonfiction circulation.The percentage of art/literature/poetry circulation was 5.1%,lowest among the four categories.
The figures are indicative of students'reading preferences.The most preferred category of books was popular fiction,implying that the library was mainly used for recreational reading.In addition,students borrowed less science/technology/education books and art/literature/poetry books.This suggests that either the library had not enough up-to-date books in most majors or that most students were not interested in reading them.
The kind of books that I like to read depends on my mood and my study schedule.I prefer to use my downtime to unwind by reading fiction.At other times I have to keep up with my major.So these would be the only categories of books that I would choose from.
As the two charts show,the world population in 2010 was nearly three times that in 1950,an increase accompanied by the extinction of 30,000 wildlife species during the 60-year period.A correlation is revealed that mankind has exerted a tremendous negative influence on wildlife species.
Currently,there is widespread concern regarding the previously neglected connection between a growing human population and decreasing wild species.Humankind's increasing need for land due to a rising population inevitably means that there will be competition between humans and wild species.And this is a battle that wildlife is losing and therefore there are more and more endangered species every year with some species dying out.
The effects of population growth on wildlife species are certain to continue unless drastic changes take place.The silver lining in the dark cloud is that if we take action to protect endangered wild species and their habitats now,mass extinction can be delayed.
There has been a significant change in home ownership in China from 1990 to 2010.As the chart shows,the percentage of state-owned houses in a certain city in China decreased considerably,from 75%in 1990 to 20%in 2010,while the percentage of private houses increased dramatically,from 25%to 80%over the same period.
This change may be attributed to China's housing reform in 1998.Until then,most urban employees in China had lived in allocated public houses.Since 1998,urban employees have been encouraged to buy their own homes by using their own savings,together with the one-off housing subsidies they receive or housing loans provided by banks.There is no doubt that the housing reform has led to the growth in the rate of private home ownership and a building boom,and has improved the living conditions of urban residents as well.
I believe this trend will continue for some years to come.A final word of caution-the government may have to be careful not to let housing prices get out of hand as a building boom may lead to a rise in property prices.
Symbolically depicted in the drawing above is a smoke-wreathed skull being emitted from a large chimney and covering the whole earth in a threatening manner.The caption underneath says:"Environmental pollution".
This obviously shows that pollution is affecting the world in a far more serious way than had been previously thought.Environmental pollution does not just affect the locality from which it originates but enters the atmosphere to join other locally produced pollution around the world which then becomes a global problem.Because the earth's atmosphere continually moves and revolves around the world,what seems to be just a problem in one area becomes a problem in a much bigger area.So this problem needs to be treated not only at a local level but at a global level too.
Of course,we should do what we can at home;but unless every country in the world joins forces to combat environmental pollution,no lasting solution can be found.
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