小編導(dǎo)讀:您還會為FRM考試感到煩惱嗎?高頓網(wǎng)校精品題庫,包含歷年真題,模擬試題等題型,題題結(jié)合考試大綱貼近考試考點(diǎn)。堅(jiān)持每天做題練習(xí),一定可以提升備考效果,為贏取屬于自己的美好明天加油吧!馬上開始練習(xí) >>
  Which of the following Credit Support Annex (CSA) features would best mitigate the risk of a volatile market value of the posted collateral in a bilateral agreement?
  A. Permission to rehypothecate the securities
  B. Specification of a high threshold amount
  C. Using a two-way CSA
  D. Requirement to post an independent amount