小編導讀:您還會為FRM考試感到煩惱嗎?高頓網(wǎng)校精品題庫,包含歷年真題,模擬試題等題型,題題結(jié)合考試大綱貼近考試考點。堅持每天做題練習,一定可以提升備考效果,為贏取屬于自己的美好明天加油吧!馬上開始練習 >>  Local Company, a frequent user of swaps, often enters into transactions with Global Bank, a major provider of swaps. Recently, Global Bank was downgraded from a rating of AA+ to a rating of A, while Local Company was downgraded from a rating of A to a rating of A-. During this time, the credit spread for Global Bank increased from 20 bps to 150 bps, while the credit spread for Local Company increased from 130 bps to 170 bps. Which of the following is the most likely action that the counterparties will request on their credit value adjustment (CVA)?
  A. The credit  qualities of the counterparties have changed, but not enough to justify amending existing CVA arrangements.
  B. Global Bank requests an increase in the CVA charge it receives.
  C. Local Company requests a reduction in the CVA charge it pays.
  D. CVA is no longer a relevant factor, and the counterparties will use other mitigates of counterparty risk.