  1.Market Risk Measurement and Management 25%
  VaR and other risk measures
  Parametric and non parametric methods of estimation
  VaR mapping
  Backtesting VaR
  Expected shortfall(ES)and other coherent risk measures
  Extreme value theory(EVT)
  Modeling dependence:Correlations and copulas
  Term structure models of interest rates
  Discount rate selection
  Volatility:Smiles and term structures
  2.Credit Risk Measurement and Management 25%
  Credit analysis
  Default risk:Quantitative methodologies
  Expected and unexpected loss
  Credit VaR
  Counterparty risk
  Credit derivatives
  Structured finance and securitization
  3.Operational and Integrated Risk Management 25%
  Principles for sound operational risk management
  Enterprise Risk Management(ERM)
  Risk appetite frameworks and IT infrastructure
  Internal and external operational loss data
  Modeling operational loss distributions
  Model risk
  Risk adjusted return on capital(RAROC)
  Economic capital frameworks and capital allocation
  Liquidity risk:
  Liquidity adjustments to VaR measures
  Liquidity risk in financial and collateral markets
  Repurchase agreements and refinancing
  Failure mechanics of dealer banks
  Stress testing banks
  Regulation and the Basel Accord
  4.Risk Management and Investment Management 15%
  Portfolio construction
  Portfolio risk measures
  Risk budgeting
  Risk monitoring and performance measurement
  Portfolio based performance analysis
  Hedge funds
  5.Current Issues in Financial Markets 10%
  Risk measurement
  Funding and liquidity during market shocks
  Liquidity regulation and lender of last resort
  Global financial markets liquidity
  Benchmark rates
  Risk in central counterparties
  Regulatory stress testing