 ?。?) Its not that tough that they make you believe. CFA is very do-able.
  (2) CFA is 80% hard work and 20% intelligence.
 ?。?) An average joe can clear the program provided that he/she does not give up hope.
 ?。?) CFA is difficult because you’ll have to give up on your social life for the three years that you’re doing it.
 ?。?) It is much more difficult to clear the exams while you are working
 ?。?) Thus, if possible take atleast 1 ( better 2) levels while you’re still in college
  (7) Clearing only 1 level or clearing only 2 levels does not carry any weight. You have to clear all three levels before you can make the exams work for you.
  CFA alone will not calapult you to the $100,000 job 99% of the times.
 ?。?) It is expensive. Abt $2500 to be precise
 ?。?0) It will cover all topics in finance, but it is more suitable for equity research type of roles
 ?。?1) it is not a subsitute of FRM ( and vice versa)
  (12) You’re not going to seem attractive to chicks in a bar only because you hold a charter
 ?。?3) People don’t get that much impresed that you’re a CFA unless they are CFA level 1 candidates
  (14) the feeling of passing level 1 is the great, level 2 is good and level 3 is just ok
 ?。?5) The happiness of passing LevelⅠ lasts 1 week, level 2 lasts 2 days and level 3 lasts a few hours.
 ?。?6) Schweser is the best
 ?。?7) Study atleast 2 hours everyday
 ?。?8) start Preparing atleast 4 months before the exam
  (19) refer to CFAI textbooks only when in need for level 1 and level 3
 ?。?0) Use CFAI textbooks often in level 2
  (21) you’ll forget what you studied by the time you complete your course.
 ?。?2) in View of 21, revise atleast thrice before the exam
 ?。?3) you mock test scores in Schweser Pro are the best indicators of your expected score
 ?。?4) Doing Schweser back of chapter problems and doing CFAI past years qns is a very good idea
 ?。?5) take free CFAI sample exam 3 weeks before the exam
  (26) take CFA mock exam 10 days before the real exam
 ?。?7) apply for a 2 week leave before the exam , well in advance .
 ?。?8) try to understand the material rather than mug it
 ?。?9) Ethics is BY FAR the most scoring and important topic in exam ( especially in level 1)
 ?。?0) take lots of tests
 ?。?1) If possible, study from Schweser Videos for L2
  (32) Everyone who studies for atleast 300 hours for L1 shall pass that exam
 ?。?2) NOT Everyone who studies for 300 hours for L2 shall pass that exam
 ?。?3) L2 is very difficult. Abt 4 times more difficult than L1
 ?。?4) If possible, form a study group
 ?。?5) Don’t start hitting on the girls in the study group. If prone to such activities, study alone
 ?。?6) Talk to your friends regularly on weekends. take out 1 hour on both days for this purpose. This will ave you from burning out
 ?。?7) Have a beer when you’re frustated of this F&&&& exam
 ?。?8) If extremely bored of prepatration, take a weekend off. Go on a trip/ read Calvin & Hobbes/ Gossip with friends. After 1 weeekend, hit the books again. Without fail
  (39) Don’t let people fool you into thinking that you can pass the exam in 2 weeks. That won’t happen unless you’re John Nash.
 ?。?0) Join www.analystforum.com
  (41) It makes immense sense to talk to someone who has cleared your level (recently) before starting actual preparation
 ?。?2) Don’t be afraid of the numericals. They’re not that difficult
 ?。?3) for L1 - FSA , ethics are Imp
 ?。?4) For L3, having a holistic view is important
  (45) For L2, Everything is important
 ?。?6) Do not send the picture postcards you received with CFA registration to anyone, that’ll instantly classify you as nerd
 ?。?7) Its better to complete one book before moving to another one, that way you’ll always have an idea about how much syllabus you’ve covered
 ?。?8) Once you pass, don’t boast about the CFA program. That’s one of the most stupidest things to do.
  (49) If you fail once, don’t give up. If you fail twice, continue if situations were outside your control. If you fail thrice, leave it.
 ?。?0) Degrees, Education, Charters, Exams are all of zero importance if you do not maintain good relationships with people. That’s the single most important thing that i’ve learnt over the three years in this program。