  1、Where can I find information about the CFA Program? (上哪查找有關(guān)CFA項(xiàng)目的信息?)
  回答:Please see the CFA Program area or submit a request for printed materials. (看綠體字鏈接到的CFA項(xiàng)目介紹區(qū)或者遞交申請(qǐng)索要相關(guān)書面材料)
  2、What are the requirements for entering the CFA Program? (參加CFA項(xiàng)目的要求是什么?)
  回答:Please see the requirements page. (看綠體字有關(guān)要求的鏈接)
  3、Is there a time limit for candidates to complete all three levels of exam in the CFA Program? (CFA項(xiàng)目對(duì)考生完成所有三級(jí)考試有時(shí)間限制嗎?)
  回答:No. CFA Institute does not require candidates to complete the CFA Program within a specified time frame. Nor does CFA Institute limit the number of times candidates may sit for each exam level or require candidates to repeat an exam level that they already have passed, regardless of the time elapsed between exams. (沒有。CFA協(xié)會(huì)不要求考生在特定時(shí)間范圍內(nèi)完成CFA項(xiàng)目,CFA協(xié)會(huì)也不限制考生參加每一級(jí)考試的次數(shù)或要求考生重復(fù)參加已經(jīng)通過的級(jí)別的考試。)
  4、If it has been several years since I registered in the CFA Program. Will I have to pay the registration fee again? (如果我已經(jīng)注冊(cè)CFA項(xiàng)目好幾年了,我還要重新交注冊(cè)費(fèi)嗎?)
  回答:No. Applicants pay an initial registration fee upon entering the CFA Program. Returning candidates pay only the enrollment fee for each exam taken. (不需要。申請(qǐng)人只需要在參加CFA項(xiàng)目時(shí)交最初的注冊(cè)費(fèi)就可以。老考生不需要再交注冊(cè)費(fèi)只需要交參加級(jí)別考試的考試費(fèi)就可以。)
  5、Where can I view past exams? (我上哪查看過去的考試題?)
  回答:Actual exam questions, with the exception of the Level III essay questions, are not released to the public because the content and question formatting conventions are outdated. However, we do provide free sample questions for each exam level. (除了三級(jí)考試的論述題,其它真實(shí)的考題不公開發(fā)布,因?yàn)閮?nèi)容和問題格式已經(jīng)過時(shí)了,不過CFA協(xié)會(huì)提供每級(jí)考試的免費(fèi)的樣題。)
  6、Why doesn’t CFA Institute offer the exam in languages other than English? (為什么CFA協(xié)會(huì)不提供除英語之外其它語言的考試?)
  回答:In order to ensure fair, global consistency both in administering the exam questions and grading candidate responses, CFA Institute offers the exams only in one universal language rather than allowing any translations. (為了確??荚噯柧砗驮u(píng)分的公平、全球一致性,CFA協(xié)會(huì)只提供英語的考試,不允許任何翻譯。)
  7、May my employer verify the status of my application? (我的雇主可以查看我的申請(qǐng)進(jìn)展?fàn)顩r嗎?)
  回答:CFA Institute may only verify for an employer the receipt of any recent payments they have made on your behalf. All other information is confidential. Candidate must contact CFA Institute directly for further assistance. (CFA協(xié)會(huì)只可以幫雇主查看他為你付的最近的考試注冊(cè)等費(fèi)用的到帳。所有其它信息是保密的??忌仨氈苯勇?lián)系CFA協(xié)會(huì)獲取進(jìn)一步的幫助)
  8、If I pass the Level I exam in December, can I enroll for the Level II exam held the following June? (如果我通過了十二月的一級(jí)考試,我能參加緊接下來的六月的二級(jí)考試嗎?)
  回答:Yes, candidates who pass Level I in December can enroll for the Level II exam held the following June. (可以)