  An accountant is asked to issue a review report on the balance sheet, but not on other related statements. The scope of the inquiry and analytical procedures has not been restricted, but the client failed to provide a representation letter.  Which of the following should the accountant issue under these circumstances?
  A. Qualified review report.
  B. Issue no report.
  C. Compilation report with the client’s consent.
  D. Review report on the one statement.
  B is corrent because a report may not be issued due to the restriction on procedures (failure to obtain a representation letter).
  A is incorrect because "qualified" review reports are never issued.
  C is incorrect because a review is involved, not a compilation.
  D is incorrect.  An accountant may issue a review report on one financial statement if the scope of his or her procedures has not been restricted. In this case, the failure to obtain a representation letter is a restriction.