ACCA F4《公司法與商法》簡單知識點(diǎn)復(fù)習(xí):
“The punishment for money laundering is a prison sentence of up to 14 years and / or a fine” Is this statement true?
Yes, the punishment for money laundering is a prison sentence of up to 14 years and / or a fine
There are three offences involved in the criminal offence of Money Laundering. What are the three offences?
The three offences in money laundering are:
* laundering
* failure to report
* tipping off
Money laundering is a three step process. What are they?
* Placement
* Integration
* Layering
If you were given investment advice by a director to “Get out of equities and invest in Government bonds”, would that qualify as passing on unpublished price- sensitive information?
No, to be an offence, the information needs to be specific and not just general investment advice
What constitutes “unpublished price-sensitive information”?
Unpublished price-sensitive information is information about a company which is not in the public domain but which, when published, is likely to have a material affect on the market price of the company’s securities
To what does the * “comply or explain” refer within the UK Corporate Governance Code?
The * “comply or explain” refers to public quoted companies which must state within the financial statements that they have complied with the Code or, if not, why not.
Where does the Official Receiver fit into company law on liquidations?
The Official Receiver will be appointed by the Court as Provisional Liquidator in the event of the Court granting a compulsory liquidation order
In a relatively recent case, the Court granted a compulsory liquidation order on the grounds that the company was a “quasi-partnership” What was that case?
The case where the Court determined that the company was a “quasi-partnership” was Ebrahimi v Westbourne Galleries
Is it possible for the members of a private company to pass a written resolution to place their company into liquidation?
Yes, provided a majority of 75% vote in favour, a private company can be put into liquidation by passing a written resolution
If a members’ voluntary liquidation is a voluntary action of the members, a creditors’ voluntary liquidation is a voluntary act of which group of people
The members! It’s called a creditors’ voluntary liquidation because the creditors are not likely going to be paid their debts in full
Whose responsibility is it to call / convene a general meeting of the members of a company?
It is the directors’  responsibility to call / convene a general meeting of the members of a company, but they normally delegate that duty to the company secretary。