2016 CFA level I考綱變動(dòng)分析
2016年  CFA level I考綱變動(dòng)的科目為:財(cái)報(bào)、組合、權(quán)益、權(quán)益、固收和另類;
其中,數(shù)量新增一個(gè) reading;固收刪除一個(gè) reading,組合刪除三個(gè) reading,新增兩個(gè)  reading.
a describe how business activities are classified for financial reporting purposes(新增)
d describe key aspects of the converged accounting standards issued by the International
Accounting Standards Board and Financial Accounting Standards Board in May 2014;(新增)
c calculate and compare cost of sales, gross profit, and ending inventory using different inventory
valuation methods and using perpetual and periodic inventory systems;(調(diào)整)
d calculate and compare cost of sales, gross profit, and ending inventory using perpetual and
periodic inventory systems;(刪除)
e compare cost of sales, ending inventory, and gross profit using different inventory valuation
d calculate and explain how inflation and deflation of inventory costs affect the financial statements
and ratios of companies that use different inventory valuation methods;(新增)
e explain LIFO reserve and LIFO liquidation and their effects on financial statements and ratios;(新增)
f convert a company’s reported financial statements from LIFO to FIFO for purposes of comparison;(新增)
h describe implications of valuing inventory at net realisable value for financial statements and
j explain issues that analysts should consider when examining a company’s inventory disclosures
and other sources of information;(新增)
k calculate and compare ratios of companies, including companies that use different inventory
l analyze and compare the financial statements of companies, including companies that use
different inventory methods.(新增)
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c explain and *uate how capitalising versus expensing costs in the period in which they are
incurred affects financial statements and ratios;(新增)
e describe how the choice of depreciation method and assumptions concerning useful life and
residual value affect depreciation expense, financial statements, and ratios;(調(diào)整)
f describe the different amortisation methods for intangible assets with finite lives and  calculate
amortisation expense;(調(diào)整)
g describe how the choice of amortisation method and assumptions concerning useful life and
residual value affect amortisation expense, financial statements, and ratios;(調(diào)整)
k explain and *uate how impairment, r*uation, and derecognition of property, plant, and
equipment and intangible assets affect financial statements and ratios;(新增)
m analyze and interpret financial statement disclosures regarding property, plant, and equipment
and intangible assets;(新增)
o explain and *uate how leasing rather than purchasing assets affects financial statements and
p explain and *uate how finance leases and operating leases affect financial statements and
ratios from the perspective of both the lessor and the lessee.(新增)
h explain recognition and measurement of current and deferred tax items;(調(diào)整)
a define risk management;
b describe features of a risk management framework;
c define risk governance and describe elements of effective risk governance;
d explain how risk tolerance affects risk management;
e describe risk budgeting and its role in risk governance;
f identify financial and non-financial sources of risk and describe how they may interact;
g describe methods for measuring and modifying risk exposures and factors to consider in choosing
among the methods.
g explain the effects of barriers to entry, industry concentration, industry capacity, and market
share stability on pricing power and price competition;(調(diào)整)
g explain the rationale for using price multiples to value equity, how the price to earnings multiple
relates to fundamentals, and the use of multiples based on comparables;(微調(diào))
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i describe repurchase agreements (repos) and the risks associated with them.(調(diào)整)
b describe the securitization process, including the parties to the process, the roles they play,  and
the legal structures involved;(刪除)
c describe typical structures of securitizations, including credit tranching and time tranching;(新增)
e describe types and characteristics of residential mortgage-backed securities, including mortgage
pass-through securities and collateralized mortgage obligations, and explain the cash flows and risks
for each type;(調(diào)整)
f define prepayment risk and describe the prepayment risk of mortgage-backed securities;(新增)
i describe collateralized debt obligations, including their cash flows and risks.(原來是 credit risk)
b describe default probability and loss severity as components of credit risk;(新增)
f explain the four Cs (Capacity, Collateral, Covenants, and Character) of traditional credit analysis;(調(diào)整)
i describe factors that influence the level and volatility of yield spreads;(刪除)
f describe issues in valuing and calculating returns on hedge funds, private equity, real estate,
commodities, and infrastructure;(調(diào)整)