Things to Remember When Taking the Level I Exam
  Know youracronyms. Common acronymsare no longer spelled out in the exam questions
  .Each question addresses a generallyaccepted concept or principle andcan be answered using only the information provided in the question and yourknowledge of the curriculum. Don't introduce other information; the examquestions are not designed to trick you or test you on rareexceptions.
  Read each questioncarefully. Incorrectanswer choices are designed to appear plausible to an unpreparedcandidate.
  Manage yourtime. Don’t spend toomuch time on any one question or topic area. On average, you should allocate1.5 minutes to each multiple choice question, including time to record youranswer on the answer sheet. If you finish the exam session early, you may goback and review questions you were less confident about.
  Eliminateobviously incorrect answers. If you have toguess and you can eliminate one of the responses, your odds of answering thequestion correctly are much higher.
     Answer allquestions: There is nopenalty for incorrect answers.
     Mark youranswers on the answer sheet as you complete each question. Some candidates write their answers in the exam book and waituntil the end of the exam to bubble/fill out the answer sheet.This is not an advisable strategy because you may run out of time before you can copy all youranswers to the answer sheet.