What is the "ethics adjustment"?(CFA考試評分中的"ethics adjustment"指的是什么?)
  The Board of Governors instituted a policy to place particular emphasis on ethics. Starting with the 1996 exams, the performance on the ethics section became a factor in the pass/fail decision for candidates whose total scores bordered the minimum passing score. The ethics adjustment can have a positive or negative impact on these candidates' final results. (CFA理事會制定了一項對道德標準格外重視的政策。自1996年的CFA考試開始,對那些總分徘徊在最低通過分數(shù)(MPS)附近的考生來說,道德模塊的得分成為了決定考生通過與否的重要因素。道德模塊的調(diào)整得分對這些考生的最終成績可能產(chǎn)生正面影響,也可能產(chǎn)生負面影響。)
  CFA Institute has a policy of not releasing either the minimum passing score or individual candidate scores. Consequently, CFA Institute does not release specific information about the ethics adjustment or the candidates who were affected. The adjustment has had a net positive effect on candidate scores (and thus pass rates) in most exam sessions. The published pass rates always take into account the ethics adjustment for borderline candidates.(CFA協(xié)會既不會公布MPS,也不會公布每個考生的得分。因此,CFA協(xié)會也不會公布道德調(diào)整分數(shù)的細節(jié),受影響考生的名單也不會公開。通常來講,此項調(diào)整對大部分考生產(chǎn)生的是正面影響,即提高通過率。對外公布的通過率已經(jīng)包含了道德調(diào)整分對邊緣考生的影響。)