  Not-for-profit(NFP)organizations are organizations that are NOT run by governments.Their revenues come from contributions and their operating purpose does not include profit.
  NFP are divided into four separate categories:
  Health Care Organizations
  Educational Institutions
  Voluntary Health and Welfare Organization(VHWO)
  Other private NFP
  NFP report on the full accrual basis
  NFP external reporting is governed by FASB ASC 958–205 to ASC 958-280.
  Fund accounting is NOT used for NFP external financial reporting.
  NFP financial statements include “Statement of Financial Position”,“Statement of Activities”,“Statement of Cash flows”,and “Statement of Functional Expenses”(required for VHWO)。
  Statement of Financial Position
  Assets=Liabilities+Net assets
  Net asset of NFP are classified as three categories.(“PUT”)
  Unrestricted net assets
  Temporarily restricted net assets
  Permanently restricted net assets
  Unrestricted net assets include internal board-designated funds.
  Temporarily restricted include restricted by time or restricted by purpose.
  Permanently restricted
  Revenues Vs.Expenses of Statement of Activities
  The revenue/gains/other support of are classified as “Unrestricted”,“Temporarily Restricted”,and “Permanently Restricted”。
  The classify are according to the donor-imposed restrictions.
  Expense are classified as “Program services” and “Support services”
  Program services just like COGS,which are the activities for which the organization is chartered.
  Support services just like SG&A,which include everything not classified as a program service.
  For combined cost split to program and support.
  Statement of cash flows is required for NFPs.
  Statement of functional expenses is mandatory for voluntary health and welfare organizations(VHWO),but optional for all other NFPs.
  NFP functional usually classified as:
  Program support expenses
  Fund-raising expenses
  Management and general costs
  Contributions and recognition
  A contribution is defined as an unconditional transfer of cash or assets to a new owner in a manner which is voluntary and is non-reciprocal.
  For cash contributions,received=revenue
  For unconditional promises,pledge=revenue
  For conditional promises,earned=revenue
  For multi-year pledges,PV of pledge are recorded. Current part=revenue;Future part=Temporary restricted revenue.
  An allowance for uncollectible pledges should be recorded in accordance with commercial accounting principles for accounts receivable.
  Pass key. Unconditional pledges are recognized as revenue–restricted or unrestricted.Conditional pledges are recorded as liabilities.
  Donated services should be recorded at fair value if meet either of the criteria.
  They created or enhance a non-financial asset,OR
  “SOME”means the donated services require specialized skills.The services would otherwise have been purchased by the organization.And the service can be measured easily.
  Costs of soliciting contributed services are recognized.
  Donated collection items
  GR:Collection is capitalized on historical cost or fair value
  SR:Not Capitalize. Need meet three conditions:
  The collection is held for public exhibition
  The collection is protected
  The proceeds from sales of collection items to be used to acquire other items for collections
  Donated materials,if significant in amount,then recorded at fair value.
  Promise of unrestricted contributions
  Dr.Pledge receivable–temporarily restricted
  Cr.Allowance for doubtful accounts
  Cr.Contributed revenue–temporarily restricted
  Promise of restricted contributions
  Dr.Pledge receivable–temporarily restricted
  Cr.Allowance for doubtful accounts
  Cr.Restricted revenue–temporarily restricted net assets
  When the restriction is removed(time or purpose),reclassified to unrestricted.
  Variance power is the ability to use assets in any way a not-for-profit organization deems appropriate.
  Agency transactions consist of resources received by the not-for-profit over which the not-for-profit has little or no discretion or variance power.
  Agency transactions are accounted for as an asset and a liability.
  If a donor restrict specific purpose,then NFP has variance power. Recording assets and revenues.
  If a donor restrict specific beneficiaries,then NFP has NO variance power. Recording assets and liability.
  Gifts in-kind are measured at their fair value.
  In exchange transactions,contribution revenue=Amount transferred–Fair value Dues/Purchase
  In agency transaction(recipient has NO variance power),the JE of recipient
  Cr.Refundable advance
  In agency transaction(recipient has NO variance power),the JE of beneficiary
  No financially interrelated with donor
  Cr.Contribution revenue
  Have financially interrelated with donor
  Cr.Equity transaction
  Market losses on permanently restricted net assets
  1st reduce temporarily restricted net assets to the extent that previously recognized gains have not been earned or used in the temporarily.
  2nd then reduce unrestricted net assets.
  Derivatives‘ fair value change need be recognized in the period of the change.
  Dividends,interest,and other investment income(GR)should be reported in the period earned as increases in unrestricted net asset.
  Donor‘s stipulation determines the considerations classification–Unrestricted,Temporarily restricted,or Permanently restricted.
  The assets of NFP are recorded at cost or FV of the date of the gift.
  GR:Depreciate for assets of NFP
  SR:Works of art and historical treasures are not depreciated.
  Permanent endowment fund is a fund consisting of permanently restricted net assets.An endowment fund is used to account for donated assets,the principal of which must be retained intact.
  Term endowment consist of assets that must be held for a specified term,in accordance the donor‘s stipulations.
  Quasi-endowment is used when the internal governing board of an institution(not the donor)has determined that funds are to be retained and invested for specified purposes.
  Quasi-endowment are designations of unrestricted net assets.
  Fund accounting is not used for external reporting by NFP. It can be used for internal purpose. There are seven basic types of fund:
  Unrestricted current funds,Restricted current funds,Plant funds,Loan funds,Endowment funds,Annuity and life income funds,Agency funds.
  For NFP-college,scholarships are recorded as allowance reducing revenue.
  For NFP-college,faculty tuition waivers are recorded as expenses.
  For NFP-health care organization,charity care is NOT recorded as revenue or as a receivable.
  For Voluntary Health and Welfare Organization,“Statement of Functional Expenses”is required.