  17 無形資產(chǎn) intangible assets
  171 商標權(quán) trademarks
  1711 商標權(quán) trademarks
  172 專利權(quán) patents
  1721 專利權(quán) patents
  173 特許權(quán) franchise
  1731 特許權(quán) franchise
  174 著作權(quán) copyright
  1741 著作權(quán) copyright
  175 計算機軟件 computer software
  1751 計算機軟件 computer software cost
  176 商譽 goodwill
  1761 商譽 goodwill
  177 開辦費 organization costs
  1771 開辦費 organization costs
  178 其它無形資產(chǎn) other intangibles
  1781 遞延退休金成本 deferred pension costs
  1782 租賃權(quán)益改良 leasehold improvements
  1788 其它無形資產(chǎn)-其它 other intangible assets - other
  18 其它資產(chǎn) other assets
  181 遞延資產(chǎn) deferred assets
  1811 債券發(fā)行成本 deferred bond issuance costs
  1812 長期預付租金 long-term prepaid rent
  1813 長期預付保險費 long-term prepaid insurance
  1814 遞延所得稅資產(chǎn) deferred income tax assets
  1815 預付退休金 prepaid pension cost
  1818 其它遞延資產(chǎn) other deferred assets
  182 閑置資產(chǎn) idle assets
  1821 閑置資產(chǎn) idle assets
  184 長期應收票據(jù)及款項與催收帳款 long-term notes , accounts and overdue receivables
  1841 長期應收票據(jù) long-term notes receivable
  1842 長期應收帳款 long-term accounts receivable
  1843 催收帳款 overdue receivables
  1847 長期應收票據(jù)及款項與催收帳款-關系人 long-term notes, accounts and overdue receivables- related parties
  1848 其它長期應收款項 other long-term receivables
  1849 備抵呆帳-長期應收票據(jù)及款項與催收帳款 allowance for uncollectible accounts - long-term notes, accounts and overdue receivables
  185 出租資產(chǎn) assets leased to others
  1851 出租資產(chǎn) assets leased to others
  1858 出租資產(chǎn) -重估增值 assets leased to others - incremental value from r*uation
  1859 累積折舊 -出租資產(chǎn) accumulated depreciation - assets leased to others
  186 存出保證金 refundable deposit
  1861 存出保證金 refundable deposits
  188 雜項資產(chǎn) miscellaneous assets
  1881 受限制存款 certificate of deposit - restricted
  1888 雜項資產(chǎn) -其它 miscellaneous assets - other