  “IDE” 1st tier of I/S.
  “A” directly flow to Retained earnings statement
  Cost and Unexpired Costs(F1-17)
  Cost is the amount actually paid for something.
  Most kinds of cost expire in current period or in future period.
  -Expired cost become expense of I/S.(COGS)
  -Unexpired cost become assets of B/S.(Inventory)
  -Unexpired cost will allocated in a systematic and rational manner or matched against Revenues from future period
  Several kinds of cost NEVER expired
  “I” of “IDEA” is before income tax
  “DEA” of “IDEA” are after income tax
  2nd tier of “I”:Before Tax(F1-18)
  2nd tier of “I”:Before Tax(F1-18)
  Operating activities (Gross Concept, revenues, expenses)
  Non-operating activities (Net Concept,gains,losses)
  Income taxes = current + deferred
  “DE” of “IDEA” are after income tax(F1-18)
  “D”,Income (Loss)from Discontinued Operations,NET of tax
  “E”,Extraordinary Items,NET of tax,
  Unusual in nature
  Infrequent in occurrence
  (if “OR”,Income from continuing operation)
  “A” of “IDEA” are after income tax(F1-18)
  “A”,Cumulative Effect of Change in Accounting Principle,NET of tax,Report on statement of retained Earnings.
  Two types of income statement
  Dose I/S report operating results separately from non-operating results?
  “YES”,Multiple step I/S(F1-19)
  “NO”,Single step I/S(F1-20)
  Tip:The key is to find the line “Income(loss)from operations”
  FI-2-1 Income from continuing operations
  F1-2-2 Discontinued operations and exit or disposal activities
  F1-2-3 Extraordinary items
  F1-2-4 Accounting changes and error corrections
  Component of an Entity(F1-21)
  A part of an entity
  Operations and cash flows can be clearly distinguished from the rest of entity
  Two types of component qualified(F1-22)
  -Has been disposed of,or
  -Is classified as held for sale.
  6 criteria(ALL meet)(F1-21)
  Items included in Results of Discontinued Operations(F1-22)
  Results of operations of the component
  Gain/Loss on disposal of the component
  Impairment Loss(and subsequent increases in fair value)
  Pass Key of Discontinued Operations Calculation
  某component在X1年12月15日符合Discontinued operations-HFS條件,預計X2年6月dispose,則X1.12.31報表中
  Exit or disposal activities(F1-25)
  -Costs types
  Involuntary employee termination costs
  Terminate contract costs
  Other costs associated
  -Criteria for Liability Recognition
  Obligating event occurred
  Present obligation
  No discretion to avoid
  ——Liability Measurement – Fair value
  FI-2-1 Income from continuing operations
  F1-2-2 Discontinued operations and exit or disposal activities
  F1-2-3 Extraordinary items
  F1-2-4 Accounting changes and error corrections
  Extraordinary items,NET of tax (F1-27):
  -Unusual AND Infrequent(expropriation by Gov.)
  Income from Continuing Operations,GROSS:
  -Unusual OR Infrequent(Sales of a factory building)
  -No extraordinary items.
  Pass Key of Extraordinary Items
  Examples of Non-extraordinary Items.
  -Loss from strike
  -Large write-downs or write-offs of AR,Inventory,Intangibles,Long-term securities
  -Gain/loss from disposal of PPE
  -Gain/Loss from foreign currency transactions or translation.
  FI-2-1 Income from continuing operations
  F1-2-2 Discontinued operations and exit or disposal activities
  F1-2-3 Extraordinary items
  F1-2-4 Accounting changes and error corrections
  Accounting Change classified as:(F1-29)
  -Estimate Change-Prospective
  -Principle Change-GR:Retrospective + SR:Prospective
  -Entity Change-Restate
  Error Correction–Restate
  -Real Error–Should not wrong at that time
  -From non-GAAP method to GAAP method(cash basis to accrual basis)
  Tip: 會計估計變更與會計差錯更正的區(qū)別
  Change In Accounting Estimate:(F1-29)
  it is determined that the estimate previously used by the company is incorrect.
  -Do not affect previous periods(R.E)
  -Only affect current and future period
  Change In Accounting Principle:(F1-30)
  From one accounting principle to another acceptable accounting principle
  GR: Retrospective
  Adjusting beginning retained earnings in the earliest period presented.(R.E)
  SR: Prospective
  -Change effect impracticable to Estimate(to LIFO)
  -Change in Depreciation Method
  Change In Accounting Entity:(F1-32)
  When the entity being reported on has changed composition.
  -As if the new composition has existed on the earliest period in F/S.
  IFRS does not include the concept of a change in accounting entity.
  Error Correction:(F1-33)
  Two types
  -Real Error – Should not wrong at that time
  -From non-GAAP method to GAAP method(cash basis to accrual basis)
  As if the accounting treatment is correct on the earliest period in F/S.
  IFRS does not include the concept of a change in accounting entity.
  I- before tax
  DEA – net tax
  E – unusual and infrequent
  Accounting estimate/principle/entity change
  -Entity, restate
  Error Correction - Restate
  -From Non GAAP to GAAP/ Real error

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