許多準(zhǔn)備參加ACCA F6考試的考生都會比較關(guān)注所報科目的歷年通過率情況,在碰到P階段選修科目的時候更是希望選擇歷年通過率都比較高的科目來考。其實,通過率只是一個方面,并不能完全代表整體的情況,考生在報考和學(xué)習(xí)的時候并不用太過關(guān)注通過率這個問題。
  下面我們來看一下官方公布的*7的ACCA F6考試通過率的情況。
  可以看出,ACCA F6科目的通過率一直都是非常低的,相比F5科目的話近年來要稍微高一些,肯定也是與近年來的考綱變化調(diào)整有所關(guān)系,同學(xué)們需要*7的考綱也可以從高頓工作人員這里獲取。
  不過總體來說,ACCA F6的通過率還是比較低的,考生們千萬不可大意,在遇到P階段之前F階段盡量不要太早掛科,這樣對于考生的心態(tài)影響也比較大。
  ACCA F6 分值構(gòu)成情況:
  Section A will comprise 15 compulsory multiple choice questions , each question is worth 2 marks.
  Section B are six compulsory questions, first four questions worth 10 marks and other two question worth 15 marks. Questions will focus on different aspects of the syllabus of F6 and there will be more questions cover all area of the syllabus,The syllabus is assessed by a three-hour paper-based examination.
  The paper will be predominantly computational and all questions are compulsory.
  Section A of the exam comprises 15 multiple choice questions of 2 marks each.
  Section B of the exam comprises four 10 mark questions and two 15 mark questions.
  The two 15 mark questions will focus on income tax (syllabus area B) and corporation tax (syllabus area E).
  The section A questions and the other questions in section B can cover any areas of the syllabus.
  相信大家看完以后對于ACCA F6考試的通過率也有所了解了,趕快投身到學(xué)習(xí)當(dāng)中去吧!