  Subsequent events
  Students of financial reporting and auditing papers will have to gain an
  understanding of how subsequent events (also known as ‘events after the
  reporting period’) affect the financial statements of an entity. This article will
  consider the financial reporting aspects concerning subsequent events using a
  case study type scenario, and will then discuss the auditing requirements that
  candidates of Paper F8, Audit and Assurance need to be aware of.
  Financial reporting considerations
  In almost all circumstances, financial statements will not be finalised until a
  period of time has elapsed between the year-end date and the date on which
  the financial statements are (expected to be) issued. Therefore, regard has to
  be given to events that occur between the reporting date and the date on which
  the financial statements are (expected to be) authorised for issue.
  IAS 10, Events After the Reporting Period stipulates the accounting and
  disclosure requirements concerning transactions and events that occur
  between the reporting date and the (expected) date of approval of the financial
  statements. Among other things, IAS 10 determines when an event that occurs
  after the reporting date will result in the financial statements being adjusted,
  or where such events merely require disclosure within the financial statements.
  Such events are referred to in IAS 10 as ‘adjusting’ or ‘non-adjusting’ events.
  Students who have studied Paper F3, Financial Accounting will have come
  across such terminology and it is imperative that they can differentiate
  between an adjusting and a non-adjusting event. IAS 10 prescribes the
  definitions of such events as follows:
  Adjusting event
  An event after the reporting period that provides further evidence of conditions that
  existed at the end of the reporting period, including an event that indicates that the
  going concern assumption in relation to the whole or part of the enterprise is not
  Non-adjusting event
  An event after the reporting period that is indicative of a condition that arose after the
  end of the reporting period.1
  Example 1
  You are the trainee accountant of Gabriella Enterprises Co and are preparing
  the financial statements for the year-ended 30 September 2010. The financial
  statements are expected to be approved in the Annual General Meeting, which
  APRIL 2011
  is to be held on Monday 29 November 2010. Today’s date is 22 November
  2010. You have been made aware of the following matters:
  1. On 14 October 2010, a material fraud was discovered by the
  bookkeeper. The payables ledger assistant had been diverting funds into
  a fictitious supplier bank account, set up by the employee, which had
  been occurring for the past six months. The employee was immediately
  dismissed, legal proceedings against the employee have been initiated
  and the employee’s final wages have been withheld as
  part-reimbursement back to the company.
  2. On 20 September 2010, a customer initiated legal proceedings against
  the company in relation to a breach of contract. On 29 September 2010,
  the company’s legal advisers informed the directors that it was unlikely
  the company would be found liable; therefore no provision has been
  made in the financial statements, but disclosure as a contingent liability
  has been made. On 29 October 2010, the court found the company
  liable on a technicality and is now required to pay damages amounting
  to a material sum.
  3. On 19 November 2010, a customer ceased trading due to financial
  difficulties owing $2,500. As the financial statements are needed for the
  board meeting on 22 November 2010, you have decided that because
  the amount is immaterial, no adjustment is required. The auditors have
  also confirmed that this amount is immaterial to the draft financial
  (a) For each of the three events above, you are required to discuss whether the
  financial statements require amendment.
  When presented with such scenarios, it is important to be alert to the timing of
  the events in relation to the reporting date and to consider whether the events
  existed at the year-end, or not. If the conditions did exist at the year-end, the
  event will become an adjusting event. If the event occurred after the year-end, it
  will become a non-adjusting event and may simply require disclosure within the
  financial statements.
  1. Fraud
  Clearly the fraud committed by the payables ledger clerk has been ongoing
  during, and beyond the financial year. Fraud, error and other irregularities that
  occur prior to the year-end date – but which are only discovered after the yearend
  – are adjusting items, and therefore the financial statements would require
  amendment to take account of the fraudulent activity up to the year-end.