        Session 8 Irrecoverable debts and allowances
  Main contents:
  1.Irrecoverable debts
  2.Allowance for receivables
  3.Accounting for irrecoverable debts and receivable allowances
  8.1 Irrecoverable debts
  ●Trade receivables:
  A trade receivable is a customer who owes money to the business as a result of buying goods or service on credit.
  ●Accruals concept:
  The accruals concept requires a sale to be included in the ledger accounts at the time that it is made.Credit sales are claimed when the sale is invoiced.The double entry at the invoice date will be:
  Dr.   Cr.
  Receivables    xx
  Sales           xx
  When the customer eventually settles the invoice the double entry will be:
  Dr.   Cr.
  Cash       xx
  Receivables        xx
  Problems: collecting the amounts owing from customers
  Reasons: bankruptcy, fraud or disputes
  ●Prudence concept:
  The prudence concept requires some adjustment to reflect the actual or potential loss arising from unpaid debts.
  ●Irrecoverable debt:
  A debt which is considered to be uncollectible.
  - Highly unlikely that the amount owed will be received.
  - Written off by writing it out of the ledger accounts completely.
  ●Accounting for irrecoverable debts
  - It is prudent to remove the irrecoverable debts from the accounts and to charge the amount as an expense for irrecoverable debts to the I.S.
  - The original sales remains in the accounts as this did actually take place.
  Dr.Irrecoverable debts expense   xx
  Cr.Receivables control account     xx
  Arctic Co.have total accounts receivable at the end of their accounting period of $45,000.Of these it is discovered that one, Mr.X who woes $790, has been declared bankruptcy, and another who gave his name as Mr.Jones has totally disappeared owing Arctic Co.$1,240.
  Write up the ledger accounts to reflect the writing off these debts as irrecoverable.
  Dr.Irrecoverable debts expense   2,030
  Cr.Receivables control account     2,030
  ●Accounting for irrecoverable debts recovered
  Irrecoverable debts are received
  When an irrecoverable debt is recovered, the accounting entry is:
  Dr.Cash              xx
  Cr.Irrecoverable debt expense    xx
  8.2 An allowance for receivables:
  ●Allowance for receivables is an estimate of the percentage of debts which are not expected to be paid.
  (a)When an allowance is first made, the amount of this initial allowance is charged as an expense in the income statement, for the period in which the allowance is created.
  (b)When an allowance already exists, but is subsequently increased in size, the amount of the increase in allowance is charged as an expense in the income statement, for the period in which the increased allowance is made.
  (c)When an allowance already exists, but is subsequently reduced in size, the amount of the decrease in allowance is credited back to the income statement, for the period in which the increased allowance is made.
  The value of trade receivable in the statement of financial position must be shown after deducting the allowance for receivables.
  A business has trade receivables outstanding at 30 June 20x5 and decided to create 5% allowances for receivables.
  (a)In the income statement, the newly created allowance of $2,500 (5% x 50,000 = 2,500)will be shown as an expense.
  (b)In the statement of financial position, trade accounts receivables will be shown as: $
  Total receivables 50,000
  Less: allowance for receivables
  8.3 Accounting for irrecoverable debts and receivable allowances
  ●Irrecoverable debts written off
  - When the irrecoverable debts are written off, the double entry might be:
  Dr.Irrecoverable debts
  Cr.Receivable control account
  - When an irrecoverable debt is subsequently received, the accounting entries are:
  Cr.Irrecoverable debts
  ●Allowance for receivables
  (a)Open up an allowance account
  Dr.Irrecoverable debts account (expense)
  Cr.Allowance for receivables
  (b)In subsequent years
  - calculate the new allowance required
  - compare it with the existing balance on the allowance account
  - calculate increase or decrease required
  (only a movement in the allowance is charged to the I.S.)
  (i)If a higher allowance is required:
  Dr.Irrecoverable debts expense
  Cr.Allowance for receivables
  (ii)If a lower allowance is required:
  Dr.Allowance for receivables
  Cr.Irrecoverable debts expense