  General Comments
  The December 2010 P7 paper covered many important syllabus areas,most of which had been tested in some capacity at previous sittings.It was therefore unsatisfactory to see very little improvement in candidates’ performance as a whole.Of course,some candidates did very well,and there were some scripts displaying first-rate analytical and application skills.But the majority of scripts unfortunately failed to demonstrate sufficient knowledge or higher professional skills to achieve a pass mark.
  The examination comprised two compulsory questions in Section A,and three questions in Section B of which two should be attempted.Both Section A questions were based on detailed scenarios,and contained several requirements covering different syllabus areas.
  Each optional 20 mark question in Section B included a short scenario,and several requirements.Of the section B questions,question 4 was by far the most popular,and question 5 the least popular.
  The same factors as detailed in previous examiner’s reports continue to contribute to the disappointing pass rate:
  • Failing to answer the specific question requirements
  • Not applying knowledge to question scenarios
  • Making too few comments given the mark allocation of a requirement
  • Lack of knowledge on certain syllabus areas
  • Illegible handwriting
  The rest of this report contains a discussion of each question,highlighting the requirements that were answered well,and the areas that need improvement.