  50-markscenario question, to include ethics, Tucker’s 5 questions, single v. two-tierboard structures, corporate social responsibility.
  Optionalquestions to include importance of internal controls, governance committees andstructure of directors’ remuneration, business risks, integrated reporting andenvironmental reporting.
  Weexpect that the P1 exam in June will reflect previous sittings closely, withone compulsory question and a choice of two from three optional questions.
  Remember,the compulsory question will be fixed at 50 marks, focusing on one scenariotesting all three main syllabus areas, with up to 4 professional marksavailable for producing some form of written communication (a briefing note,press release or letter to shareholders).
  Theoptional questions will score 25 marks each and can test up to two syllabusareas each by applying the syllabus to a real-world scenario.
  TheDecember 2014 exam tested content from two areas added to the syllabus for thatsitting onwards – public sector governance and integrated reporting – so it isunlikely that you will see them tested again so soon, but make sure you haveread the examiner’s technical articles just in case.
  Youcan also expect to see the use of ethical and CSR theories applied toscenarios, as well as the use of risk and governance syllabus content – youshould be aiming to revisit as many past-paper questions as possible as we arestarting to see exam requirements that reflect those we have seen before.
  Candidatesshould also take heed of the examining team’s recently published articlecontent for P1 when preparing for this exam – at time of going to press, thisincluded one article on CSR strategy and strategic CSR – so keep checking tomake sure you don’t miss any last minute additions.
  1.Purpose of governance codes
  2.Unitary/two tier
  3.Chair role/CEO chair split
  4.Performance appraisal
  5.Reward systems
  6.AGM/insider dealing
  7.Comply and explain
  8.Rules vs principle
  9.COSO failures
  10.Board responsibility for control
  Risk Management
  12.Risk committee or risk manager
  13.Strategic/operational risk
  14.Static and dynamic risk
  15.Risk diversification/embedded risk
  17.Risk assessment
  20.AAA model or Tucker