Debt Ratio
  Ratio of total liabilities to total assets. States the proportion of a company's assets that is financed with debt.
  1.Debt ratio=Total liabilities÷ Total assets
  2.A debt ration of 1 reveals that debt has financed all the assets.
  3.The higher the debt ratio, the greater the pressure to pay interest and principal. The lower the ratio, the lower the risk.
  【single selection】FedEx earns service revenue of $500,000. How does this transaction affect FedEx's ratios(  )
  A.Hurts the current ratio and improves the debt ratio.
  B.Hurts both ratios.
  C.Improves both ratios.
  D.Improves the current ratio and dose not affect the debit ratio.
  Answer: C
  Explanation: This transaction is increased cash, which increased total assets and current assets. Current ratio is current assets divided by current liabilities.