9.2 Accounting treatment of depreciation: - a mechanism to reflect the cost of using a non-current asset
  (i)Depreciation is charged as an expense in the profit and loss account
  (ii)The corresponding credit is accumulated in the provision for depreciation account in the balance sheet to offset against the original cost of the fixed assets.
  ●Method of depreciation:
  Straight-line method
  The depreciable amount is spread evenly across the useful life of the fixed asset, resulting in same amount of depreciation charged every year.
  Depreciation charge = Cost of asset minus residual value
  Expected useful life of the asset
  Residual value: the estimated disposal value of the asset at the end of its useful life.
  A non-current asset costing $60,000 has an estimated life of five years and a residual life of $7,000.The annual depreciation charge using the straight line method would be calculated as follows:
  $( 60,000 – 7,000)= $10,600 per annum
  5 years
  The net book value of the fixed assets would reduce each year as follows:
  After 1 year after 2 years after 3 years after 4 years after 5 years
  $       $       $        $       $
  Cost     60,000    60,000    60,000     60,000     60,000
  Accumulated 10,600    21,200    31,800     42,400     53,000
  Net book value 49,400   38,800    28,200     17,600    7,000 (estimated residual value)
  Reducing balance method
  A fixed depreciation rate ( percentage)is applied to the fixed asset’s net book value( cost less accumulated depreciation)every year.Since net book value diminishes yearly, the depreciation charge falls every year.
  Depreciation charge = X% x net book value
  Net book value = Cost of an asset – accumulated depreciation
  Asset bought/sold in the period:
  - full year’s depreciation in the year of acquisition and none in the year of disposal
  - monthly or pro rata,based on the exact number of months that the assets has been owned.
  Exercise 1 :
  Hopkins who makes up accounts to 31 December, buys a car on 1 January 20x1 for $5,000. The depreciation policy is 20% pa(每年), using the reducing balance method. What is the depreciation charge for each of the first five years?
  Year  20%on      Depreciation  Accumulated   Net book
  net book value   charge     Dep.      value
  20x1   20% of $5,000   $1,000    $1,000     $4,000
  20x2   20% of $4,000    800     1,800     3,200
  20x3   20% of $3,200    640     2,440     2,560
  20x4   20% of $2,560    512     2,952     2,048
  20x5   20% of $2,048    410     3,362     1,638
  20x6   20% of $1,638    328     3,690     1,310
  Exercise 2:
  The following information relates to B & S, a car repair business:
  Machine 1       Machine 2
  Cost      $12,000       $8,000
  Purchase date 1 August 20x5    1 October 20x6
  Depreciation  20% straight line  10% reducing balance
  Method     pro-rata       pro- rata
  What is the depreciation charge for years ended 31 December 20x5 and 31 December 20x6?
  20x5       20x6
  $        $
  A.   2,400      2,600
  B.   1,000      2,600
  C.   2,400      3,200
  D.   1,000      3,200
  - for machine 1:
  20x5: 20% x 12,000 x 5/12 = 1,000
  20x6: 20% x 12,000= 2,400
  - for machine 2:
  20x6: 10% x 8,000 x 3/12=200
  Total depreciation: 20x5: 1,000
  20x6: 2,400 + 200 = 2,600
  Answer: B
  ●Accounting for depreciation: - whichever method is used to calculate depreciation, the accounting remains the same:
  Journal entry is:
  Dr. Depreciation
  Cr. Accumulated Depreciation ( provision for depreciation)
  Accumulated depreciation account is cumulative, i.e. reflects all depreciations to date.
  Cost            X
  Accumulative Depreciation (X)
  NBV             X
  ●Consistency and subjectivity when accounting for depreciation:
  - The following are all based on estimates made by the management of a business:
  Depreciation method
  Residual value
  Useful life
  - Different estimates would result in varying levels of depreciation, and
  consequently, profits.
  - It can be argued that these subjective areas could therefore result in manipulation of the accounts by management.
  - In order to reduce the scope for such manipulation and increase consistency of treatment, IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment requires the following:
  depreciation method should be reviewed at each year end and changed if the method used no longer reflects the pattern of the use of the asset.
  residual value and useful life should be reviewed at each year end and changed if expectations differ from previous estimates.
  Ex 3. A purchased a non-current asset for $100,000 on 1 January 20x2 and started depreciating it over 5 years. Residual value was taken as $10,000.
  At 1 January 20x3, a review of asset lives was undertaken and the remaining useful life was estimated at 8 years. Residual value was estimated nil.
  Calculate the depreciation charge for the year ended 31 December 20x3 and subsequent years.
  Initial depreciation charge (100,000-10,000)/5 = 18,000
  NBV at date of charge: 100,000-18,000 = 82,000
  New depreciation charge: 82,000/8 = 10,250