21.2 The rules and structure of IASB.
  The IASC Foundation:
  - Supervisory body
  - Objective:
  -- Develop, in the public interest, a single set of high-quality accounting standards;
  -- Promote the use and rigorous application of those standards
  -- Bring about the convergence of national accounting standards and international accounting standards.
  The IASB:
  - Responsible for issuing new international Financial Reporting standards (IFRSs)
  The IFRIC:
  - Issue rapid guidance where there are differing interpretations of IASs/IFRSs.
  The SAC:
  - Advise the IASB in developing new accounting standards.
  Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (GAAP)
  - A set of accounting practices applied in a given country or context.
  - For an individual country, GAAP is a combination of legislation, accounting standards, stock exchange requirements and , in areas where detailed rules do not exist, other acceptable accounting practices.
  - In an international context, GAAP means accounting practice as defined in IASs, with each country adding its own local requirements and practices.