17.5 Cash from financing activities
  Cash inflows may include:
  ●Proceeds of issue of shares
  ●Proceeds of issue of loans/debentures
  Cash outflows may include:
  ●Repayment of loans/debentures.
  Set out below are the financial statements of Emma, a limited liability company. You have been asked to prepare the company’s statement of cash flows, implementing IAS 7 statement of cash flows.
  Income statement for the year ended 31 December 20x2.
  Sales revenue         2,553
  Cost of sales         1,814
  Gross profit          739
  Distribution costs       125
  Administrative expenses    254
  Operating profit        350
  Interest received        25
  Interest paid          75
  Profit before tax       300
  Income tax expense       240
  Profit for the year       60
  Statement of financial position as at 31 December
  20x2      20x3
  $000      $000
  Non-current assets
  Tangible assets             380      305
  Intangible assets            250      200
  Investments                -       25
  630      530
  Current assets
  Inventories               150      102
  Receivables               390      315
  Short-term investments          50
  Cash in hand               2        1
  592       418
  1,222      948
  Equity and liabilities
  Share capital ( $1 ordinary shares)  200       150
  Share premium account          160       150
  R*uation surplus           100       91
  Retained earnings            160       100
  620       491
  Non-current liabilities
  Long-term loan             100
  Current liabilities
  Trade payables              127       119
  Bank overdraft              85        98
  Taxation                 290       240
  502       457
  1,222      948
  The following information is available
  (a)The proceeds of the sale of non-current asset investments amounted to $30,000.
  (b)Fixtures and fittings, with an original cost of $85,000 and a carrying value of $45,000, were sold for $32,000 during the year.
  (c)The current asset investments fall within the definition of cash equivalents under IAS 7.
  (d)The following information relates to property, plant and equipment.
  31.12.20x2       31.12.20x1
  $000           $000
  Cost                            720           595
  Accumulated depreciation                       340           290
  Carrying value                             380           305
  (e)50,000 $1 ordinary shares were issued during the year at a premium of 20c per share.
  Prepare a statement of cash flows for the year to 31 December 20x2 using the format laid out in IAS 7, together with the relevant notes to the statement.
  Statement of cash flows for the year ended 31 December 20x2.
  $000      $000
  Cash flows from operating activities
  Net profit before taxation           300
  Adjustment for:
  Depreciation (W1)               90
  Loss on sale for non-current asset investments        13
  Profit on sale of non-current asset investment          (5)
  Interest received                 (25)
  Interest expense                 75
  Operating profit before working capital changes 448
  Increase in inventories               (48)
  Increase in receivables              (75)
  Increase in payables                8
  Cash generated from operations          333
  Interest paid                    (75)
  Income taxes paid (W2)                 (190)
  Net cash from operating activities                68
  Cash flows from investing activities
  Purchase of intangible non-current assets        (50)
  Purchase of tangible non-current assets(W3)       (201)
  Receipts from sale of non-current assets     (32 +30) 62
  Interest received              25
  Net cash used in investing activities                      (164)
  Cash flows from financing activities      60
  Proceeds from issue of share capital     100
  Long-term loan                          160
  Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                64
  Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 20x2 (Note 1)            (97)
  Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 20x2 (Note 1)          (33)
  31 December     31 December
  20x2          20x1
  $000          $000
  Cash in hand             2            1
  Bank overdraft           (85)        (98)
  Short-term investments        50
  (33)        (97)
  1 Depreciation charge
  $000         $000
  Depreciation at 31 December     20x2          340
  Depreciation 31 December      20x1          290
  Depreciation on assets sold (85-45)         40
  Charge for the year                     90
  2.Tax paid
  Example 2:
  Part of a company’s Statement of cash flows is shown below:
  Operating profits            1,255
  Loss on disposal            (455)
  Increase in receivables             (198)
  Increase in payables           340
  The following criticisms of the extract have been made:
  1.The loss on disposal should have been added, not deducted
  2.Increase in receivables should have been added, not deducted
  3.Increase in payables should have been deducted, not added
  Which of the criticisms is valid?
  A.1,2 and 3
  B.1 only
  C.2 and 3 only
  D.None of them
  Solution is B
  Example 3:
  Which of the following could appear in a company’s Statement of cash flows?
  1.Proposed dividend
  2.Dividends received
  3.Bonus issue of shares
  4.Surplus on r*uation of non-current assets
  A.1 and 2
  B.1,2 and 3
  C.2 only
  D.2 and 3
  Solution is C
  Example 4
  A company has the following information about property, plant and equipment.
  20X7     20X6
  $000     $000
  Cost              750     600
  Accumulated depreciation          250      150
  Net book value             500     450
  Plant with a net book value of $75,000 (original cost $90,000) was sold for $30,000 during the year. What is the cash flow from investing activities for the year?
  A.$95,000 inflows
  B.$210,000 inflows
  C.$240,000 outflows
  D.$95,000 outflows
  Answer is C