17.2 Format of a Statement of cash flows
  Standard headings
  IAS7 requires a Statement of cash flows to be presented using standard headings:
  (1)Cash flows from operating activities
  (2)Cash flows from investing activities
  (3)Cash flows from financing activities
  Proforma Statement of cash flows
  Statement of cash flows for the period ended…
  $000    $000
  Cash flows from operating activities
  Cash generated from operation      2,550
  Interest paid                  (270)
  Preference dividends paid            (300)
  Income taxes paid               (420)
  Net cash from operating activities             1,560
  Cash flows from investing activities
  Purchase of property, plant and equipment    (900)
  Proceeds of sale of equipment           20
  Interest received                 200
  Dividend received                 200
  Net cash used in investing activities        (480)
  Cash flows from financing activities
  Equity dividend paid              (200)
  Proceeds from issuance of share capital     1,210
  Repayment of loans               (2,000)
  Net cash used in financing activities        (990)
  Net increase in cash and cash equivalent           90
  Cash and cash equivalent at the beginning of the period   120
  Cash and cash equivalent at the end of the period  210
  Key points:
  - Operating activities: are the principal revenue-generating activities of the business.
  - Investing activities: are cash spent on non-current assets, proceeds of sale of non-current assets and income from investment.
  - Financing activities: include the proceeds of issue of shares and long-term
  Borrowing made or repaid.
  - Cash: included deposits and overdrafts that are repayable on demand.
  - Cash equivalents: are short term, highly liquid and risk free investments that can be easily converted into known amounts of cash, such as term deposits and government bonds.