13.3 Preparing a bank reconciliation
  The bank statement should be adjusted for these items:
  Balance per bank statement           X
  Less: outstanding/ unpresented cheques (X)
  Add: Deposit-in-transit          X
  Add: outstanding/unpresented lodgement  X
  Add/less: Bank error            X
  Balance per bank statement (revised)     X
  Proforma bank reconciliations:
  The following is a summary of Ami’s cash book as presented to you for the month of December 2006:
  $             $
  Receipts      1,460   Balance b/f     761
  Balance c/f     554    Payments    1,262
  2,023            2,023
  All receipts are banked and payments made by cheques.
  On investigation you discover:
  1.Bank charges of $136 entered on the bank statement had not been entered in the Cash book.
  2.A cheque for $22 had been entered as a receipt in the cash book instead of as a Payment.
  3.A cheque drawn for $6 had been incorrectly entered in the cash book as $66.
  What balance is shown in the bank statement at 31 December 2006?
  B.$674 overdrafts
  D.$407 overdraft
  Solution: B