11.3 Day books
  Sales day book: - The book for credit sales.
  The typical format of a sales day book is as follows:
  Date   Invoice   Customer   Ledger Ref   $
  4.1.06   1      Jake     RL3     4,500
  4.1.06   2      Bella    RL18    3,000
  4.1.06   3      Fizz     RL6     2,200
  4.1.06   4      Milo     RL1     10,000
  4.1.06   5      Max     PL12    500
  Total for 4.1.06 20,200
  The format of the double entry resulting from the sales day book will depend upon whether the individual accounts in the accounts receivable ledger OR the sales ledger control account in the general ledger is part of the double entry system.
  Dr.Jake (RL3)  4,500
  Dr.Max (RL12)  500
  Dr.Fizz(RL6)  2,200
  Dr.Milo(RL1)  10,000
  Dr.Bella(RL18) 3,000
  Cr.Sales      20,200
  The total receivables of $20,200 should then be posted to the memorandum control account (assuming one is maintained.)
  Sales ledger control account (part of double entry)
  Dr.SLCA    $20,200
  Cr.Sales   $20,200
  Care must then be taken to update the individual memorandum accounts with the new amounts that the customer owe.
  Care must be then be taken to update the individual memorandum accounts with the new amounts that the customers owe.
  Purchases day book, sales returns day book and purchases returns day books:
  The format of the remaining day books is similar to that of the sales day book.
  The double entry arising are: