? ACCA 2015 All rights reserved.
  Advanced Taxation (UK)
  Exams in the financial
  year 1 April 2015 to 31
  March 2016
  This syllabus and study guide is designed to help
  with planning study and to provide detailed
  information on what could be assessed in
  any examination session.
  Relational diagram of paper with other papers
  This diagram shows direct and indirect links
  between this paper and other papers preceding or
  following it. Some papers are directly underpinned
  by other papers such as Advanced Performance
  Management by Performance Management. These
  links are shown as solid line arrows. Other papers
  only have indirect relationships with each other
  such as links existing between the accounting and
  auditing papers. The links between these are shown
  as dotted line arrows. This diagram indicates where
  you are expected to have underpinning knowledge
  and where it would be useful to review previous
  learning before undertaking study.
  Overall aim of the syllabus
  This explains briefly the overall objective of the
  paper and indicates in the broadest sense the
  capabilities to be developed within the paper.
  Main capabilities
  This paper’s aim is broken down into several main
  capabilities which divide the syllabus and study
  guide into discrete sections.
  Relational diagram of the main capabilities
  This diagram illustrates the flows and links between
  the main capabilities (sections) of the syllabus and
  should be used as an aid to planning teaching and
  learning in a structured way.
  Syllabus rationale
  This is a narrative explaining how the syllabus is
  structured and how the main capabilities are linked.
  The rationale also explains in further detail what the
  examination intends to assess and why.
  Detailed syllabus
  This shows the breakdown of the main capabilities
 ?。╯ections) of the syllabus into subject areas. This is
  the blueprint for the detailed study guide.
  Approach to examining the syllabus
  This section briefly explains the structure of the
  examination and how it is assessed.
  Study Guide
  This is the main document that students, tuition
  providers and publishers should use as the basis of
  their studies, instruction and materials.
  Examinations will be based on the detail of the
  study guide which comprehensively identifies what
  could be assessed in any examination session.
  The study guide is a precise reflection and
  breakdown of the syllabus. It is divided into sections
  based on the main capabilities identified in the
  syllabus. These sections are divided into subject
  areas which relate to the sub-capabilities included
  in the detailed syllabus. Subject areas are broken
  down into sub-headings which describe the detailed
  outcomes that could be assessed in examinations.
  These outcomes are described using verbs
  indicating what exams may require students to
  demonstrate, and the broad intellectual level at
  which these may need to be demonstrated
 ?。?see intellectual levels below)。
  The syllabus is designed to progressively broaden
  and deepen the knowledge, skills and professional
  values demonstrated by the student on their way
  through the qualification.
  The specific capabilities within the detailed
  syllabuses and study guides are assessed at one of
  three intellectual or cognitive levels:
  LevelⅠ: Knowledge and comprehension
  LevelⅡ: Application and analysis
  ? ACCA 2015 All rights reserved.
  LevelⅢ: Synthesis and *uation
  Very broadly, these intellectual levels relate to the
  three cognitive levels at which the Knowledge
  module, the Skills module and the Professional level
  are assessed.
  Each subject area in the detailed study guide
  included in this document is given a 1, 2, or
  3 superscript, denoting intellectual level, marked at
  the end of each relevant line. This gives an
  indication of the intellectual depth at which an area
  could be assessed within the examination. However,
  while level 1 broadly equates with the Knowledge
  module, level 2 equates to the Skills module and
  level 3 to the Professional level, some lower level
  skills can continue to be assessed as the student
  progresses through each module and level. This
  reflects that at each stage of study there will be a
  requirement to broaden, as well as deepen
  capabilities. It is also possible that occasionally
  some higher level capabilities may be assessed at
  lower levels.
  The ACCA qualification does not prescribe or
  recommend any particular number of learning hours
  for examinations because study and learning
  patterns and styles vary greatly between people and
  organisations. This also recognises the wide
  diversity of personal, professional and educational
  circumstances in which ACCA students find
  As a member of the International Federation of
  Accountants, ACCA seeks to enhance the education
  recognition of its qualification on both national and
  international education frameworks, and with
  educational authorities and partners globally. In
  doing so, ACCA aims to ensure that its qualifications
  are recognized and valued by governments,
  regulatory authorities and employers across all
  sectors. To this end, ACCA qualifications are
  currently recognized on the education frameworks in
  several countries. Please refer to your national
  education framework regulator for further
  Each syllabus contains between 23 and 35 main
  subject area headings depending on the nature of
  the subject and how these areas have been broken
  The structure of examinations varies within and
  between modules and levels.
  The Fundamentals level examinations contain
  100% compulsory questions to encourage
  candidates to study across the breadth of each
  The Knowledge module is assessed by equivalent
  two-hour paper based and computer based
  The Skills module examinations F5-F9 are all paper
  based three-hour papers containing a mixture of
  objective and longer type questions. The Corporate
  and Business Law (F4) paper is a two-hour
  computer based objective test examination which is
  also available as a paper based version from the
  December 2014 examination session.
  The Professional level papers are all three-hour
  paper based examinations, all containing two
  sections. Section A is compulsory, but there will be
  some choice offered in Section B.
  For all three hour examination papers, ACCA has
  introduced 15 minutes reading and planning time.
  This additional time is allowed at the beginning of
  each three-hour examination to allow candidates to
  read the questions and to begin planning their
  answers before they start writing in their answer
  books. This time should be used to ensure that all
  the information and exam requirements are properly
  read and understood.
  During reading and planning time candidates may
  only annotate their question paper. They may not
  write anything in their answer booklets until told to
  do so by the invigilator.
  The Essentials module papers all have a Section A
  containing a major case study question with all
  requirements totalling 50 marks relating to this
  case. Section B gives students a choice of two from
  three 25 mark questions.
  Section A of both the P4 and P5 Options papers
  contain one 50 mark compulsory question, and
  ? ACCA 2015 All rights reserved.
  Section B will offer a choice of two from three
  questions each worth 25 marks each.
  Section A of each of the P6 and P7 Options papers
  contains 60 compulsory marks from two questions;
  question 1 attracting 35 marks, and question 2
  attracting 25 marks. Section B of both these
  Options papers will offer a choice of two from three
  questions, with each question attracting 20 marks.
  All Professional level exams contain four
  professional marks.
  The pass mark for all ACCA Qualification
  examination papers is 50%.
  ACCA reserves the right to examine anything
  contained within the study guide at any examination
  session. This includes knowledge, techniques,
  principles, theories, and concepts as specified.
  For the tax papers, ACCA will publish examinable
  documents, or tax rates and allowances tables, once
  a year to indicate exactly what legislation could
  potentially be assessed within identified
  examination sessions. These should be read in
  conjunction with the information below.
  For UK tax papers, examinations falling within the
  financial year 1 April to 31 March will examine the
  Finance Act which was passed in the previous July.
  I.e. Exams falling in the period 1 April 2015 to 31
  March 2016 will examine the Finance Act 2014.
  For SGP tax papers, examinations falling within the
  year 1 April to 31 March will be based on
  legislation passed before the previous 30
  September. I.e. examinations falling in the year 1
  April 2015 to 31 March 2016 will be based on
  legislation passed by 30 September 2014.
  For MYS tax papers, examinations falling within the
  year 1 October to 30 September will be based on
  legislation passed before the previous 31 March.
  I.e. examinations falling in the year 1 October 2014
  to 30 September 2015 will be based on legislation
  passed before the previous 31 March 2014.
  For CYP tax papers, June and December
  examinations will be based on regulation or
  legislation published in the Official Gazette of the
  Republic of Cyprus (“the Gazette”) on or before 30
  September. I.e. June and December 2015 papers
  will be based on regulation or legislation published
  in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Cyprus
  (“the Gazette”) on or before 30 September 2014.
  For CZE tax papers, December and June
  examinations will be based on legislation passed
  before the previous 31 May. I.e. December 2014
  and June 15 papers will be based on legislation in
  force at 31 May 2014.
  For VNM tax papers, June and December
  examinations will be based on legislation passed
  before the previous 31 December. I.e. June and
  December 2015 papers will be based on legislation
  passed by 31 December 2014.
  Tax papers for the following variants:
  The June and December examinations will be based
  on legislation passed before the previous 30
  September. I.e. June and December 2015 papers
  will be based on legislation passed by 30
  September 2014.
  ? ACCA 2015 All rights reserved.
  To apply relevant knowledge and skills and exercise
  professional judgement in providing relevant
  information and advice to individuals and
  businesses on the impact of the major taxes on
  financial decisions and situations.
  On successful completion of this paper candidates
  should be able to:
  A Apply further knowledge and understanding
  of the UK tax system through the study of more
  advanced topics within the taxes studied
  previously and the study of stamp taxes
  B Identify and *uate the impact of relevant
  taxes on various situations and courses of
  action, including the interaction of taxes
  C Provide advice on minimising and/or deferring
  tax liabilities by the use of standard tax
  planning measures
  D Communicate with clients, HM Revenue and
  Customs and other professionals in an
  appropriate manner.
  TX (F6)
  ATX (P6)
  Communication with clients, H M Revenue and Customs and
  other professionals in an appropriate manner (D)
  Impact of relevant taxes
  on various situations and
  courses of action,
  including the interaction
  of taxes (B)
  Minimising and/or
  deferring tax
  liabilities by the use
  of standard tax
  planning measures
  Understanding of the tax system through the study of more advanced topics
  within the taxes studied previously and the study of stamp taxes (A)
  ? ACCA 2015 All rights reserved.
  The Advanced Taxation syllabus further develops
  the key aspects of taxation introduced in the
  compulsory Taxation syllabus within the Skills
  module and extends the candidates’ knowledge of
  the tax system, together with their ability to apply
  that knowledge to the issues commonly encountered
  by individuals and businesses, such that successful
  candidates should have the ability to interpret and
  analyse the information provided and communicate
  the outcomes in a manner appropriate to the
  intended audience.
  The syllabus builds on the basic knowledge of core
  taxes from the earlier taxation paper and introduces
  candidates to stamp taxes. As this is an optional
  paper, aimed at those requiring/desiring more than
  basic tax knowledge for their future professional
  lives, the syllabus also extends the knowledge of
  income tax, corporation tax, capital gains tax and
  inheritance tax to encompass, further overseas
  aspects of taxation, the taxation of trusts and
  additional exemptions and reliefs.
  Computations will normally only be required in
  support of explanations or advice and not in
  Candidates are not expected to concentrate on the
  computational aspects of taxation. Instead this
  paper seeks to develop candidates’ skills of analysis,
  interpretation and communication. Candidates are
  expected to be able to use established tax planning
  methods and consider current issues in taxation.
  A Knowledge and understanding of the UK tax
  system through the study of more advanced
  topics within the taxes studied previously and
  the study of stamp taxes.
  1. Income and income tax liabilities in situations
  involving further overseas aspects and in
  relation to trusts, and the application of
  additional exemptions and reliefs.
  2. Chargeable gains and capital gains tax
  liabilities in situations involving further
  overseas aspects and in relation to closely
  related persons and trusts, and the application
  of additional exemptions and reliefs.
  3. Inheritance tax in situations involving further
  aspects of the scope of the tax and the
  calculation of the liabilities arising, the
  principles of valuation and the reliefs available,
  transfers of property to and from trusts,
  overseas aspects and further aspects of
  4. Corporation tax liabilities in situations involving
  overseas and further group aspects and in
  relation to special types of company, and the
  application of additional exemptions and
  5. Stamp taxes
  6. Value added tax, tax administration and the
  UK tax system
  B The impact of relevant taxes on various
  situations and courses of action, including the
  interaction of taxes
  1. Taxes applicable to a given situation or course
  of action and their impact.
  2. Alternative ways of achieving personal or
  business outcomes may lead to different tax
  3. Taxation effects of the financial decisions
  made by businesses (corporate and
  unincorporated) and by individuals.
  4. Tax advantages and/or disadvantages of
  alternative courses of action.
  5. Statutory obligations imposed in a given
  situation, including any time limits for action
  and the implications of non-compliance.
  C Minimising and/or deferring tax liabilities by
  the use of standard tax planning measures
  1. Types of investment and other expenditure that
  will result in a reduction in tax liabilities for an
  individual and/or a business.
  2. Legitimate tax planning measures, by which
  the tax liabilities arising from a particular
  situation or course of action can be mitigated.
  ? ACCA 2015 All rights reserved.
  3. The appropriateness of such investment,
  expenditure or measures, given a particular
  taxpayer’s circumstances or stated objectives.
  4. The mitigation of tax in the manner
  recommended, by reference to numerical
  analysis and/or reasoned argument.
  5. Ethical and professional issues arising from the
  giving of tax planning advice.
  6. Current issues in taxation.
  D Communicating with clients, HM Revenue and
  Customs and other professionals
  1. Communication of advice, recommendations
  and information in the required format.
  2. Presentation of written information, in language
  appropriate to the purpose of the
  communication and the intended recipient.
  3. Conclusions reached with relevant supporting
  4. Assumptions made or limitations in the
  analysis provided, together with any
  inadequacies in the information available
  and/or additional information required to
  provide a fuller analysis.
  5. Other non-tax factors that should be
  ? ACCA 2015 All rights reserved.
  The paper consists of two sections:
  Section A consists of two compulsory questions.
  Question 1 has 35 marks, including 4 professional
  marks, and question 2 has 25 marks
  Section B consists of three 20-mark questions, two
  of which must be answered.
  Questions will be scenario based and will normally
  involve consideration of more than one tax, together
  with some elements of planning and the interaction
  of taxes. Computations will normally only be
  required in support of explanations or advice and
  not in isolation.
  The examination is a three hour paper, with 15
  minutes additional reading and planning time.
  Tax rates, allowances and information on certain
  reliefs will be given in the examination paper.
  ? ACCA 2015 All rights reserved.
  Study Guide
  1. Income and income tax liabilities in situations
  involving further overseas aspects and in
  relation to trusts, and the application of
  exemptions and reliefs
  a) The contents of the Paper F6 study guide for
  income tax and national insurance, under
  headings: [2]
  ? B1 The scope of income tax
  ? B2 Income from employment
  ? B3 Income from self employment
  ? B4 Property and investment income
  ? B5 The comprehensive computation of
  taxable income and the income tax liability
  ? B6 National insurance contributions for
  employed and self-employed persons
  ? B7 The use of exemptions and reliefs in
  deferring and minimising income tax
  The following additional material is also
  b) The scope of income tax: [3]
  i) Explain and apply the concepts of residence
  and domicile and advise on the relevance to
  income tax
  ii) Advise on the availability of the remittance
  basis to UK resident individuals [2]
  iii) Advise on the tax position of individuals
  coming to and leaving the UK
  iv) Determine the income tax treatment of
  overseas income
  v) Understand the relevance of the OECD
  model double tax treaty to given situations
  vi) Calculate and advise on the double taxation
  relief available to individuals
  c) Income from employment: [3]
  i) Advise on the tax treatment of share option
  and share incentive schemes, including
  employee shareholder shares
  ii) Advise on the tax treatment of lump sum
  iii) Advise on the overseas aspects of income
  from employment, including travelling and
  subsistence expenses
  iv) Identify personal service companies and
  advise on the tax consequences of providing
  services via a personal service company
  d) Income from self employment: [3]
  i) Advise on a change of accounting date
  ii) Advise on the relief available for trading
  losses following the transfer of a business to
  a company
  iii) Recognise the tax treatment of overseas
  travelling expenses
  iv) Advise on the allocation of the annual
  investment allowance between related
  v) Identify the enhanced capital allowances
  available in respect of expenditure on green
  e) Property and investment income: [3]
  i) Recognise income subject to the accrued
  income scheme
  ii) Advise on the tax implications of jointly
  held assets
  iii) Income from trusts and settlements:
  Understand the income tax position of trust
  f) The comprehensive computation of taxable
  income and the income tax liability:[3]
  i) Advise on the income tax position of the
  income of minor children
  g) The use of exemptions and reliefs in deferring
  and minimising income tax liabilities:
  i) Understand and apply the rules relating to
  investments in the seed enterprise
  investment scheme and the enterprise
  investment scheme [3]
  ii) Understand and apply the rules relating to
  investments in venture capital trusts [3]
  Excluded topics
  The scope of income tax:
  ? Details of specific anti-avoidance
  provisions, except as stated in the
  study guide.
  ? ACCA 2015 All rights reserved.
  Income from employment:
  ? Explanation of the PAYE system.
  ? The calculation of a car benefit where
  emission figures are not available.
  Income from self employment:
  ? The 100% first year allowance for
  renovating business premises in
  disadvantaged areas and flats above
  ? Capital allowances for agricultural
  buildings, patents, scientific research
  and know how.
  ? Enterprise zones.
  ? The allocation of notional profits and
  losses for a partnership.
  ? Farmers averaging of profits.
  ? The averaging of profits for authors
  and creative artists.
  ? Details of specific anti-avoidance
  provisions, except as stated in the
  study guide.
  ? Investment income of a partnership
  Property and investment income:
  ? The deduction for expenditure by
  landlords on energy-saving items
  ? Pre-owned assets
  National insurance:
  ? The calculation of directors’ national
  insurance on a month by month basis.
  ? Contracted out contributions.
  ? The offset of trading losses against nontrading
  income and capital gains.
  Income from trusts and settlements:
  ? The computation of income tax payable
  by trustees.
  ? Overseas aspects.
  The comprehensive computation of taxable
  income and the income tax liability:
  ? The blind person’s allowance and the
  married couple’s age allowance.
  ? Tax credits.
  ? Maintenance payments.
  ? Charitable donations.
  ? Social security benefits apart from the
  State Retirement Pension.
  The use of exemptions and reliefs in deferring
  and minimising income tax liabilities:
  ? The conditions that need to be satisfied for
  pension schemes to be registered by HM
  Revenue and Customs.
  2. Chargeable gains and capital gains tax liabilities
  in situations involving further overseas aspects
  and in relation to closely related persons and
  trusts together with the application of additional
  exemptions and reliefs
  a) The contents of the Paper F6 study guide
  for chargeable gains for individuals under
  ? C1 The scope of the taxation of capital
  ? C2 The basic principles of computing
  gains and losses
  ? C3 Gains and losses on the disposal of
  movable and immovable property
  ? C4 Gains and losses on the disposal of
  shares and securities
  ? C5 The computation of capital gains
  ? C6 The use of exemptions and reliefs in
  deferring and minimising tax liabilities
  arising on the disposal of capital assets
  The following additional material is also
  b) The scope of the taxation of capital gains: [3]
  i) Determine the tax implications of
  independent taxation and transfers between
  ii) Identify the concepts of residence and
  domicile and determine their relevance to
  capital gains tax
  iii) Advise on the availability of the remittance
  basis to non-UK domiciled individuals [2]
  iv) Determine the UK taxation of foreign
  gains, including double taxation relief
  v) Conclude on the capital gains tax position
  of individuals coming to and leaving the
  vi) Identify the occasions when a capital gain
  would arise on a partner in a partnership on
  the disposal of a partnership asset
  c) Capital gains tax and trusts:
  i) Advise on the capital gains tax implications
  of transfers of property into trust. [3]
  ? ACCA 2015 All rights reserved.
  ii) Advise on the capital gains tax implications
  of property passing absolutely from a trust
  to a beneficiary.[2]
  d) The basic principles of computing gains and
  losses: [3]
  i) Identify connected persons for capital gains
  tax purposes and advise on the tax
  implications of transfers between connected
  ii) Advise on the impact of dates of disposal
  and conditional contracts
  iii) Evaluate the use of capital losses in the
  year of death
  e) Gains and losses on the disposal of movable
  and immovable property: [3]
  i) Advise on the tax implications of a part
  disposal, including small part disposals of
  ii) Determine the gain on the disposal of
  leases and wasting assets
  iii) Establish the tax effect of capital sums
  received in respect of the loss, damage or
  destruction of an asset
  iv) Advise on the tax effect of making
  negligible value claims
  v) Determine when capital gains tax can be
  paid by instalments and *uate when this
  would be advantageous to taxpayers
  f) Gains and losses on the disposal of shares and
  securities: [3]
  i) Extend the explanation of the treatment of
  rights issues to include the small part
  disposal rules applicable to rights issues
  ii) Define a qualifying corporate bond (QCB),
  and understand what makes a corporate
  bond non-qualifying. Understand the capital
  gains tax implications of the disposal of
  QCBs in exchange for cash or shares
  iii) Apply the rules relating to reorganisations,
  reconstructions and amalgamations and
  advise on the most tax efficient options
  available in given circumstances
  iv) Establish the relief for capital losses on
  shares in unquoted trading companies [3]
  g) The use of exemptions and reliefs in deferring
  and minimising tax liabilities arising on the
  disposal of capital assets: [3]
  i) Understand and apply enterprise
  investment scheme reinvestment relief
  ii) Understand and apply seed enterprise
  investment scheme reinvestment relief
  iii) Advise on the availability of entrepreneurs’
  relief in relation to associated disposals
  iv) Understand and apply the relief that is
  available on the transfer of an
  unincorporated business to a limited
  v) Understand the capital gains tax
  implications of the variation of wills
  Excluded topics
  The scope of the taxation of capital gains:
  ? Detailed knowledge of the statements
  of practice on partnership capital gains.
  ? Deemed disposals on a change in the
  profit sharing ratio (PSR) of a
  Capital gains tax and trusts:
  ? Overseas aspects of capital gains tax
  and trusts.
  ? The computation of capital gains tax
  payable by trustees.
  ? Transfers of property to or from trustees
  prior to 22 March 2006.
  ? Knowledge of situations where property
  is transferred between trusts or where
  the terms or nature of the trust is
  ? Knowledge of situations where property
  within a trust with an immediate postdeath
  interest passes to the spouse or
  civil partner of the settlor on the death
  of the life tenant.
  ? Knowledge of the special rules
  concerning trusts for the disabled,
  trusts for bereaved minors, transitional
  serial interest trusts and age 18 to 25
  The basic principles of computing gains and
  ? Assets held at 31 March 1982.
  ? Relief for losses on loans made to
  ? ACCA 2015 All rights reserved.
  Gains and losses on the disposal of movable
  and immovable property:
  ? The detailed calculations for chattels
  where the cost or proceeds are less
  than ?6,000, other than knowledge of
  the exemption where both cost and
  proceeds are less than ?6,000.
  ? Sets of chattels in relation to the
  chattels exemption.
  ? The grant of a lease or sub-lease out of
  either a freehold, long lease or short
  ? Appropriations to and from trading
  stock (inventory)。
  Gains and losses on the disposal of shares and
  ? Computation of cost and indexed cost
  within the s.104 TCGA 1992 share
  3. Inheritance tax in situations involving further
  aspects of the scope of the tax and the
  calculation of the liabilities arising, the
  principles of valuation and the reliefs available,
  transfers of property to and from trusts,
  overseas aspects and further aspects of
  a) The contents of the Paper F6 study guide
  for inheritance tax under headings:[2]
  ? D1 The basic principles of computing
  transfers of value
  ? D2 The liabilities arising on the
  chargeable lifetime transfers and on the
  death of an individual
  ? D3 The use of exemptions in deferring
  and minimising inheritance tax
  ? D4 Payment of inheritance tax
  The following additional material is also
  b) The scope of inheritance tax:
  i) Explain the concepts of domicile and
  deemed domicile and understand the
  application of these concepts to inheritance
  tax [2]
  ii) Identify excluded property [2]
  iii) Identify and advise on the tax implications
  of the location of assets [3]
  iv) Identify and advise on gifts with reservation
  of benefit [3]
  v) Identify and advise on the tax implications
  of associated operations [2]
  c) The basic principles of computing transfers of
  i) Advise on the principles of valuation[3]
  ii) Advise on the availability of business
  property relief and agricultural property
  iii) Identify exempt transfers [2]
  d) The liabilities arising on chargeable lifetime
  transfers and on the death of an individual: [3]
  i) Advise on the tax implications of chargeable
  lifetime transfers
  ii) Advise on the tax implications of transfers
  within seven years of death
  iii) Advise on the tax liability arising on a death
  iv) Advise on the relief for the fall in value of
  lifetime gifts
  v) Advise on the operation of quick succession
  vi) Advise on the operation of double tax relief
  for inheritance tax
  vii) Advise on the inheritance tax effects and
  advantages of the variation of wills
  e) The liabilities arising in respect of transfers to
  and from trusts and on property within
  i) Define a trust [2]
  ii) Distinguish between different types of
  trust [3]
  iii) Advise on the inheritance tax implications
  of transfers of property into trust [3]
  iv) Advise on the inheritance tax implications
  of property passing absolutely from a trust
  to a beneficiary [2]
  v) Identify the occasions on which
  inheritance tax is payable by trustees [3]
  f) The use of exemptions and reliefs in deferring
  and minimising inheritance tax liabilities: [3]
  i) Advise on the use of reliefs and exemptions
  to minimise inheritance tax liabilities, as
  mentioned in the sections above
  g) The system by which inheritance tax is
  administered, including the instalment option
  for the payment of tax:
  ? ACCA 2015 All rights reserved.
  i) Identify the occasions on which inheritance
  tax may be paid by instalments.[2]
  ii) Advise on the due dates, interest and
  penalties for inheritance tax purposes.[3]
  Excluded topics
  The scope of inheritance tax:
  ? Pre 18 March 1986 lifetime transfers.
  ? Transfers of value by close companies.
  The liabilities arising on chargeable lifetime
  transfers and on the death of an individual:
  ? Double grossing up on death.
  ? Post mortem reliefs.
  ? Relief on relevant business property and
  agricultural property given as exempt
  ? Detailed knowledge of the double charges
  Computing transfers of value:
  ? Valuation of an annuity or an interest in
  possession where the trust interest is
  subject to an annuity.
  ? Woodlands relief.
  ? Conditional exemption for heritage property.
  Inheritance tax and trusts:
  ? IHT aspects of discretionary trusts prior to
  27 March 1974.
  ? Trusts created prior to 22 March 2006.
  ? Computation of ten year charges and exit
  ? The computation of inheritance tax payable
  by trustees of an immediate post-death
  interest trust.
  ? Overseas aspects of inheritance tax and
  ? The conditions that had to be satisfied for a
  trust to be an accumulation and
  maintenance trust.
  ? Knowledge of situations where property is
  transferred between trusts or where the
  terms or nature of the trust is altered.
  ? Knowledge of situations where property
  within a trust with an immediate post-death
  interest passes to the spouse or civil partner
  of the settlor on the death of the life tenant.
  ? Knowledge of the special rules concerning
  trusts for the disabled, trusts for bereaved
  minors, transitional serial interest trusts and
  age 18 to 25 trusts.
  4. Corporation tax liabilities in situations
  involving further overseas and group aspects
  and in relation to special types of company,
  and the application of additional exemptions
  and reliefs
  a) The contents of the Paper F6 study guide, for
  corporation tax, under headings:[2]
  ? E1 The scope of corporation tax
  ? E2 Taxable total profits
  ? E3 Chargeable gains for companies
  ? E4 The comprehensive computation of the
  corporation tax liability
  ? E5 The effect of a group corporate structure
  for corporation tax purposes
  ? E6 The use of exemptions and reliefs in
  deferring and minimising corporation tax
  The following additional material is also
  b) The scope of corporation tax: [3]
  i) Identify and calculate corporation tax
  for companies with investment business.
  ii) Close companies:
  ? Apply the definition of a close
  company to given situations
  ? Conclude on the tax implications of
  a company being a close company
  or a close investment holding
  iii) Identify and *uate the significance of
  accounting periods on administration or
  winding up
  iv) Conclude on the tax treatment of returns to
  shareholders after winding up has
  v) Advise on the tax implications of a
  purchase by a company of its own shares
  vi) Identify personal service companies and
  advise on the tax consequences of services
  being provided via a personal service
  c) Taxable total profits: [3]
  i) Identify qualifying research and
  development expenditure, both capital and
  revenue, and determine the reliefs available
  by reference to the size of the individual
  ? ACCA 2015 All rights reserved.
  ii) Recognise the relevance of a company
  generating profits attributable to patents
  iii) Identify the enhanced capital allowances
  available in respect of expenditure on green
  technologies, including the tax credit
  available in the case of a loss making
  iv) Determine the tax treatment of non trading
  deficits on loan relationships
  v) Recognise the alternative tax treatments of
  intangible assets and conclude on the best
  treatment for a given company
  vi) Advise on the impact of the transfer
  pricing and thin capitalisation rules on
  vii) Advise on the restriction on the use of
  losses on a change in ownership of a
  d) The comprehensive calculation of the
  corporation tax liability: [3]
  i) Assess the impact of the OECD model
  double tax treaty on corporation tax
  ii) Evaluate the meaning and implications of a
  permanent establishment
  iii) Identify and advise on the tax implications
  of controlled foreign companies
  iv) Advise on the tax position of overseas
  companies trading in the UK
  v) Calculate double taxation relief
  e) The effect of a group structure for corporation
  tax purposes: [3]
  i) Advise on the allocation of the annual
  investment allowance between group
  or related companies
  ii) Advise on the tax consequences of a
  transfer of intangible assets
  iii) Advise on the tax consequences of a
  transfer of a trade and assets where there is
  common control
  iv) Understand the meaning of consortium
  owned company and consortium member [2]
  v) Advise on the operation of consortium
  vi) Determine pre-entry losses and
  understand their tax treatment
  vii) Determine the degrouping charge where a
  company leaves a group within six years of
  receiving an asset by way of a no gain/no
  loss transfer
  viii) Determine the effects of the anti-avoidance
  provisions, where arrangements exist for a
  company to leave a group
  ix) Advise on the tax treatment of an overseas
  x) Advise on the relief for trading losses
  incurred by an overseas subsidiary
  f) The use of exemptions and reliefs in deferring
  and minimising corporation tax liabilities: [3]
  i) Advise on the availability, and the
  application of disincorporation relief
  ii) Determine the application of the substantial
  shareholdings exemption
  Excluded topics
  The scope of corporation tax:
  ? Details of specific anti-avoidance
  provisions, except as stated in the
  Study Guide.
  The comprehensive calculation of the
  corporation tax liability:
  ? Corporation tax rates for companies in
  the process of winding up.
  ? Relief for overseas tax as an expense.
  ? Detailed knowledge of specific double
  taxation agreements.
  ? Migration of a UK resident company.
  ? Mixer companies.
  ? Detailed computational questions on
  the carry back and carry forward of
  unrelieved foreign tax.
  ? Quarterly accounting for income tax.
  5. Stamp taxes (stamp duty, stamp duty reserve
  tax, and stamp duty land tax)
  a) The scope of stamp taxes: [3]
  i) Identify the property in respect of which
  stamp taxes are payable.
  b) Identify and advise on the liabilities arising on
  transfers. [3]
  i) Advise on the stamp taxes payable on
  transfers of shares and securities
  ii) Advise on the stamp taxes payable on
  transfers of land
  c) The use of exemptions and reliefs in deferring
  and minimising stamp taxes: [3]
  ? ACCA 2015 All rights reserved.
  i) Identify transfers involving no
  ii) Advise on group transactions
  d) Understand and explain the systems by which
  stamp taxes are administered.[2]
  Excluded topics
  The scope of stamp taxes:
  ? Leases.
  The liabilities arising on transfers:
  ? The contingency principle.
  ? Residential property held by non-natural
  The systems by which stamp taxes are
  ? Detailed rules on interest and penalties.
  6. Value added tax, tax administration and the
  UK tax system:
  a) The contents of the Paper F6 study guide for
  value added tax (VAT) under headings:
  ? F1 The VAT registration requirements:
  ? F2 The computation of VAT liabilities:
  ? F3 The effect of special schemes
  The following additional material is also
  i) Advise on the impact of the disaggregation
  of business activities for VAT purposes [3]
  ii) Advise on the impact of divisional
  registration [3]
  iii) Advise on the VAT implications of the
  supply of land and buildings in the UK
  iv) Advise on the VAT implications of partial
  v) Advise on the application of the capital
  goods scheme
  b) The contents of the Paper F6 study guide for
  the UK tax system and its administration under
  ? A1 The overall function and purpose of
  taxation in a modern economy
  ? A2 Principal sources of revenue law
  and practice
  ? A3 The systems for self assessment
  and the making of returns
  ? A4 The time limits for the submission
  of information, claims and payment of
  tax, including payments on account
  ? A5 The procedures relating to
  compliance checks, appeals and
  ? A6 Penalties for non-compliance
  No additional material at this level
  Excluded topics
  Value added tax:
  ? The determination of the tax point.
  ? The contents of a valid VAT invoice.
  ? Do it yourself builders.
  ? Second hand goods scheme.
  ? Retailers’ schemes.
  ? Schemes for farmers.
  1. Identify and advise on the taxes applicable to a
  given course of action and their impact.[3]
  2. Identify and understand that the alternative
  ways of achieving personal or business
  outcomes may lead to different tax
  a) Calculate the receipts from a transaction, net of
  tax and compare the results of alternative
  scenarios and advise on the most tax efficient
  course of action.[3]
  3. Advise how taxation can affect the financial
  decisions made by businesses (corporate and
  unincorporated) and by individuals
  a) Understand and compare and contrast the tax
  treatment of the sources of finance and
  investment products available to individuals.[3]
  b) Understand and explain the tax implications of
  the raising of equity and loan finance.[3]
  ? ACCA 2015 All rights reserved.
  c) Explain the tax differences between decisions
  to lease, use hire purchase or purchase
  d) Understand and explain the impact of taxation
  on the cash flows of a business.[3]
  4 Assess the tax advantages and disadvantages
  of alternative courses of action.[3]
  5. Understand the statutory obligations imposed
  in a given situation, including any time limits
  for action and advise on the implications of
  1. Identify and advise on the types of investment
  and other expenditure that will result in a
  reduction in tax liabilities for an individual
  and/or a business.[3]
  2. Advise on legitimate tax planning measures, by
  which the tax liabilities arising from a
  particular situation or course of action can be
  3. Advise on the appropriateness of such
  investment, expenditure or measures given a
  particular taxpayer’s circumstances or stated
  4. Advise on the mitigation of tax in the manner
  recommended by reference to numerical
  analysis and/or reasoned argument.[3]
  5. Be aware of the ethical and professional issues
  arising from the giving of tax planning advice.[3]
  6. Be aware of and give advice on current issues
  in taxation.[3]
  1. Communicate advice, recommendations and
  information in the required format:[3]
  For example the use of:
  ? Reports
  ? Letters
  ? Memoranda
  ? Meeting notes
  2. Present written information, in language
  appropriate to the purpose of the
  communication and the intended recipient.[3]
  3. Communicate conclusions reached, together,
  where necessary with relevant supporting
  4. State and explain assumptions made or
  limitations in the analysis provided; together
  with any inadequacies in the information
  available and/or additional information required
  to provide a fuller analysis.[3]
  5. Identify and explain other, non-tax, factors that
  should be considered.[3]
  ? ACCA 2015 All rights reserved.
  ACCA periodically reviews its qualification syllabuses
  so that they fully meet the needs of stakeholders
  such as employers, students, regulatory and advisory
  bodies and learning providers.
  Some of the syllabus areas have been reordered as shown in Table 1 below:
  Table 1 - Reordering within P6 (UK)
  Section and subject area Amendment
  Reordering of syllabus area A The syllabus areas have been reordered so that syllabus area
  A1 covers income tax and national insurance, A2 covers
  chargeable gains, A3 covers inheritance tax, A4 covers
  corporation tax, A5 covers stamp taxes and A6 covers value
  added tax, tax administration and the UK tax system
  National insurance National insurance has been moved to syllabus area A1
  The main areas that have been added to the syllabus are shown in Table 2 below:
  Table 2 - Additions to P6 (UK)
  Section and subject area Amendment
  A1 Income tax Employee shareholder shares added to section A1 (c) (i)
  A2 Chargeable gains Seed enterprise investment scheme reinvestment relief has
  been removed from excluded topics and is now included in
  section A2(g)(ii)
  A3 Inheritance tax – Excluded topics The computation of inheritance tax payable by trustees of an
  immediate post-death interest trust added to excluded topics
  The main areas that have been deleted from the syllabus are showing in Table 3 below:
  Table 3 - Deletions from P6 (UK)
  Section and subject area Amendment
  A1 (d) – Income from self-employment Recognise the tax treatment of the investment income of a
  A1 (e) – Property and investment income Assess the tax implications of pre-owned assets
  A1 (g) – The use of exemptions and reliefs in
  deferring and minimising income tax liabilities
  Explain the conditions that need to be satisfied for pension
  schemes to be registered by HM Revenue and Customs
  A2 (e) – Gains and losses on the disposal of
  movable and immovable property
  Explain the tax effect of appropriations to and from trading
  stock (inventory)
  The main areas that have been amended or clarified in the syllabus are shown in Table 4 below:
  Table 4 - Amendments to P6 (UK)
  Section and subject area Amendment
  A2 (b) (vi) – Identify the occasions when a
  capital gain would arise on a partner in a
  Clarified as Identify the occasions when a capital gain would
  arise on a partner in a partnership on the disposal of a
  partnership asset.
  A2 (b) - The scope of the taxation of capital Deemed disposals on a change in the profit sharing ratio
  ? ACCA 2015 All rights reserved.
  gains (PSR) of a partnership moved to excluded topics
  A2 Chargeable gains – Excluded topics Amended to clarify that whilst the detailed calculations for
  chattels where cost or proceeds are under ?6,000 are
  excluded from the syllabus, knowledge of the exemption
  where both cost and proceeds are less than ?6,000
  continues to be examinable.
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