ACCA 2014 All rights reserved.
  Governance, Risk and
  Ethics (P1) December
  2014 & June 2015
  This syllabus and study guide is designed to help
  with planning study and to provide detailed
  information on what could be assessed in
  any examination session.
  Relational diagram of paper with other papers
  This diagram shows direct and indirect links
  between this paper and other papers preceding or
  following it. Some papers are directly underpinned
  by other papers such as Advanced Performance
  Management by Performance Management. These
  links are shown as solid line arrows. Other papers
  only have indirect relationships with each other
  such as links existing between the accounting and
  auditing papers. The links between these are shown
  as dotted line arrows. This diagram indicates where
  you are expected to have underpinning knowledge
  and where it would be useful to review previous
  learning before undertaking study.
  Overall aim of the syllabus
  This explains briefly the overall objective of the
  paper and indicates in the broadest sense the
  capabilities to be developed within the paper.
  Main capabilities
  This paper’s aim is broken down into several main
  capabilities which divide the syllabus and study
  guide into discrete sections.
  Relational diagram of the main capabilities
  This diagram illustrates the flows and links between
  the main capabilities (sections) of the syllabus and
  should be used as an aid to planning teaching and
  learning in a structured way.
  Syllabus rationale
  This is a narrative explaining how the syllabus is
  structured and how the main capabilities are linked.
  The rationale also explains in further detail what the
  examination intends to assess and why.
  Detailed syllabus
  This shows the breakdown of the main capabilities
 ?。╯ections) of the syllabus into subject areas. This is
  the blueprint for the detailed study guide.
  Approach to examining the syllabus
  This section briefly explains the structure of the
  examination and how it is assessed.
  Study Guide
  This is the main document that students, learning
  and content providers should use as the basis of
  their studies, instruction and materials.
  Examinations will be based on the detail of the
  study guide which comprehensively identifies what
  could be assessed in any examination session.
  The study guide is a precise reflection and
  breakdown of the syllabus. It is divided into sections
  based on the main capabilities identified in the
  syllabus. These sections are divided into subject
  areas which relate to the sub-capabilities included
  in the detailed syllabus. Subject areas are broken
  down into sub-headings which describe the detailed
  outcomes that could be assessed in examinations.
  These outcomes are described using verbs
  indicating what exams may require students to
  demonstrate, and the broad intellectual level at
  which these may need to be demonstrated
 ?。?see intellectual levels below)。
  The syllabus is designed to progressively broaden
  and deepen the knowledge, skills and professional
  values demonstrated by the student on their way
  through the qualification.
  The specific capabilities within the detailed
  syllabuses and study guides are assessed at one of
  three intellectual or cognitive levels:
  LevelⅠ: Knowledge and comprehension
  ? ACCA 2014 All rights reserved.
  LevelⅡ: Application and analysis
  LevelⅢ: Synthesis and *uation
  Very broadly, these intellectual levels relate to the
  three cognitive levels at which the Knowledge
  module, the Skills module and the Professional level
  are assessed.
  Each subject area in the detailed study guide
  included in this document is given a 1, 2, or
  3 superscript, denoting intellectual level, marked at
  the end of each relevant line. This gives an
  indication of the intellectual depth at which an area
  could be assessed within the examination. However,
  while level 1 broadly equates with the Knowledge
  module, level 2 equates to the Skills module and
  level 3 to the Professional level, some lower level
  skills can continue to be assessed as the student
  progresses through each module and level. This
  reflects that at each stage of study there will be a
  requirement to broaden, as well as deepen
  capabilities. It is also possible that occasionally
  some higher level capabilities may be assessed at
  lower levels.
  The ACCA qualification does not prescribe or
  recommend any particular number of learning hours
  for examinations because study and learning
  patterns and styles vary greatly between people and
  organisations. This also recognises the wide
  diversity of personal, professional and educational
  circumstances in which ACCA students find
  As a member of the International Federation of
  Accountants, ACCA seeks to enhance the education
  recognition of its qualification on both national and
  international education frameworks, and with
  educational authorities and partners globally. In
  doing so, ACCA aims to ensure that its qualifications
  are recognized and valued by governments,
  regulatory authorities and employers across all
  sectors. To this end, ACCA qualifications are
  currently recognized on the education frameworks in
  several countries. Please refer to your national
  education framework regulator for further
  Each syllabus contains between 23 and 35 main
  subject area headings depending on the nature of
  the subject and how these areas have been broken
  The structure of examinations varies within and
  between modules and levels.
  The Fundamentals level examinations contain
  100% compulsory questions to encourage
  candidates to study across the breadth of each
  The Knowledge module is assessed by equivalent
  two-hour paper based and computer based
  The Skills module examinations F5-F9 are all paper
  three-hour papers containing a mix of objective and
  longer type questions. The Corporate and
  Law (F4) paper is a two- hour computer based
  objective test examination which is also
  available as a paper based version from the
  December 2014 examination session.
  The Professional level papers are all three-hour
  paper based examinations, all containing two
  sections. Section A is compulsory, but there will be
  some choice offered in Section B.
  For all three hour examination papers, ACCA has
  introduced 15 minutes reading and planning time.
  This additional time is allowed at the beginning of
  each three-hour examination to allow candidates to
  read the questions and to begin planning their
  answers before they start writing in their answer
  books. This time should be used to ensure that all
  the information and exam requirements are properly
  read and understood.
  During reading and planning time candidates may
  only annotate their question paper. They may not
  write anything in their answer booklets until told to
  do so by the invigilator.
  The Essentials module papers all have a Section A
  containing a major case study question with all
  requirements totalling 50 marks relating to this
  case. Section B gives students a choice of two from
  three 25 mark questions.
  ? ACCA 2014 All rights reserved.
  Section A of both the P4 and P5 Options papers
  contain one 50 mark compulsory question, and
  Section B will offer a choice of two from three
  questions each worth 25 marks each.
  Section A of each of the P6 and P7 Options papers
  contains 60 compulsory marks from two questions;
  question 1 attracting 35 marks, and question 2
  attracting 25 marks. Section B of both these
  Options papers will offer a choice of two from three
  questions, with each question attracting 20 marks.
  All Professional level exams contain four
  professional marks.
  The pass mark for all ACCA Qualification
  examination papers is 50%.
  ACCA reserves the right to examine anything
  contained within the study guide at any examination
  session. This includes knowledge, techniques,
  principles, theories, and concepts as specified.
  For the financial accounting, audit and assurance,
  law and tax papers except where indicated
  otherwise, ACCA will publish examinable
  documents once a year to indicate exactly
  what regulations and legislation could potentially be
  assessed within identified examination sessions
  For paper based examinations regulation issued or
  legislation passed on or before 31st August annually,
  will be examinable from 1st September of the
  following year to 31st August t of the year after that.
  Please refer to the examinable documents for the
  paper (where relevant) for further information.
  Regulation issued or legislation passed in
  accordance with the above dates may be
  examinable even if the effective date is in the future.
  The term issued or passed relates to when
  regulation or legislation has been formally approved.
  The term effective relates to when regulation or
  legislation must be applied to an entity transactions
  and business practices.
  The study guide offers more detailed guidance on
  the depth and level at which the examinable
  documents will be examined. The study guide
  should therefore be read in conjunction with the
  examinable documents list.
  ? ACCA 2014 All rights reserved.
  To apply relevant knowledge, skills and exercise
  professional judgement in carrying out the role of
  the accountant relating to governance, internal
  control, compliance and the management of risk
  within an organisation, in the context of an overall
  ethical framework.
  On successful completion of this paper, candidates
  should be able to:
  A Define governance and explain its function in
  the effective management and control of
  organisations and of the resources for which
  they are accountable
  B Evaluate the Professional Accountant’s
  role in internal control, review and compliance
  C Explain the role of the accountant in identifying
  and assessing risk
  D Explain and *uate the role of the accountant
  in controlling and mitigating risk
  E Demonstrate the application of professional
  values and judgement through an ethical
  framework that is in the best interests of
  society and the profession, in compliance with
  relevant professional codes, laws and
  AB (F1)
  Ethics Module
  AA (F8)
  Professional values, ethics and social responsibility (E)
  Governance and responsibility (A)
  Internal control and
  review (B)
  Identifying, assessing and
  controlling risk (C and D)
  ? ACCA 2014 All rights reserved.
  The syllabus for Paper P1, Governance, Risk and
  Ethics, acts as the gateway syllabus into the
  professional level. It sets the other Essentials and
  Options papers into a wider professional,
  organisational, and societal context.
  The syllabus assumes essential technical skills and
  knowledge acquired at the Fundamentals level
  where the core technical capabilities will have been
  acquired, and where ethics, corporate governance,
  internal audit, control, and risk will have been
  introduced in a subject-specific context.
  The GRE syllabus begins by examining the whole
  area of governance within organisations in the broad
  context of the agency relationship. This aspect of
  the syllabus focuses on the respective roles and
  responsibilities of directors and officers to
  organisational stakeholders and of accounting and
  auditing as support and control functions.
  The syllabus then explores internal review, control,
  and feedback to implement and support effective
  governance, including compliance issues related to
  decision-making and decision-support functions.
  The syllabus also examines the whole area of
  identifying, assessing, and controlling risk as a key
  aspect of responsible management.
  Finally, the syllabus covers personal and
  professional ethics, ethical frameworks – and
  professional values – as applied in the context of the
  accountant’s duties and as a guide to appropriate
  professional * and conduct in a variety of
  A Governance and responsibility
  1. The scope of governance
  2. Agency relationships and theories
  3. The board of directors
  4. Board committees
  5. Directors’ remuneration
  6. Different approaches to corporate governance
  7. Corporate governance and corporate social
  8. Governance: reporting and disclosure
  9. Public sector governance
  B Internal control and review
  1. Management control systems in corporate
  2. Internal control, audit and compliance in
  corporate governance
  3. Internal control and reporting
  4. Management information in audit and internal
  C Identifying and assessing risk
  1. Risk and the risk management process
  2. Categories of risk
  3. Identification, assessment and measurement of
  D Controlling risk
  1. Targeting and monitoring risk
  2. Methods of controlling and reducing risk
  3. Risk avoidance, retention and modelling
  E Professional values, ethics and social
  1. Ethical theories
  2. Different approaches to ethics and social
  3. Professions and the public interest
  4. Professional practice and codes of ethics
  5. Conflicts of interest and the consequences of
  unethical *
  ? ACCA 2014 All rights reserved.
  6. Ethical characteristics of professionalism
  7. Social and environmental issues in the conduct
  of business and of ethical *
  The syllabus will be assessed by a three-hour paperbased
  examination. The examination paper will be
  structured in two sections. Section A will be based
  on a case study style question comprising a
  compulsory 50 mark question, with requirements
  based on several parts with all parts relating to the
  same case information. The case study will usually
  assess a range of subject areas across the syllabus
  and will require the candidate to demonstrate high
  level capabilities to *uate, relate and apply the
  information in the case study to several of the
  Section B comprises three questions of 25 marks
  each, of which candidates must answer two. These
  questions will be more likely to assess a range of
  discrete subject areas from the main syllabus
  section headings, but may require application,
  *uation and the synthesis of information
  contained within short scenarios in which some
  requirements may need to be contextualised.
  ? ACCA 2014 All rights reserved.
  Study Guide
  1. The scope of governance
  a) Define and explain the meaning of corporate
  b) Explain, and analyse the issues raised by the
  development of the joint stock company as the
  dominant form of business organisation and
  the separation of ownership and control over
  business activity.[3]
  c) Analyse the purposes and objectives of
  corporate governance.[2]
  d) Explain, and apply in context of corporate
  governance, the key underpinning concepts
  of: [3]
  i) fairness
  ii) openness/transparency
  iii) innovation
  iv) scepticism
  iii) independence
  iv) probity/honesty
  v) responsibility
  vi) accountability
  vii) reputation
  ix) integrity
  e) Explain and assess the major areas of
  organisational life affected by issues in
  corporate governance.[3]
  i) duties of directors and functions of the
  board (including setting a responsible ‘tone’
  from the top and being accountable for the
  performance and impacts of the
  ii) the composition and balance of the board
  (and board committees)
  iii) relevance and reliabilityof corporate
  reporting and external auditing
  iv) directors’ remuneration and rewards
  v) responsibility of the board for risk
  management systems and internal control
  vi) the rights and responsibilities of
  shareholders, including institutional
  vii) corporate social responsibility and business
  f) Compare, and distinguish between public,
  private and non-governmental organisations
 ?。∟GO) sectors with regard to the issues raised
  by, and scope of, governance.[3]
  g) Explain and *uate the roles, interests and
  claims of, the internal parties involved in
  corporate governance.[3]
  i) Directors
  ii) Company secretaries
  iii) Sub-board management
  iv) Employee representatives (e.g. trade
  h) Explain and *uate the roles, interests and
  claims of, the external parties involved in
  corporate governance.[3]
  i) Shareholders (including shareholders’ rights
  and responsibilities)
  ii) Auditors
  iii) Regulators
  iv) Government
  v) Stock exchanges
  vi) Small investors (and minority rights)
  vii) Institutional investors (see also next point)
  i) Analyse and discuss the role and influence of
  institutional investors in corporate governance
  systems and structures, for example the
  roles and influences of pension funds,
  insurance companies and mutual funds.[2]
  2. Agency relationships and theories
  a) Define and explore agency theory.[2]
  b) Define and explain the key concepts in agency
  i) Agents
  ii) Principals
  iii) Agency
  iv) Agency costs
  v) Accountability
  vi) Fiduciary responsibilities
  vii) Stakeholders
  c) Explain and explore the nature of the principalagent
  relationship in the context of corporate
  d) Analyse and critically *uate the nature of
  agency accountability in agency relationships.[3]
  ? ACCA 2014 All rights reserved.
  e) Explain and analyse the following other
  theories used to explain aspects of the agency
  i) Transaction costs theory
  ii) Stakeholder theory
  3. The board of directors
  a) Explain and *uate the roles and
  responsibilities of boards of directors.[3]
  b) Describe, distinguish between and *uate the
  cases for and against, unitary and two-tier
  board structures.[3]
  c) Describe the characteristics, board composition
  and types of, directors (including defining
  executive and non-executive directors (NED)。[2]
  d) Describe and assess the purposes, roles and
  responsibilities of NEDs.[3]
  e) Describe and analyse the general principles of
  legal and regulatory frameworks within which
  directors operate on corporate boards:[2]
  i) legal rights and responsibilities,
  ii) time-limited appointments
  iii) retirement by rotation,
  iv) service contracts,
  v) removal,
  vi) disqualification
  vii) conflict and disclosure of interests
  viii)insider dealing/trading
  f) Define, explore and compare the roles of the
  chief executive officer and company
  g) Describe and assess the importance and
  execution of, induction and continuing
  professional development of directors on
  boards of directors.[3]
  h) Explain and analyse the frameworks for
  assessing the performance of boards and
  individual directors (including NEDs) on
  i) Explain the meanings of ‘diversity’ and
  critically *uate issues of diversity on boards
  of directors.[3]
  4. Board committees
  a) Explain and assess the importance, roles and
  accountabilities of, board committees in
  corporate governance.[3]
  b) Explain and *uate the role and purpose of
  the following committees in effective corporate
  i) Remuneration committees
  ii) Nominations committees
  iii) Risk committees.
  iv) Audit committees
  5. Directors’ remuneration
  a) Describe and assess the general principles of
  remuneration. [3]
  i) purposes
  ii) components
  iii) links to strategy
  iv) links to labour market conditions.
  b) Explain and assess the effect of various
  components of remuneration packages on
  directors’ *. [3]
  i) basic salary
  ii) performance related
  iii) shares and share options
  iv) loyalty bonuses
  v) benefits in kind
  vi) pension benefits
  c) Explain and analyse the legal, ethical,
  competitive and regulatory issues associated
  with directors’ remuneration.[3]
  6. Different approaches to corporate governance
  a) Describe and compare the essentials of ‘rules’
  and ‘principles’ based approaches to corporate
  governance. Includes discussion of ‘comply or
  b) Describe and analyse the different models of
  business ownership that influence different
  governance regimes (e.g. family firms versus
  joint stock company-based models)。[2]
  c) Describe and critically *uate the reasons
  behind the development and use of codes of
  practice in corporate governance
  ? ACCA 2014 All rights reserved.
 ?。╝cknowledging national differences and
  d) Explain and briefly explore the development of
  corporate governance codes in principles-based
  i) impetus and background
  ii) major corporate governance codes
  iii) effects of
  e) Explain and explore the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
 ?。?002) as an example of a rules-based
  approach to corporate governance.[2]
  i) impetus and background
  ii) main provisions/contents
  iii) effects of
  f) Describe and explore the objectives, content
  and limitations of, corporate governance codes
  intended to apply to multiple national
  i) Organisation for economic cooperation and
  development (OECD) Report (2004)
  ii) International corporate governance network
 ?。↖CGN) Report (2005)
  7. Corporate governance and corporate social
  a) Explain and explore social responsibility in the
  context of corporate governance.[2]
  b) Discuss and critically assess the concept of
  stakeholders and stakeholding in organisations
  and how this can affect strategy and corporate
  c) Analyse and *uate issues of ‘ownership,’
  ‘property’ and the responsibilities of ownership
  in the context of shareholding.[3]
  d) Explain the concept of the organisation as a
  corporate citizen of society with rights and
  8. Governance: reporting and disclosure
  a) Explain and assess the general principles of
  disclosure and communication with
  b) Explain and analyse ‘best practice’ corporate
  governance disclosure requirements.[2]
  c) Define and distinguish between mandatory and
  voluntary disclosure of corporate information in
  the normal reporting cycle.[2]
  d) Explain and explore the nature of, and reasons
  and motivations for, voluntary disclosure in a
  principles-based reporting environment
 ?。╟ompared to, for example, the reporting
  regime in the USA)。[3]
  e) Explain and analyse the purposes of the annual
  general meeting and extraordinary general
  meetings for information exchange between
  board and shareholders.[2]
  f) Describe and assess the role of proxy voting in
  corporate governance.[3].
  9. Public sector governance
  a) Describe, compare and contrast public sector,
  private sector, charitable status and nongovernmental
 ?。∟GO and quasi-NGOs) forms of
  organisation, including purposes and
  objectives, performance, ownership and
  stakeholders (including lobby groups)[2]
  b) Describe, compare and contrast the different
  types of public sector organisations at
  subnational, national and supranational level[2]
  c) Assess and *uate the strategic objectives,
  leadership and governance arrangements
  specific to public sector organisations as
  contrasted with private sector[3].
  d) Discuss and assess the nature of democratic
  control, political influence and policy
  implementation in public sector organisations
  including the contestable nature of public
  sector policy[3].
  1. Management control systems in corporate
  a) Define and explain internal management
  b) Explain and explore the importance of internal
  control and risk management in corporate
  ? ACCA 2014 All rights reserved.
  c) Describe the objectives of internal control
  d) Identify, explain and *uate the corporate
  governance and executive management roles in
  risk management (in particular the separation
  between responsibility for ensuring that
  adequate risk management systems are in
  place and the application of risk management
  systems and practices in the organisation)。[3]
  e) Identify and assess the importance of the
  elements or components of internal control
  2. Internal control, audit and compliance in
  corporate governance
  a) Describe the function and importance of
  internal audit.[1]
  b) Explain, and discuss the importance of, auditor
  independence in all client-auditor situations
  (including internal audit)。[3]
  c) Explain, and assess the nature and sources of
  risks to, auditor independence. Assess the
  hazard of auditor capture.[3]
  d) Explain and *uate the importance of
  compliance and the role of the internal audit
  function in internal control.[3]
  e) Explore and *uate the effectiveness of
  internal control systems.[3]
  f) Describe and analyse the work of the internal
  audit committee in overseeing the internal
  audit function.[2]
  g) Explain and explore the importance and
  characteristics of, the audit committee’s
  relationship with external auditors.[2]
  3. Internal control and reporting
  a) Describe and assess the need to report on
  internal controls to shareholders.[3]
  b) Describe the content of a report on internal
  control and audit.[2]
  c) Explain and assess how internal controls
  underpin and provide information for
  accurate financial reporting.[3]
  4. Management information in audit and internal
  a) Explain and assess the need for adequate
  information flows to management for the
  purposes of the management of internal control
  and risk.[3]
  b) Evaluate the qualities and characteristics
  of information required in internal control and
  risk management and monitoring.[3]
  1. Risk and the risk management process
  a) Define and explain risk in the context of
  corporate governance.[2]
  b) Define and describe management
  responsibilities in risk management.[2]
  c) Explain the dynamic nature of risk
  d) Explain the importance and nature of
  management responses to changing risk
  e) Explain risk appetite and how this affects risk
  2. Categories of risk
  a) Define and compare (distinguish between)
  strategic and operational risks.[2]
  b) Define and explain the sources and impacts of
  common business risks.[2]
  i) market
  ii) credit
  iii) liquidity
  iv) technological
  v) legal
  vi) health, safety and environmental
  vii) reputation
  viii)business probity
  ix) derivatives
  ? ACCA 2014 All rights reserved.
  c) Describe and *uate the nature and
  importance of business and financial risks.[3]
  d) Recognise and analyse the sector or industry
  specific nature of many business risks.[2]
  3. Identification, assessment and measurement
  of risk
  a) Identify, and assess the impact upon, the
  stakeholders involved in business risk.[3]
  b) Explain and analyse the concepts of assessing
  the severity and probability of risk events.[2]
  c) Describe and *uate a framework for board
  level consideration of risk.[3]
  d) Describe the process of and importance of,
  externally reporting on internal control and
  e) Explain the sources, and assess the importance
  of, accurate information for risk management.[3]
  f) Explain and assess the ALARP (as low as
  reasonably practicable) principle in risk
  assessment and how this relates to severity
  and probability.[3]
  g) Evaluate the difficulties of risk perception
  including the concepts of objective and
  subjective risk perception.[3]
  h) Explain and *uate the concepts of related
  and correlated risk factors.[3]
  1. Targeting and monitoring of risk
  a) Explain and assess the role of a risk manager
  in identifying and monitoring risk.[3]
  b) Explain and *uate the role of the risk
  committee in identifying and monitoring risk.[3]
  c) Describe and assess the role of internal or
  external risk auditing in monitoring risk.[3]
  2. Methods of controlling and reducing risk
  a) Explain the importance of risk awareness at all
  levels in an organisation.[2]
  b) Describe and analyse the concept of
  embedding risk in an organisation’s systems
  and procedures.[3]
  c) Describe and *uate the concept of
  embedding risk in an organisation’s culture and
  d) Explain and analyse the concepts of spreading
  and diversifying risk and when this would be
  e) Identify and assess how business organisations
  use policies and techniques to mitigate various
  types of business and financial risks.[3]
  3. Risk avoidance, retention and modelling
  a) Explain, and assess the importance of, risk
  transference, avoidance, reduction and
  b) Explain and *uate the different attitudes to
  risk and how these can affect strategy.[3]
  c) Explain and assess the necessity of incurring
  risk as part of competitively managing a
  business organisation.[3]
  d) Explain and assess attitudes towards risk and
  the ways in which risk varies in relation to the
  size, structure and development of an
  organisation [3]
  1. Ethical theories
  a) Explain and distinguish between the ethical
  theories of relativism and absolutism.[2]
  b) Explain, in an accounting and governance
  context, Kohlberg’s stages of human moral
  c) Describe and distinguish between deontological
  and teleological/consequentialist approaches to
  d) Apply commonly used ethical decision-making
  models in accounting and professional
  contexts [2]
  i) American Accounting Association model
  ii) Tucker’s 5-question model
  ? ACCA 2014 All rights reserved.
  2. Different approaches to ethics and social
  a) Describe and *uate Gray, Owen & Adams
 ?。?996) seven positions on social
  b) Describe and *uate other constructions of
  corporate and personal ethical stance:[2]
  i) short-term shareholder interests
  ii) long-term shareholder interests
  iii) multiple stakeholder obligations
  iv) shaper of society
  c) Describe and analyse the variables determining
  the cultural context of ethics and corporate
  social responsibility (CSR)。[2]
  d) Explain and *uate the concepts of 'CSR
  strategy' and 'strategic CSR' [2].
  3. Professions and the public interest
  a) Explain and explore the nature of a
  ‘profession’ and ‘professionalism’。[2]
  b) Describe and assess what is meant by ‘the
  public interest’。[2]
  c) Describe the role of, and assess the
  widespread influence of, accounting as a
  profession in the organisational context.[3]
  d) Analyse the role of accounting as a profession
  in society.[2]
  e) Recognise accounting’s role as a value-laden
  profession capable of influencing the
  distribution of power and wealth in society.[3]
  f) Describe and critically *uate issues
  surrounding accounting and acting against the
  public interest.[3]
  4. Professional practice and codes of ethics
  a) Describe and explore the areas of *
  covered by corporate codes of ethics.[3]
  b) Describe and assess the content of, and
  principles behind, professional codes
  of ethics.[3]
  c) Describe and assess the codes of ethics
  relevant to accounting professionals such as
  the IESBA (IFAC) or professional body codes.[3]
  5. Conflicts of interest and the consequences of
  unethical *
  a) Describe and *uate issues associated with
  conflicts of interest and ethical conflict
  b) Explain and *uate the nature and impacts of
  ethical threats and safeguards.[3]
  c) Explain and explore how threats to
  independence can affect ethical *.[3]
  d) Explain and explore 'bribery' and 'corruption' in
  the context of corporate governance, and
  assess how these can undermine confidence
  and trust. [3]
  e) Describe and assess best practice measures for
  reducing and combating bribery and
  corruption, and the barriers to implementing
  such measures.[3]
  6. Ethical characteristics of professionalism
  a) Explain and analyse the content and nature of
  ethical decision-making using content from
  Kohlberg’s framework as appropriate.[2]
  b) Explain and analyse issues related to the
  application of ethical * in a
  professional context.[2]
  c) Describe and discuss ‘rules based’ and
  ‘principles based’ approaches to resolving
  ethical dilemmas encountered in professional
  7. Integrated reporting and sustainability issues in
  the conduct of business
  a) Explain and assess the concept of integrated
  reporting and *uate the issues
  concerning accounting for sustainability
 ?。╥ncluding the alternative definitions of
 ?。╥) Financial
 ?。╥i) Manufactured
  ? ACCA 2014 All rights reserved.
  (iii) Intellectual
 ?。╥v) Human
  (v) Social and relationship
 ?。╲i) Natural
  b) Describe and assess the social and
  environmental impacts that economic activity
  can have (in terms of social and environmental
  ‘footprints’ and environmental reporting))。[3]
  c) Describe the main features of internal
  management systems for underpinning
  environmental and sustainability accounting
  such as EMAS and ISO 14000.[1]
  d) Explain and assess the typical content
  elements and guiding principles of an
  integrated report, and discuss
  the usefulness of this information to
  e) Explain the nature of social and environmental
  audit and *uate the contribution it can make
  to the assurance of integrated reports .[3]
  ? ACCA 2014 All rights reserved.
  ACCA annually reviews its qualification so that they fully meet the needs of stakeholders including employers,
  students, regulatory and advisory bodies and learning providers. These syllabus changes are effective from
  December 2014 and thereafter will be updated with effect from 1st September each year, from September 2015
  The changes are introduced to the syllabus to reflect the latest business and educational developments affecting
  this paper. These are summarised in the table below.
  ? ACCA 2014 All rights reserved.
  Section and subject area Syllabus content
  A1d) Addition of new (iii) and (iv) Explain, and apply in context of corporate governance,
  the key underpinning concepts
  of: [3]
  i) fairness
  ii) openness/transparency
  iii) innovation
  iv) scepticism
  iii) independence
  iv) probity/honesty
  v) responsibility
  vi) accountability
  vii) reputation
  ix) integrity
  A1e) Amended to add references to integrated
  reporting principles
  Explain and assess the major areas of organisational life
  affected by issues in corporate governance.[3]
  i) duties of directors and functions of the board
 ?。╥ncluding setting a responsible ‘tone’ from the
  top and being accountable for the performance
  and impacts of the organisation)
  ii) the composition and balance of the board
  (and board committees)
  iii) relevance and reliability of corporate reporting
  and external auditing
  iv) directors’ remuneration and rewards
  New A9 subject area added on public sector
  9. Public sector governance
  a) Describe, compare and contrast public sector,
  private sector, charitable status and nongovernmental
 ?。∟GO and quasi-NGOs) forms of
  organisation, including purposes, ownership and
  stakeholders (including lobby groups)[2]
  b) Describe, compare and contrast the different
  types of public sector organisations at
  subnational, national and supranational level[2]
  c) Assess and *uate the strategic objectives and
  governance arrangements specific to public sector
  organisations as contrasted with private sector[3].
  d) Discuss and assess the nature of democratic
  control, political influence and policy
  implementation in public sector organisations
  including the contestable nature of public sector
  Section E title amended to specifically mention social
  responsibility and to reflect greater emphasis on
  integrated reporting principles in E7 of this section
  see below:
  E2d added to cover strategic aspects of CSR d) Explain and *uate the concepts of 'CSR
  strategy' and 'strategic CSR' [2].
  Heading of E7 changed to specifically refer to
  integrated reporting
  7. Integrated reporting and sustainability issues in
  the conduct of business
  ? ACCA 2014 All rights reserved.
  Section and subject area b) Syllabus content
  E7a added to reflect integrated reporting aspects of
  c) Explain and assess the concept of integrated
  reporting and *uate the issues concerning
  accounting for sustainability (including the
  alternative definitions of capital:.[3]
  (vii) Financial
 ?。╲iii) Manufactured
 ?。╥x) Intellectual
  (x) Human
 ?。▁i) Social and relationship
 ?。▁ii) Natural
  E7b) amended to refer to impacts of an organisation b) Describe and assess the social and
  environmental impacts that economic activity can
  have (in terms of social and environmental
  ‘footprints’ and environmental reporting))。[3]
  Old E7b) Deleted b) Explain and assess the concept of sustainability
  and *uate the issues concerning
  accounting for sustainability (including the
  contribution of ‘full cost’ accounting)。[3
  New E7c) amended to include reference to
  sustainability accounting
  c) Describe the main features of internal
  management systems for underpinning
  environmental and sustainability accounting such
  as EMAS and ISO 14000.[1]
  New E7d) amended to include specific reference to
  integrated reporting
  d) Explain and assess the typical content elements
  and guiding principles of an integrated report, and
  the usefulness of this information to
  New E7e) amended to include reference to integrated
  reporting implications for audit
  e) Explain the nature of social and environmental
  audit and *uate the contribution it can make to
  the assurance of integrated reports.
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