ACCA考試科目P1(Professional Accountant)即專業(yè)會計師,有很多知識點需要大家注意!關(guān)于Report&Responsibility報告和責任,一起和高頓學姐看看吧!希望對大家的ACCA考試有所幫助!
一、Content of external report on internal controls內(nèi)控外部報告的內(nèi)容★★
1.The report should contain a statement of acknowledgement by the board that it is responsible for the company's system of internal control and for reviewing its effectiveness.報告包含董事會聲明,承認對公司內(nèi)控系統(tǒng)和有效性負責。
2.The"tone from the top"is very important in the development of my proposed reporting changes and so
this is a very necessary component of the report.上層基調(diào)對于寫報告非常重要,是報告不可缺少的一部分。
3.The report should summarize the processes the board(or where applicable,through its committees)has applied in reviewing the effectiveness of the system of internal control.報告應(yīng)該匯總了董事會的審閱意見,關(guān)于內(nèi)控系統(tǒng)的有效性。
4.The report should provide meaningful,high level information that does not give a misleading impression.Clearly,internal auditing would greatly increase the reliability of this information about arobust and effective audit committee would also be very helpful.報告應(yīng)該提供有意義的,高水準的信息,
5.The report should contain information about any weakness in internal control that have resulted in error or material losses.報告應(yīng)包含內(nèi)控缺陷的信息,這些缺陷會導致錯誤或重大損失。
二、Compulsory external reporting強制披露的外部報告★★★
以下是贊成強制披露報告的論點arguments in favour of compulsory reporting:
1.Improved confidence of shareholders提高股東信心。股東的期望是董事會能負責任地管理風險,讓風險水平不至于過高。強制披露能夠加固對信息質(zhì)量的信心。
2.Stimulus to directors刺激董事。董事知道他們將不可避免的為自己的控制不力負責,因為投資人可以讀到報告,找到關(guān)于控制薄弱的信息,(所以要盡職工作)。
3.Provide valuable information for stakeholders with power to hold directors accountable強制報告里的信息能夠給外部利益相關(guān)者,尤其是市場監(jiān)管者和機構(gòu)投資者一些有價值的信息,讓他們知道,董事要為他們的所作所為負責任的。