【ACCA Cloud】系列是ACCA學(xué)習(xí)幫2019年全新上線的學(xué)術(shù)類干貨分享,我們邀請到了專業(yè)的學(xué)術(shù)老師為大家以語音+文章形式,專項解讀各科目的重點知識點、核心概念、必考考點以及解析經(jīng)典例題。
“再小的努力,乘以365,都是巨大的飛躍!” 與大家共勉。
【ACCA Cloud】系列第一篇
In the context of the English legal system,which of the following courts ONLY has civil jurisdiction?
A Magistrates’ Court
B County Court
C High Court
解析:本題考查的是民事法庭系統(tǒng)(Civil Court),難度適中。
在英國法庭系統(tǒng)中,哪個法庭只有民事管轄權(quán)。County Court只有民事管轄權(quán),處理幾乎所有類型的民事案件。本題還需要強調(diào)Magistrates Court,治安法庭主要審理刑事案件,是刑事案件的起點,但是也有民事管轄權(quán)。主要有兩種:①Family proceedings  ②Enforcement of local authority charges and rates
關(guān)于法庭系統(tǒng)的題目,需要認(rèn)真讀題,區(qū)分清楚民事法庭系統(tǒng)(Civil Court)和刑事法庭系統(tǒng)(Criminal Court)中所有法庭各自的管轄權(quán)。
Imran claims that Zak owes him £1,000 as a result of a breach of contract. In which court will Imran start his action against Zak?
A The County Court
B The High Court
C The Magistrates’ Court
解析:本題考查的是民事案件的訴訟流程(Civil procedure),難度適中。
Imran聲稱Zak因違反合同而欠他£1,000。問Imran將在哪個法庭對Zak提起訴訟。本案涉及的金額是 £1,000,低于£10,000,所以是Small claims track,在County Court審理。
民事案件的訴訟流程(Civil procedure)分為三類:
a. 涉案金額低于£10,000的,為Small claims track,在County Court審理;
b. 涉案金額在£10,000到£25,000之間的,為Fast track,在County Court審理;
c. 涉案金額高于£25,000的,為Multi-track,在High Court審理。
再對比一下刑事案件的訴訟流程(Criminal produce):
a. Summary offences,輕微犯罪,在Magistrates’ Court審理;
b. Indictable offences,嚴(yán)重犯罪,在Crown Court審理;
c. Triable either way,這種類型的犯罪的審判法庭,被告可以在Magistrates’ Court和Crown Court之間選擇。
Dan has been accused of a criminal offence and is due to be tried soon.He denies responsibility,claiming that the prosecution has no evidence that he committed the offence in question.
Which of the following describes the standard of proof in a criminal case?
A On the balance of probability
B On the balance of certainty
C Beyond reasonable doubt
D Beyond evident doubt
解析:本題考查的是刑事案件的舉證標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(standard of proof),難度適中。
Dan被指控為刑事犯罪,并且即將被審判。但是他推卸責(zé)任,聲稱prosecution沒有證據(jù)證明他的罪行。問刑事案件的舉證標(biāo)準(zhǔn)是什么。刑事案件的舉證標(biāo)準(zhǔn)為Beyond reasonable doubt,排除合理懷疑。選C。
A選項,Balance of probability,是民事案件的舉證標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。B,D選項,沒有這種說法。
另外需要強調(diào)的是,能夠區(qū)分Burden of proof 和 Standare of proof.Burden of proof是舉證責(zé)任,問的是舉證責(zé)任在誰身上。一般的原則是誰主張誰舉證,即原告舉證。民事案件中是Claimant舉證,刑事案件中是Prosecution舉證。
(1) In the context of case law,which of the following applies to an obiter dictum?
A It is not binding outside the court it was issued in
B It is binding on all lower courts
C It is binding on all future courts
D It is not binding on any courts
(2) In the context of the English legal system,which of the following defines the ratio decidendi of a judgement?
A The decision in a previous case
B The facts of the case
C The future application of the case
D The legal reason for deciding the case
解析:本題考查的是遵循先例原則(Doctrine of precedent),難度適中。
先例的內(nèi)容分為兩部分:Ratio Decidendi和Obiter Dicta。Obiter Dicta是statements made by the way,法官對于案件的附帶說明,本身并沒有法律約束力。后面的法官可以參考,不需要遵循。Ratio Decidendi是the reason for the decision,判決理由,說明是如何按照法律原則來判決的,具有法律約束力。
遵循先例原則里面的這兩個拉丁文-Ratio Decidendi和Obiter Dicta是非常重要的考點,需要準(zhǔn)確記憶??碱}經(jīng)常會把兩者放在一起進(jìn)行區(qū)分對比。