
  Question 1:‘Teeming and lading’is used to describe which of the following:
  A Where money flows are so substantial that diversion of large sums can go unnoticed
  B A fraud where purchase ledger payments are misdirected to overseas accounts
  C A personal expenses fraud involving fictitious expense vouchers
  D A fraud where receipts from customers are misappropriated
 ?。}目摘自Kaplan練習(xí)冊paper F1)
  這道題看似清新脫俗,實則暗藏殺機?題目中問下列哪個是Teeming and lading,那我們首先來回顧一下啥是Teeming and lading:
  Basically,teeming and lading is the theft of cash or cheque receipts.Setting subsequent receipts,not necessarily from the same customer,against the outstanding debt conceals the theft.
  Teeming and lading挪用現(xiàn)金,截留移用,也就是拆了東墻補西墻,先把眼前這筆錢偷走,然后用后面的賬把這個窟窿補上,一次又一次的補窟窿,從而吞掉眼前那筆錢。了解概念以后,是不是躍躍欲試呢,那我們再次回歸這道題當中~
  A選項,資金流動如此之大以至于大筆資金的轉(zhuǎn)移可能被忽視。這話聽起來還真有點懵呢,好像很有道理的樣子,果真如此嗎,可不要忘記我們的題目中teeming and lading的概念,這里的A選項并沒有提到把其他地方的錢補在另一個地方,所以不要被迷惑哦~

  讓我們再來看看另外一道經(jīng)典題,聽說有很多同學(xué)區(qū)分不清楚Maier’s three approaches,不要急,老師這就來為你撥開云霧,一起來看看吧~
  Question 2:In an appraisal interview,the manager tells the subordinate how he has been assessed–good and bad–and then gives him a chance to put questions,suggest improvement targets,explain shortcomings and identify problems.Using Maier's classification,what is the name given to this approach to appraisal interviewing?
  A Tell and sell B Tell and listen
  C Problem solving D Sell and listen
 ?。}目摘自Bpp練習(xí)冊paper F1)  正確答案:B
  A選項,Tell and sell:The manager tells the subordinate how she/he been assessed,and then tries to‘sell’the *uation and the improvement plan.這個方法的意思是,首先經(jīng)理要告訴下屬他被評估的一些情況,然后經(jīng)理盡力去“賣”自己的觀點以及一些提升計劃等,總之所有的主動權(quán)都保持在經(jīng)理的手中,那么跟題中的意思是不符合的,所以A排除。
  B選項,Tell and listen:The manager tells the subordinate how she/he has been assessed,and then invites the appraisee to respond.The manager therefore no longer dominates the interview throughout,and there is greater opportunity for coaching or counselling as opposed to pure direction.這個方法的意思是經(jīng)理先告訴下屬他被評估的情況,然后經(jīng)理邀請被評估者去回應(yīng)這個評估,也就是經(jīng)理不再是這場評估的主導(dǎo)者,而是給了下屬更多的機會參與其中,再回到題目中,題目中的經(jīng)理也是給了員工一個機會去提出問題,談些自己的想法,所以這是一個先有tell,再有sell的過程,因此B選項符合題意。
  C選項,Problem solving:The manager abandons the role of critic altogether,and becomes a coach and helper.The employee is encouraged to think solutions through,and to commit to the recognized need for personal management.這個方法的意思是經(jīng)理放棄批評者的角色,成為教練和幫助者,雇員被鼓勵自己思考解決問題的方式,所以相比于前兩種方法,這種方式少了tell的過程,更多的是雇員自己的思考。但是也不符合題意,因為題目中是有經(jīng)理tell的過程,所以排除C。
  D選項,干擾項,Maier’s three approaches指的只有前三個哦。